"Teng Teng Teng!"

Athan came into Lu Chen's eyes with the sound of hurried footsteps.

Then Arthur said coldly, "Who are you?

In fact, Arthur was not sure whether the person in front of him was Digwen, mainly because when Digwen came in just now, he faintly felt that the task was too smooth.

Although very careful about Lu Chen's assassination plan.

Yet for some reason, Arthur felt like he was missing something.

This vigilance was without warning, but it made Arthen look like a formidable enemy.

But this time, seeing "Digwen" being controlled, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm... the person you want to kill."

Lu Chen smiled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he instantly changed into his own appearance.

Immediately, the surrounding soldiers changed color.

"Lu Chen!

Athen's pupils shrank, and he suddenly understood!

He missed that Lu Chen also has the ability to change!

According to the intelligence, Lu Chen disappeared for a period of time during the Hundred Stars Competition, and got over one million points in a new identity.

And this also shows that Lu Chen should also be able to change his appearance.

It's just that the doubts in Arthur's heart are stronger.

"Aren't you... not afraid of death?

Arthur frowned slightly.

What kind of strength is Lu Chen, and why is he here alone?

Could it be that he was carrying a star bomb?

That's impossible, even the 08 star bombs with the highest specifications can't destroy the battleship. Even if it can destroy a little, Lu Chen himself will die.

Therefore, Arthur couldn't figure it out for a while.

He even thought that Lu Chen was actually Digwen.

Digwen successfully completed the assassination mission, deliberately amusing himself here to relax?

Lu Chen watched more and more people come from all directions, including 10 of the 12 kings of the fleet, and he knew it was almost there.

"Want to know?"

Lu Chen's arms, which were covered by the silver-blue battle suit, suddenly had white-gold patterns on them.

In an instant, a majestic and vast world burst out.

"Boom! 39

Around a dozen soldiers below the King Realm were instantly hit by this majestic force and flew out.

"Bang! 39

The deck of the battleship not far away and the alloy walls sag in an instant.

Athan's face changed instantly.

"The King's Realm!"

As soon as Athen's words fell, Lu Chen punched like a dragon, and his fist was like the wind.


The space inside the battleship sank in an instant.

Except for Athen, the rest of the kings retreated one after another, and some of them directly exploded.

With one punch, he directly killed 4 early kings!

"Today, 80,000 people in the Blood Peak fleet will be wiped out."

Lu Chen's expression is calm, his eyes are like torches, with fiery fighting intent and fiery killing intent!

This is the first time Lu Chen has encountered an assassination since he left Earth.

Certainly not the last time.

But no matter how many times they come, Lu Chen will teach these people a deep lesson!

Come once, kill once.

Today, the 80,000 people from the Blood Peak Fleet will be sacrificed to the flag.

Also let other people who want to assassinate themselves weigh whether they have this strength, and if the assassination is unsuccessful, is there a possibility of surviving.


Arthen let out a terrifying roar.

The space inside the battleship was like a dough, which was instantly sunken.


On the arm, the blood-red pattern is like a ferocious giant python.

Athen clenched his fist with one hand, and the fist of his left hand instantly turned a coquettish blood red.


Lu Chen snorted coldly and punched Athan.


The bottom of the fleet exploded directly.

The huge battleship swayed violently in an instant, and the beeping of the beeping sirens could be heard incessantly.

At this moment, 80,000 Blood Peak fleet moved at the same time!

Those powerful kings looked at Lu Chen with murderous aura and horror.

Lu Chen... actually stepped into the king's realm!

Moreover, this combat power is a bit terrifying!

Thinking that when Lu Chen was in the Marquis Realm, it was comparable to the middle stage of the King Realm, so how terrifying should he be when he officially stepped into the King Realm?

The peak of the king's realm?

Still... the king!

Thinking of this, almost everyone has a feeling of trembling.

This kind of person must not stay!

"Whoosh whoosh!

The two peak kings came directly carrying two elementary star destroyers.

Although it is only elementary, as long as the charging is completed, it can cause damage to the peak of the king's realm.

Lu Chen and Athan are suspended in mid-air.

The former's expression was as usual with indifferent eyes, while the latter's eyes were intertwined with murderous intent and shock.

The punch just now, he didn't hurt Lu Chen!

"I'm afraid you also have the power of the king!"

Arthur opened his mouth, in shock!

As soon as you enter the king's realm, you are the power of the heavenly king!

Then if he is in the middle stage of the king's realm, wouldn't it be the middle stage of the emperor's battle power?

Thinking of this, Athan suddenly trembled in his heart.

If Lu Chen is alive, the blood peak star may have a big crisis!


Athann let out a low roar, his powerful muscles grew wildly, and the blood-red armor also expanded.

Immediately afterwards, a punch containing endless power slammed into Lu Chen's face!

The advanced supernatural power has been successfully completed "Blood Suppression God Fist"!

As the King of Stars, Athan has a basic combat power of 320,000.

After using the advanced supernatural powers of the Perfection Realm, the ultimate combat power reached a terrifying 5.12 million.

If this punch is aimed at the earth, the earth will collapse directly.

"Hehe, before killing you, let you see the real invincible defense!

Lu Chen looked as usual with a playful look in his eyes.

Even if you die, let you die in great terror.

However, the scene that shocked and puzzled Athaniel appeared.

In the face of this terrifying punch of 5.12 million combat power, Lu Chen did not dodge or dodge!

Moreover, even the supernatural powers are not going to be used!

"What's the matter, he's frightened?

Arthur froze for a moment.

At this moment, the bloody fist hit Lu Chen's chest.


Lu Chen's body trembled slightly, and the terrifying Astral Qi exploded instantly like a nuclear bomb.


The area below the huge battleship shattered directly.

In order to prevent the warship from being affected, Terry quickly started the decomposition program in the control room.

When the main body of the battleship struggled, the bottom warehouse of the battleship had burst into disrepair.

"What 480!"

After the qi escaped, Athen saw Lu Chen clearly.

As before, his breath was steady, and there was not even a single wound on his chest!

Suddenly, Athan's body trembled, and there was a deep sense of fear and panic in his eyes.

"This is impossible!

With his punch, even the top heavenly king will be injured.

Lu Chen...it's just the early stage of the king's realm!

Why! Why is this?

Arthen growled inwardly.

Lu Chen looked cold and stern with a hint of bloodthirsty, a hint of silence: "It's my turn!

After Lu Chen finished speaking, terror burst out suddenly.


When the left hand punched, an inexplicable energy spread from Lu Chen's body!

After entering the king's realm, even if the immortal avatar is not stripped out, Lu Chen can still use two magical powers at the same time!

In an instant, a multicolored Astral Qi crystal hand appeared out of thin air.

Immediately after, a pitch-black halo spread from Lu Chen's body!

The high-level perfection supernatural power "Shen Prison Broken Star Palm" is superimposed with the top entry-level supernatural power "Black Hole Silver Sky Slash"!

At this moment, Lu Chen's ultimate combat power instantly soared to a terrifying 6.27 million!

The dark halo makes Lu Chen seem to have Saturn's rings, mysterious and gorgeous.

And there is no light in this black halo, it is like a black hole that makes people palpitate and despair!

Arthur's expression changed instantly!


As soon as the thought came up, Athan turned his head and ran.

However, it is already too late!

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