Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 321 Into the Blood Peak Fleet, n1 of these 80,000 people will survive


Terry looked excited and excited.

When he saw that "Digwen" had entered the battleship, Athan's face instantly became extremely ugly.

Arthur looked up: "How?"

"Sir, what's wrong?"

Sitting on the sofa was Digwen.

And now that he's in, it doesn't matter.

Lu Chen casually thought about the dark green vial "480" and said.

Among them, there are 12 kings and 2 kings at the peak.

Taro said solemnly: "I will notify the nearby Nokan fleet to escort and inform the emperor of this.

Lu Chen looked at the boundless starry sky outside the window: "Since that's the case, I'll just count on it."

Inside a blood-red battleship.

"Of course it is to ensure that one-hit kills are foolproof!"

Thinking of this, Terry could not help but envy.

"Quick, get him under control! 35


Kill me, but you will have to pay the price!

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly: "Senior, what would you do if you were asked to assassinate the top evildoer of the hostile star?

The next moment, the three-dimensional projection of the Aurora lounge appeared.

Through the three-dimensional projection just now, Lu Chen saw Digwen's backhand, one of the ten kings of the blood peak star, the sea dragon king Athan!

Terry nodded and turned on Digwen's communicator.

After the communication ended, Lu Chen's expression became colder: "It turned out to be that Athan. 35

After Lu Chen finished speaking, his body changed into the appearance of Daishan Lin in an instant.

Lu Chen murmured when he heard footsteps in the distance.

There was a look of relief in Athan's eyes: "Let her talk to me. 35

This configuration is more than enough to kill other heavenly kings.

After all, the battleship has its own defense facilities, and if the power system of the battleship is not destroyed in time, the battleship can start the curvature flight to escape.

"The emperor's side can say, as for the rest, it is exempted. You go down first, I have my own way.

"Lu Chen has been poisoned to death, Digwen is now in his lounge!

Digwen, also known as Lu Chen, deliberately looked at the door nervously, and then said, "Sir, the poisoning process went smoothly, and Lu Chen didn't notice it."5

"Athann's Blood Peak Legion.

"My lord, I suggest returning immediately!"

Not only that, but two Blood Peak Legion 0.9 leaders came running from a distance with vigilant expressions on their faces.

After all, there is not necessarily a second chance for this kind of opportunity.

Although it is not clear why Arthen did this, Arthen is the captain, and his words are the iron law.

"General, Digwen is out!

"very good!"

And when the battleship door slowly opened.

After speaking, the speed skyrocketed and ran towards the bottom of the battleship.

As a top killer, Digwen quickly used the identity of Lu Chen to quickly familiarize himself with the operation of the Aurora, which was nothing.

Digwen completed almost all of the Fu Lu plan alone, and her credit is also the greatest.

Arthur's face suddenly changed slightly.

Immediately, Lu Chen's speed skyrocketed, and the effort disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A top-level assassin who is proficient in change, plus the dark spirit poison that is enough to poison the king, does seem to be foolproof, but it is not enough!


Thinking of this, Athen secretly laughed at himself, it seemed that I was too cautious.


"Something's wrong! 35

After speaking, Taro's face suddenly changed: "I understand!"

Arthen didn't bother to explain to Terry, and yelled at the communicator.

"They should still have a heavenly king in ambush, no, maybe it's the top heavenly king on the star list!

Because the speed was too fast and the force was not well controlled, the console collapsed a little directly.

Next, he brought Lu Chen's body and Digwen back to the Blood Peak Star to accept the award.

The legionnaire immediately aimed the gun in his hand at Lu Chen.

Terry suddenly looked at Athan in the command room with a shocked expression.

Arthur stared at Digwen who was being interrogated on the surveillance screen and said, "That person may not be Digwen!

"Senior has said a lot, and I think so too.

Lu Chen's voice also changed to Digwen's, with a hint of banter in his tone.

Arthen nodded with satisfaction: "Send the coordinates of the Aurora and find a chance to leave."

Athann ignored the console and looked at the surveillance screen next to him.

If he can't get in, it might take some effort to kill these people.

Arthen's speed skyrocketed and he rushed to the console and suddenly pressed the door close button.

A blood-red battleship comes into view 0........

Then it changed again and became the appearance of Digwen.

Taylor said subconsciously.

Taylor's brain is still very good: "Perhaps, this is just the first means, they still have double insurance.

This also allows Arthen to avoid unexpected crises without taking action.

Terry suddenly became a little nervous.

Terry was confused: "Sir? What's wrong?"

Everyone was killed, and the dark spirit poison was also seized.

Digwen got up with a hint of excitement and vigilance on his face: "Sir, the Fulu plan is complete!"5

Terry said with a smile.

In addition to Arthur, there were a total of 80,000 soldiers.


Lu Chen said lightly.

When Taylor was about to persuade, he saw that Lu Chen had turned and left.

The strongest of the main battleships is Athan, and Lu Chen has already sensed it.

"it is good!"

Suddenly, the huge lounge became quiet again.

"General, Digwen has succeeded!"

After Aurora completed its third curvature flight, it was only one day away from the Milky Way star.

Thinking that it would be safest if the emperor knew, Taro and Roris left with Digwen's body.

Even the incomparably huge Aurora is quite small in the cold and dark universe.

20 minutes later.

If the Fu Lu plan is successful, they will all be rewarded, and they will be greatly rewarded.

Taylor was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, my lord!"

Athen looked at the corpse beside Digwen, whose appearance was undoubtedly the same as that of Lu Chen.

At this time, the bottom of the battleship.


After this time, I am afraid that I can become a core member of the royal family.

There was a look of joy on Athan's face, and his tone was much softer: "Tell me about the specific process.

"I don't know what the backhand will think when he learns that the assassination was successful. 35

Meanwhile, Aurora is about 5 light-years away.

"Yes, thank you sir!"

With the Dark Soul Poison and the Heavenly King-level powerhouse, this Blood Peak star is indeed "foolproof".

"Today, these 80,000 people have to be buried with Athan.""

Arthur nodded with a smile, and then said: "Open the hatch.

In the infinite starry sky.

Terry's face changed dramatically, and he couldn't understand why for a while.

Lu Chen glanced at everyone indifferently.

"My lord, congratulations."

Terry looked shocked.

"Hehe, Lord Digwen's ability to change is first-rate, so naturally he can't find it.

Digwen's success was expected by Arthen.

Lu Chen looked up and flew over quickly.

When Lu Chen flew out of the Aurora, the Aurora immediately turned on the star-hidden mode.

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