Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 411 The Ancient Sage of Dragon and Phoenix A Million Years Ago, Time Shackles

Since Lu Chen was looking for the blood of the ancient sage, this task automatically fell on Lu Tianhe.

After much searching by Lu Tianhe, he finally found an ancient ruins.

The so-called ancient ruins, as the name suggests, are the places where some starry sky ancients lived.

According to what Lu Tianhe said, those larger ancient clans in the starry sky all have ancient sages.

Among them, the blood of the ancient saints may not be absent.

Inside the battleship Human Emperor.

"Master, the coordinates have been set.

Wentinas, who was wearing a long blue dress, had a soft voice.

Lu Chen sat on the spacious and soft sofa and nodded.

Compared with the Aurora, the facilities in the Renhuang are more luxurious and high-tech.

The advanced artificial intelligence attached to it can fully cope with the various situations faced by the Emperor, and now Vintinas does not need to play the role of "May 10" as a controller, and only needs to stare at it from time to time.

In the deep and dark universe, the golden-red Human Emperor was flying at super-light speed like a giant dragon.

And this time, on the other side of the universe.


Lu Tianhe's whole body was surging with silver light, which instantly spanned thousands of light-years.

When it appeared, it had already come to a void with an area of ​​millions of light-years.

In the distance, an old man in a black and white robe was suspended in space like a meteorite.

Compared with the icy darkness around him, the old man looked quite lonely.


The old man in black and white robe turned his back to Lu Tianhe, his voice was hollow with a long and mysterious aura.

Lu Tianhe glanced at the old man with a complicated expression, with respect and emotion in his eyes.

The old man in front of him is the Ancient Sage Dragon Phoenix.

It is an elder of the ancient dragon and phoenix clan, and it has fallen for 1.21 million years!


Lu Tianhe sighed, at this time the body of the black and white robe old man had turned around.

His eyes are slightly closed, his hair is white, and his beard and eyebrows are black.

Although the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Sage has fallen for more than a million years, his body is still intact.

At this moment, a hoarse and hollow voice came from the body of the fallen Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Sage.

"Are the descendants of the Primordial Dragon and Phoenix Clan still alive?"

"Before, before the senior fell, he put his own time law power and time memory fragments into the present millions of years later, and really affected a trace of the future timeline."5

Lu Tianhe said solemnly, "This kind of handwriting is admired by the younger generation!"

After finding out the identity of the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Sage from Lu Tianhe, he found the relevant records of the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Sage in Haoyang Great Realm.

This is the last Ancient Sage of the Taikoo Dragon and Phoenix Clan.

For the reproduction of the ethnic group, and for the future of the universe, it has calculated for 500,000 years.

Finally, when it fell, it successfully fluctuated the future timeline millions of years later.

And the reason why the Nine Infant Empress was able to come to Earth was because of the influence of the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Sage.

Although the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Sage is an ancient sage powerhouse, he has already stood at the peak of this universe.

But being able to influence the future millions of years after his death shocked Lu Tianhe.

The law of time is the most powerful and top-level law in this universe.

Lu Tianhe, as a top-level star demon, the semi-sage also mastered part of the law of time.

He can do a brief stagnation of time around him, or he can make the target age regress to childhood.

But in terms of affecting the timeline in a million years, Lu Tianhe is still far from it.

However, Lu Tianhe also had doubts.

On the one hand, Lu Tianhe didn't know why the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Sage did this.

Is it to save the ancient dragon and phoenix family? Or save the universe?

Either way, what does this have to do with him?

And another question, why does it have to be a million years from now?

The corpse of the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Sage is still floating quietly in this universe, like a small meteorite.

"Although I don't know who you are, according to the time and space chessboard, you should have a great connection with the descendants of our tribe."

"And you should have been of great help to the descendants of our clan, you may have come here, and you may already have the strength of a semi-holy.

These words were all speculated by the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Sage millions of years ago based on the laws of time and space under his control.

Lu Tianhe didn't interrupt, just quietly watched the star power who had fallen for millions of years.

"Can you bring that descendant to show me?"

Hearing this, Lu Tianhe understood.

Although the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Sage can affect the time line in a million years, he can only speculate about what happened, but he cannot see it intuitively.

Lu Tianhe did not answer the question of the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Sage, but instead asked: "Senior, how did you do it?

He really wanted to know how the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient Sage affected the timeline of a million years from now...

Furthermore, I also want to determine whether the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Sage really has no malicious intentions.

Although it is only a corpse, and this dead person has passed his old age.

But the ability to affect the timeline, even the slightest, has the potential to make a huge difference to the present.

If the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Sage still has a way to continue to control, or if there is something that Lu Tianhe doesn't know about, then things will be troublesome.

In fact, if it weren't for this matter, Tianhe wouldn't even plan to come to the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Sage.

After all, he doesn't know if what he is doing now will affect the timeline.

Time is mysterious and unpredictable, and if you want to understand it, you can simply judge it from a movie.

Similar to the world of Truman, Truman lived and grew up in a "timeline" drawn up by the director.

At this time, Lu Tianhe was afraid that he was Chumen.

Once he came to the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Sage, it is very likely that he would destroy the "time shackles" of this world, and then destroy the current timeline.

The voice of the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Sage from a million years ago continued: "It's okay."

"Since you can find me, maybe you also have a certain understanding of time.""

"In simple terms, you can think of the timeline as a tree, and every branch, every leaf is a factor that affects the tree of time.

"0.9 This tree grows from a young bud to an ancient tree in the sky, and no one knows how many leaves he will appear, and no one knows what texture each of his leaves is.

"However, we can roughly infer from the species of the tree when it will sprout and when it will mature."

"And what we have to do is to graft what we want in this bud, and then let it blossom and bear fruit."

"If it succeeds, it will succeed, but if it fails, then the tree will be destroyed.

"Of course, even if it succeeds, then there will be some things in this tree that we can't predict, such as his veins, the number of his leaves, etc.

"Time is uncontrollable, not even the Old Sage can do it. 35

"You who came from a million years later, can you understand?"

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