Even if he was asked to give the entire Lin Hui Group, he would not hesitate.

Money can be earned again, but only one life!

Seeing Chen Hongwen's appearance, Li Qingshan instantly understood what he was thinking, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

He did intend to teach them a lesson, but he would not kill anyone easily.

"Uncle, take it!"

"If you make a mistake, you should be punished."

"Otherwise, after this Chen Dong goes back, I'm afraid he won't be able to sleep."

"Is that so?"

Zhang Shi opened his mouth in doubt, looked at Chen Hongwen and the others' attentive eyes, and finally nodded.


Chen Hongwen exhaled heavily.

At this moment, everyone's heart fell to the ground.

"That, Director Chen, can I trouble you one more thing?"

Zhang Shi spoke again, Chen Hongwen's heart immediately lifted, and he said quickly:

"As you tell me, I will do it."

"Uh, that's not what I meant, I just wanted to ask the neighbors who moved out, has the location of the resettlement house been decided?"

Zhang Shi and the neighbors who have been around for many years are naturally a little reluctant.

"The resettlement house? No problem, it's in the community next door."

Chen Hongwen raised his hand and pointed towards the commercial street.

There is one of his commercial housing estates,

But from now on, there will be resettlement houses!

Now, Zhang Shi is finally fine.

Chen Hongwen finally breathed a sigh of relief and bowed to Li Qingshan with everyone:

"Mr. Li, I've been offended this time."

Li Qingshan shook his head lightly and said lightly:

"Director Chen, I hope your group will do things more comprehensively in the future."

Chen Hongwen was completely relieved.

He knew that this time it was over.

"Follow the teachings, be sure to follow the teachings!"

After the solemn promise, Chen Hongwen took his men and quickly evacuated

in a blink,

Outside the courtyard, only the Li Qingshan brothers and sisters and Zhang Shi's family were left.

"Qingshan, thank you!"

Zhang Shi's eyes were red, and he tightly grasped Li Qingshan's hands.

He is not only grateful, but also guilty.

Zhang Xinyao's father died, and he should have raised Li Qingshan.

As a result, Li Qingshan not only took the initiative to raise Zhang Xinyao.

He is now helping him keep his home.

"Uncle, this is what I should do."

Li Qingshan patted the back of Zhang Shi's hand.

At the beginning, when Master was ill, my uncle's family not only took out all the savings, but even took the initiative to borrow a lot of money.

In the past two years, Li Qingshan has paid off all his debts.

Only Zhang Shi refused to accept a penny.

"We are relatives!"

Li Qingshan comforted him warmly, and took Zhang Xinyao to leave.

In the pitted alleys,

Two figures, one big and one small, gradually disappeared.

"Brother, where are we going?"

"Take you to the mall!".

Chapter XNUMX With Brother Shan, I'm afraid of Mao!

On the first day of the new year, people come and go in the commercial street.

Li Qingshan took his sister to the most prosperous area.

"Brother, the things here are too expensive."

Zhang Xinyao looked around quietly and muttered in a low voice.

The shop signs on both sides of the surroundings were all shining brightly, making her whole person restrained.

Li Qingshan also came here for the first time.

But he didn't feel uncomfortable, just looked at the shop window curiously.

"have you been here?"

"No, I just heard what my classmate said."

Zhang Xinyao smiled embarrassedly.

Li Qingshan took his sister's hand and said warmly:

"The clothes here are pretty good, just buy them here!"

He is not short of money now,

I don't want my sister to "hear" from other people's mouths.

The warmth in her hands made Zhang Xinyao relax and showed a cheerful smile.

"it is good!"


Zhang Xinyao let go of the restraints completely, and went shopping one by one.

But after shopping for an hour, she still didn't like anything she liked.

"Cough, don't worry about the price, I can afford your brother!"

This is the third time Li Qingshan has spoken.

It's not that he wants to show off his wealth,

Instead, facing the changes of those salespersons from being attentive to showing disappointment time and time again,

Made him feel bad.

In just an hour,

Li Qingshan seems to have returned to the eve of New Year's Eve, when he was alone in the face of the beast tide.

No, not a level at all.

Shopping is more tiring than killing monsters!

"Brother~!" Zhang Xinyao dragged her brother's hand and said coquettishly:

"I really didn't see a favorite!"

"Go, go, go!"

Li Qingshan nodded helplessly.

"Hey, what are they looking at?"

The crowd in front of them quickly attracted Zhang Xinyao's attention.

Li Qingshan followed his sister and squeezed into the crowd.

Two cars appeared in front of them.

A powerful black off-road vehicle is parked in the only parking space in front of the store.

But it wasn't it that drew the crowd, it was another cool sports car.

The sports car ran directly on the sidewalk, blocking the exit of the off-road vehicle.

There was no one in the two cars, and the surrounding crowd discussed recklessly.

"Is this the latest version of Feilong?"

"There are people in our Linxi City who buy this top supercar?"

"Where is Linxi City? Didn't you see the license plate?"

"Yes, at the beginning of Lin A, this supercar came from Bincheng, the provincial capital."

"By the way, did he stop like this on purpose?"

"Hey, let's not inquire about this kind of rich second-generation thing."

Li Qingshan glanced at the license plate of the off-road vehicle, and his eyes moved slightly.

Zhang Xinyao didn't care much about the car, but the clothes in the shop window behind her attracted her.

"Brother, that dress is so beautiful, let's go take a look."

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