The power of off-road vehicles is even more amazing,


The supercar was hit and turned XNUMX degrees and stopped vertically in front of the car.


Zhang Xinyao cheered excitedly,

"You like playing bumper cars so much?"

Li Qingshan laughed and shook his head, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Then I'll take you on another roller coaster ride."

On the side, Wei Hao laughed at the same time, understood and stepped on the accelerator.

The sound of the engine sounded again, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

This time, though, the engine sound isn't manic.

The starting speed of the vehicle is also not fast.

"He's going away?"

The masses were still unfulfilled, with regrets on their faces.

"Wait, no, why didn't he give directions?"

"What direction is he going, he is going to press over the top of the supercar!"

As soon as this word comes out,

The people around were excited again, and their eyes were locked tightly in front of them.

Off-road vehicles have come to the supercar tail,

The two huge front wheels climbed onto the rear of the car effortlessly and rolled down.


The supercar let out an overwhelmed wailing, and the entire tail continued to dent.


The roar of the engine,

The huge wheel does not stop, pressing over the roof.

Bang bang bang!

The door frames twisted and all the windows cracked in an instant.

at this time,

The sound of the engine suddenly disappeared, and the entire off-road vehicle "parked" on the supercar.

"What's the matter? Don't you press it?"

Everyone was stunned, including Wei Hao and Zhang Xinyao.

Li Qingshan retracted his hand from the start button, lay back on the seat, and closed his eyes.

"Wait a minute, people!"

The crash was to make Wei Hao vent his anger.

But this is just the beginning.

The owner of the supercar has not yet appeared, and the matter is far from over.

"Brother Shan!"

Wei Hao looked excited and said:

"The other party is the provincial capital Xingyi Group"

"Stop talking!"

Li Qingshan interrupted with a wave of his hand and tapped Wei Hao on the shoulder.

"It doesn't matter who the other party is."

"The important thing is that you, Wei Hao, are my Li Qingshan's friend!"

at Blue Star,

Whether it is the former Linhui Group or the Xingyi Group in Wei Hao's mouth,

They are all just local group companies, and they can't be on the table at all.

The strongest in every place is always the local warrior association.

Of course, the chain of martial arts malls is not included.

However, the four major martial artist shopping malls cannot be regarded as merchant forces.

That's the gate valve!

"Brother Shan, thank you!"

Wei Hao took a deep breath and calmed down.

The breath that had been smothered in his heart finally came out.

As for the other party's revenge, he really wasn't worried at all.

Because Li Qingshan is by his side!

Wei Hao didn't know Li Qingshan's feat of blocking the beast tide alone.

But he believed every word Li Qingshan said!

The two cars are stacked on the side of the commercial street,

It's more than just eye-catching.

If it is said that the eye-catching degree of the cool supercar just now is first-class,

The black off-road that is now on top of the supercar is the real top!

Countless crowds watched from afar,

In the blink of an eye, there were several circles of human walls around.

"This is Feilong's latest supercar!"

"Yes, tens of millions of top supercars are gone."

"It's too violent!"

"Hey, are you still in the mood to care about the car?"

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you see where the off-road vehicle was waiting?"

"They are waiting for the supercar owner?"

"Nonsense, just wait and see, the duel between the rich second generation is about to begin."

When the people who are eating melons are chatting with gusto,

A roar suddenly came from behind the crowd.

"Wei Hao, you are courting death!"

"I'm coming!"

Everyone was excited and looked back.

However, the person who spoke up was not standing behind them.

Only those with excellent eyesight can barely see,

At the end of the road, a figure was running towards this side at an extremely fast speed.

Every step is five or six meters away.

Many passers-by have been knocked down by the gust of wind that passed by.

At this time,

The passenger window of the off-road vehicle slowly lowered.

But no one cares about it anymore.

Everyone looked at the person coming from a distance and screamed.

"It's a warrior!"

"Get out of the way!"

"Be careful, don't get hit by him."

warriors collide,

For the rioting crowd, it is no less than a runaway vehicle.

For a while, the melon eaters panicked.



the voice came,

Everyone is stunned

Because the figure that was about to approach just now flew back at a faster speed.

"what happened?"

"How did he fly back?"

"Did any other warriors take action?"

"Impossible? I've been staring at it, but I haven't seen anything!"

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