on the screen,

The screen kept shaking, and I could barely see the playground.

"So unprofessional?" Zhang Xinyao frowned slightly.

At this time, two giant machines appeared in the picture.

The reporter's voice-over also sounded at the same time.

"Audience friends, due to the hasty startup, the live broadcast screen is not stable, please bear with me."

"Now, a reporter from Mohai TV will bring you the first-line live broadcast of the martial arts conference."

"What appears on the screen at the moment is the tester that will be used in the conference later."

"I believe that you have rarely seen such a huge tester."

The female reporter slowly walked into the screen, pointed at the two testers, and said excitedly:

"Because, they are special testers for seventh-order grandmasters!"

"Audience friends, the sixth-order testers were used in previous martial arts conferences."

"And this year, the Beijing Martial Arts Association specially moved a seventh-order tester!"

The female reporter raised her voice and looked excited.

"Today, perhaps we will witness a historic moment!"

in front of the TV,

The corners of Zhang Xinyao's eyes were bent, and she smiled proudly.

"Of course, because my brother is here!"

Zhang Xinyao is not the only one who pays attention to the live broadcast.

In a corner of Linxi City, in an ordinary residential house.

"Xiaoru, Li Qingshan really participated in this year's martial arts conference?"

When asked by my uncle,

Ji Tingru just nodded, her eyes never leaving the TV screen.

She is waiting for that person to appear!


Li Qingshan's head teacher, age director and Wu Zhenrui,

They are also gathered in the Budokan office.

Looking at the small TV screen, Wu Zhenrui's eyes were wet.

"Finally, Li Qingshan has finally reached the Martial Arts Conference!"

Cockscomb Mountain, Back Mountain.

Xu Chengwang sat cross-legged in front of the space passage, looking in the direction of East Beijing City.

With blessing and hope in his eyes.

Qianshan, the new site of the Wuxie Association.

in the hall,

Xin Caishan is still half lying on the front desk,

However, her gaze was not in the direction of the gate, but at the huge screen on the side of the hall.

The screen is no longer a piece of mission information, but changed to the live broadcast of the martial arts conference.

under the screen,

A warrior sat on the ground, looking at the screen, eagerly waiting.

In previous years, they could only watch the fun.

But today,

They have reason to look forward.


Their heroes of Linxi City will also play!

Bincheng, Wushu Association.

The screen in the lobby also became a live screen.

Zhu Yuande, Jiang Chengzhou and even a group of martial arts practitioners gathered here.

Everyone was breathing heavily, with suppressed joy on their faces, holding back their excitement.

They are all waiting,

Waiting for the moment when Li Qingshan won the championship, then cheered.

As for whether Li Qingshan can win the championship?

No one doubts this.

In the deep valley of the Wushu Association,

"I really want to watch the live broadcast!"

Jiang Yunxiu smiled and looked at the direction of the main building.

The other three vice presidents also laughed.

They have the same idea,

However, none of them can go.

Since the Jingshan Hou retreat,

The space channel has changed several times.

But luckily, there were no eighth-order monsters.

But no one dared to take it lightly,

I don't even dare to gamble on the safety of Bincheng!


Xin Menghan walked towards the platform with a smile and raised his right hand.

Jiang Yunxiu and the three vice presidents' eyes suddenly lit up.

Because what Xin Menghan holds in his hand,

is a tablet.

on the computer screen,

Two testers have been set up,

Jiang Yunxiu and the three vice presidents looked at each other and smiled.

They knew that this was for Li Qingshan.

at this time,

The screen suddenly shakes,


The sound of a huge propeller came out.

After a while

The screen shaking stopped.

I saw a large helicopter hanging a XNUMX-meter-high giant screen,

Slowly landed behind the playground platform.

A large number of martial artist staff quickly went to meet and install the giant screen.

"This is?"

Jiang Yunxiu looked at each other, puzzled.

They did not miss the annual martial arts conference.

But this giant screen is the first time I have seen it.

There are also female reporters at the scene who are equally stunned.

She hurried forward, grabbed a staff member, and asked.

The staff was about to install it, but after being held back, they looked impatient.

But after seeing the camera, I still explained something.

"The giant screen is used for real-time ranking."

"The background will integrate every performance of the candidates and rank them in real time."

The staff left in a hurry,

The female reporter's eyes lit up, she turned to point to the giant screen, and said excitedly:

"Audience friends, have you heard it?"

"On that, all the candidates' rankings will appear!"

She raised her fingers high and pointed to the top of the giant screen.

"Let's look forward to the name of the summit together!"

The live broadcast was staged all over the Dragon Kingdom.

this moment,

The eyes of the entire Dragon Kingdom were focused on that giant screen.

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