"Okay!" Li Qingshan nodded, turned and walked into the store.

There were no customers in the store, Zhang Xinyao quickly followed the salesperson to the fitting room.

Li Qingshan sat at the counter, looked at the bored cashier, and said casually:

"The supercar at the door is parked there, does it affect your business?"

"Who said no?"

Seeing that the handsome guy was willing to chat, the cashier immediately started talking.

"That car blocked our door yesterday."

"Our little boss went up and said a few words, but the other party just threw the car there, and even said he had the guts to hit it."

The cashier was indignant and obviously disliked the arrogance of the owner of the supercar.

"With the temper of your little boss, you shouldn't be able to bear it, right?"

Li Qingshan's mouth curled into a smile.

"Yes, but the other side"

The cashier covered his mouth in surprise and glared at Li Qingshan.

"You know our little boss?"

At this time, the store door was pushed open.

A burly figure walked in.

"Brother Shan! Why are you here?"

"Little boss?" the cashier exclaimed.

Li Qingshan turned around with a smile and looked at the person coming.

"Fatty, I haven't seen you for more than a month, and you've gained weight again."

It was Wei Hao who came.

"It's been a bit overdone recently."

Wei Hao scratched his head embarrassedly, and then his chest was raised.

"But my body is not white, I'm already a martial artist apprentice."

"Not bad!"

Li Qingshan got up and patted Wei Hao on the shoulder.

At this time, Zhang Xinyao, who had changed her clothes, jumped out and came out.

"Brother, do you think it looks good?"

"It's beautiful, just this one!"

Seeing the happy appearance of my sister,

Li Qingshan already knew the answer, finally heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately took out his mobile phone.

However, Wei Hao grabbed his arm.

"Brother Shan, this is my shop."

"You want to pay, aren't you hitting me in the face?"

"It's not the same, this is my New Year's gift to her."

Li Qingshan shook his head and scanned the code to pay according to the price tag.

Seeing Wei Hao's depressed appearance, he chuckled lightly:

"Don't worry, you are bleeding, please invite me to lunch!"

"no problem!"

Wei Hao was happy again, his chest thumping loudly.

Half an hour later, the three walked out of the store.

Zhang Xinyao was relaxed, Li Qingshan carried a bag,

Wei Hao was covered with bags.

In his words, Li Qingshan's younger sister is her own sister, so she can't be stingy.

There is still a crowd outside the door, obviously the top supercar is very eye-catching.

Wei Hao paused, then forced a smile:

"Brother Shan, I know there is a seafood restaurant nearby. I'll take you there."

"No, take me to your house for dinner!"

Li Qingshan didn't say a word, he rushed to break up the crowd and walked towards the black off-road vehicle.

Outside the store just now, he had already recognized Wei Hao's license plate.

out the door,

Wei Hao's face became more and more unnatural.

Li Qingshan gently shook his head and patted his shoulder hard.

"Don't bear it anymore, I'm here."

"Okay!" Wei Hao turned red and opened the car door.

Immediately, the eyes of the people around him came over.

"Look, the owner of the off-road vehicle is here!"

"Why did he get in the car?"

"Could it be that he is going to knock the supercar away?"

"No way! This supercar costs tens of millions!"


The roar of the engine instantly scared everyone away.

in the car,

Li Qingshan sat in the co-pilot and turned to look at his sister.

"Sit tight, I'll take you on a bumper car ride today!"


Zhang Xinyao's cheeks were flushed and she was very excited.

Why didn't you find out that this girl has a violent factor before?

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, looked away, and patted Wei Hao on the shoulder.

"Bump! I'm here for everything!"

The calm words instantly filled Wei Hao with power.

four years ago,

A group of bullies who bullied him squatted on the ground, with Brother Shan standing beside him.

More than two months ago,

The monster was lying on the ground, and Brother Shan was standing beside him.

right now,

Brother Shan is also by his side!

"With Brother Shan here, I'm afraid of Mao!"

Wei Hao let out a roar and stepped on it with his right foot.

hum! ! !factory.

Chapter XNUMX Crush!

The engine roared wildly and was deafening.


The four tires of the off-road vehicle were spinning wildly, and billowing white smoke came out.

"It's about to hit! It's really about to hit!"

The melon-eating crowd suddenly became excited and couldn't take their eyes off it.

Under the spotlight,

The off-road vehicle rushed out like a wild horse.


There was a loud noise,

The supercar suddenly moved out more than a meter, and the side was sunken.


The surrounding people are also cheering for the off-road vehicle's "live up to expectations".

"Wait, why did he go back?"

"He's still hitting?"


When the melon eaters haven't reacted,

The roar of the engine had sounded again.

This time, there is more acceleration distance.

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