Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 410 Lu Chen's H1ymoon, Ancient Ruins

Time flies, and white horses pass by.

"It has to be Qingqing."

the next day.

Lu Jingzhe's red lips lightly opened, and he said with a smile, placing his long, slender, suet-like legs on Lu Chen's legs.

Lu Jingzhe held Lu Chen's arm, his voice was soft, and his eyes looked at Lu Chen with infinite tenderness.

"Husband, come here too."

Xiao Hongyu said quietly: "Qingqing, I'm afraid it will take a long time to take this photo. 99

A few days ago, Lu Chen took everyone to observe the black hole from a distance, and was shocked by the mystery and oppression of the black hole.

Lu Chen looked at the six wives with some malicious intent.

Lu Chen looked at his six wives with a smile: "Come on, fly to the middle."

It is located in the southwest of the Tianhe Star Region, under a bright nebula.

"Everyone is here."

"Sister Xinran, come here quickly."

Lu Jingzhe and Liu Xinran pursed their lips and smiled.

"Vivi what are you doing?"

Lu Chen took out his phone: "Yes, come on."

In the lounge, Su Xuerou, Nalan Qingqing and Lu Jingzhe were playing cards.

Su Xuewei looked up, her pretty face was brightly illuminated by the colorful nebula~ and beautiful.

Lu Chen pursed his lips and glanced: "Okay.""

This trick was taught to her by Xiao Hongyu, but Su Xuewei didn't know whether it would work well or not.


Su Xuewei's fair and pink cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were slightly blurred.

3 people dealt with me one, and exchanged them with open cards, and the three of them directly drew cards from me if they lacked, so they couldn't be provoked.

Although everyone is still several light-years away from this nebula called the Tianhe Cloud Cluster, they can still feel the magic and stalwart of the creation of the universe.

"How are you, husband?"

Lu Chen hasn't gone anywhere these days, and has been traveling with them all the time. It's not too happy for the 6 of them.

After his honeymoon trip, Lu Chen walked out of the Palace of the Emperor.

A full-body golden-red battleship slowly sailed into the Human Sovereign Realm.

After a while.

15 days passed in a blink of an eye.

"You are not allowed to look, hurry up and change your clothes.

Inside the battleship's bedroom.

Liu Xinran put down the phone: "Come on, come on. 99

Lu Chen coughed and looked at everyone.

However, as soon as I finished speaking, I regretted it.

"I have.""

On the side, Nalan Qingqing, who is as light as a fairy with a ponytail, said with a smile: "Husband, come and take a picture of us.

"Husband, are you taking pictures of us?

....... Flowers 0・・

Lu Chen's honeymoon is over.

"it is good."

The battleship is called the Emperor, with a fastest speed of 500 times the speed of light, and can perform space jumps.

However, Lu Chen found that everyone gave up the C position to Lu Jingzhe.

"Ah no, husband, you are partial."

Lu Chen frowned and quickly understood.

Liu Xinran leaned into Lu Chen's ear and said, "Husband, you should accept Wentinas too.

Lu Chen got up and pointed out the window: "It's okay, you stand in line, look at the starry sky outside, and enjoy the scenery."

Beside her, Xiao Hongyu, who was wearing a red cheongsam and pulling her hair up, shook her head again and again.

Su Xuewei rested her small head on Lu Chen's generous chest, and then Su Xuewei kissed Lu Chen's lower abdomen.

Su Xuerou suddenly screamed.

Su Xuewei also understands Lu Chen very well.

20 minutes later.

"I'm coming again? I won't come, I won't come."

"No, I'm so shy.

Lu Chen pulled away reluctantly with a gentle voice: "Weiwei, here we are. 99

Lu Chen glanced at the three of them helplessly, and the card was played.

Xiao Hongyu turned her head away in embarrassment.

Nalan Qingqing also smiled and said: "Yes, this is not fair.

With this battleship, the universe can basically go.

Su Xuewei blushed: "Oh, just leave it alone.

Lu Chen exclaimed, but it didn't matter.

"I'm not lucky, I always draw landlords."

Su Xuewei was also neatly dressed, but kept her legs tucked.

Su Xuewei glared at Lu Chen.

And today, it came to this famous Tianhe cloud group.

"I'll help you fuck them."

After the photo was taken, Lu Chen looked at the huge colorful nebula: "It's a pity not to come to such a beautiful place."5

Lu Chen smiled and nodded and handed the camera to Vintinas.

Liu Xinran, who was wearing a short black skirt, was also shocked.

The twins and Nalan Qingqing looked back at Xiao Hongyu at the same time.

Wentinas was a little embarrassed: "No need. 35

"Hey, come here.

the next day.

"Husband, let Wentinas come too."

"Oh don't look at it.

When Lu Jingzhe raised his eyebrows, he immediately understood what Lu Chen wanted to do.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

The two are of the same age and have a lot of grace for each other, and they can talk a bit better. The twins are similar to Nalan Qingqing's age, and Su Xuerou's personality is similar to Nalan Qingqing.


Lu Chen laughed.

Lu Chen saw Su Xuewei lying flat on the bed, her fair legs stretched straight up, and even her buttocks were taken to the air.

"I remembered that there was a TV series called Shen Ding Ji a long time ago. 99

After he finished speaking, he put his legs together subconsciously.

Lu Jingzhe's long ink-splashed hair was draped behind him, and her beautiful face was filled with a touch of charm and a thrill that belonged only to Lu Jingzhe.

Lu Jingzhe glanced at Lu Chen resentfully: "Well, it's very long.

Nalan Qingqing beckoned, and her pretty face was full of happiness and joy.

After that, I looked at the dying star, and also saw the dazzling galaxy.

Lu Jingzhe glanced at the card in his hand: "I have it, here it is. 35

Soon, 6 people stood together.

Lu Chen nodded, kissed the three of them respectively, and then said, "Jing Zhe, you are not good at playing cards. Bai has been learning from Mom for so long.

Su Xuerou looked at Liu Xinran who was taking pictures of Lu Chen and said with a smile.

Nalan Qingqing was even more puzzled: "Is it a long exposure?

Nalan Qingqing said blankly.

Lu Chen patted Liu Xinran's buttocks: "Go, I'm measured."

"Good guy."

Since Lu Chen married Lu Jingzhe, the twins, Nalan Qingqing, Liu Xinran and Xiao Hongyu 9 days ago, Lu Chen has been traveling with several wives for their honeymoon for the past 9 days.

Nalan Qingqing directly chatted with Su Xuerou and Lu Jingzhe.

Su Xuerou didn't care, and after giving the card, she looked at Lu Chen with a smile: "Husband, it's your turn to leave.

"That's fine, one for each.""

Soon Lu Chen got dressed.

Lu Chen's face was covered with notes, and when he saw Su Xuerou's little hands frantically handing out cards under the table, he smiled very clearly.

Su Xuerou's little face was stuck with 2 notes.

Lu Chen smiled and cleared the siege: "Come on, let's go inside the nebula. 99

It is worth mentioning that this battleship is of the Star Domain class, and it was the wedding gift that Lu Tianhe and Han Yue gave to Lu Jingzhe.

Xiao Hongyu and Liu Xinran looked puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Then, the battleship Human Emperor took off, and this time Lu Chen's purpose was the ancient ruins located 250,000 light-years away from the main star of Tianhe! IX.

After he finished speaking, he said: "You give me 6.""

Wentinas blushed, but in the end he did not refuse.

"I'm missing 2, who has 2."

Nalan Qingqing and Su Xuerou said while pulling Wentinas's arm.

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