Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 409 In the middle of the emperor realm, the prototype of the immortal universe

(Thanks to "~" for the 588 point reward and support, and 10 drops of Drunk Star Wine.)

"Then I'll settle for Wednesday! I checked this afternoon, and next Wednesday is the best day."

As for the powerhouses in the mid-universe supreme stage, they can be called first-class combat power anywhere.

Lu Chen murmured.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen suddenly realized that he has so many good things now.

Lu Chen was excited, the difficulty after the fifth floor was too great, even if he had systematic help, it took a lot of time to complete.

With the help of Immortal Cells, Lu Chen's Immortal Martial Body has been greatly enhanced in defense, strength or recovery speed.

The space in front of him was directly shattered by Lu Chen's grasp, and the dark space cracks were mixed with manic and ferocious void storms.


"It's complete, it's finally complete!

Sensing the power coming from all over the body, Lu Chen smiled slightly: "Maybe it is the law of immortality? Or is it the law of power or defense?

The keel and the Unbounded Star God Wing are smelted together. According to Lu Tianhe, the speed of the Unbounded Star God Wing will definitely exceed three floors (aiaj).

Now Nalan Sheng has also reached the middle stage of the king realm, a realm he never dared to imagine before.

At that time, he will really be above the vast majority of the powerhouses in this universe.

Lu Chen got up, his eyes were full of golden light, and the aura that belonged only to the strong in the emperor realm swept through like a tsunami like a hurricane.

And the value of this thing in actual combat should be even greater.

Lu Chen has a black line, and sure enough, no matter how strong he is, he can't get rid of the situation that counts his days.

Lu Chen, who was cultivating in the Guanxing Pavilion, was called out by Han Yue.

Compared to before, it has soared by 120,000.

Lu Chen quickly refused.

You Tianlong Kun Lu Chen handed it over to Lu Tianhe.

"Hey, the route is clear!

Lu Chen walked out of the star-viewing pavilion and asked.

Han Yue said: "There are still 6 days, and these 6 days are enough to prepare. 35

Even, two hundred times the speed of light is not a big problem.

Coupled with the fact that the Supreme Universe needs to open up an independent small world in the body, Lu Chen estimates that the immortal universe and the small world in the body may still undergo some wonderful changes.

Lu Chen nodded and smiled: "Mom, you can decide the day, we can do it."

"Well, there should be."

At this time, Lu Chen, like a dry grass, was suddenly irrigated with a carefully prepared nutrient solution, and it didn't feel too sour.


And this experiment also made Lu Chen's desire for demigod blood to the extreme.

Lu Chen murmured: "Well, look back.

"The eight characters don't count, do you get points if the eight characters don't match? It's ridiculous!

"It seems that it must be the blood of a demigod!

At the same time, inside the Su Sheng Palace.

The body is a universe of its own.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen is in a good mood.

Lu Chen asked with a smile.

"Then, did you count the characters for us?"

"What date do you plan to get married, you have nothing to do during this time, hurry up."

Even if the Tianhe Star Region does not have it, there will always be in other places.

At this time, the white-gold cells in Lu Chen's body shine like stars in the vast universe.

After a moment.

With the increase of immortal cells in the body, Lu Chen's basic combat power is also rising.


As long as the ancient sage blood essence can be found in these places and the contract is returned, the seventh floor may even be completed faster than the sixth floor.


Although we all got along pretty well before, we had nothing to do with playing chess and fishing.

Su Immortal also said.

Han Yue patted Lu Chen: "I'm getting married soon, don't be right, you are still the emperor.

Lu Chen didn't hold back and laughed.

Lu Chen got up and grabbed the void lightly.

Now Lu Chen is already a strong player in the middle stage of the Emperor Realm. With this strength coupled with Lu Chen's terrifying combat power, even in the late stage of the Supreme Being, Lu Chen is sure to win!

The blood of the demigods is so terrifying, the life span of these cosmos powerhouses is almost infinite, and the blood essence in their bodies has already surpassed the level of ordinary life.

Han Yue said sternly: "Xiaochen, I discussed it with your father, although it is said that it is difficult for a martial artist to get pregnant, it is not impossible.

"It is difficult to get the blood of the demigods, but the hope for the blood of the ancient saints should be relatively high.


As a top-level real artifact, the value of the inverse law ring is no worse than that of the Void Stone and You Tianlong Kun.

As long as there is the blood of the demigods, even if it is the seventh level of the immortal divine tome, Lu Chen estimates that he will be able to complete it very quickly.

"Go, go, don't worry about it.

But that's when the identities are fairly equal or the gap is small.

Lu Tianhe looked at the two with a smile.

Nalan Sheng squeezed out a very unnatural smile: "All, all listen to the Lord of the Domain. 95

And all this thanks to the ascension of the earth.

"Two brothers, is this how we are settled?"

Then, Lu Chen took out the inverse law ring presented by Qinglong Tianzun.

"Mom, then why are you checking the date? 39

The ninth floor should be at least a great saint, right?

Lu Chen estimated that there should be some places similar to ancient holy relics in the Tianhe star field.

"It is estimated that in a few days, my Unbounded Star God Wing will be ready."

Driven by the blood of the demigods, the sixth floor of Lu Chen's immortal divine tome was completed!

Lu Chen smiled and said: "The eight characters are not counted, so what do you think about the date check.

"Stop it, forget it.

Su Immortal was in the middle stage of the sect before, and now he is already at the top sect level.

"Perhaps when the seventh floor is completed, this immortal martial body will be able to automatically control the power of one or two laws.

Nalan Sheng and Su Immortal were sitting on the other side of the sofa a little cramped.

"Okay, let's talk about this later, anyway, in our eyes, you are still children. 95

If it wasn't for Lu Chen's arrangement of the law barrier in advance, that one move just now would have destroyed the entire Imperial City and the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the city.

Now, Lu Tianhe is half-sacred and is the domain owner of the Tianhe Star Region.

"I heard that there is a life planet that specializes in producing similar spirit grass, or you..."

Han Yue said.

"Perhaps, since the eighth floor, I already have the strength comparable to a saint.

Who can be calm in this Nima?

"Mom, what's wrong?"

However, although the two of them have improved a lot, they are not restrained in front of Lu Tianhe.

Even if Nalan Sheng had guessed a long time ago, guessing is one thing, and the actual occurrence is another.

At that time, the immortal cells of the whole body can begin to transform towards the planet.

He really hadn't thought about having a child, at least not now.

A terrifying and unspeakable aura spread out instantly.

What about the tenth floor, True God? Or is it higher?

"Forget it, it's too far behind, let's get more ancient sage blood in a short time."

The sixth floor is complete, and Lu Chen's basic combat power has increased to 640,000 at the same time as 510!

"Yes Yes.

By that time, 100 times the speed of light should be easily achieved.

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