Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 323 Killing Arthen, Destroying the Blood Peak Fleet, Taro's Thriller


And the speed of the black halo was so fast that it penetrated Athan's abdomen and the Blood Peak battleship in the distance in just a split second!

Lu Chen destroyed the Blood Peak battleship?

Terry in the command room was stunned.


The Blood Peak Emperor has also entered Lu Chen's must-kill list.

Some things, if you guessed it, you guessed it, and if you can't guess it, it's useless to tell you.

The next moment, Taro only felt a chill emerge from the soles of his feet, and the whole person was like falling into an ice cave.

"Let you die, you can't live."

It has been less than half an hour since he left with Digwen's body before now.

Lu Chen casually threw Athan's headless body into the distance.

In 20 seconds, 80,000 people died in space!

Below, Terry only felt an inexplicable energy coming, and he couldn't even see the halo.

And Lu Chen, with white-gold aura shining all over his body, looks like a cosmic god looking down at all this with a cold expression.

Arthen let out a shrill scream.

Moreover, the whole body retreats and the breath is as usual!


After all, you can't go faster than the speed of light.

Strictly speaking, it should be the most feared killer move!

The black halo that had spread out for hundreds of kilometers instantly closed into Lu Chen's body at an unbelievable speed.

Therefore, when Lu Chen used this magical power, the nearby opponents could not escape.

Lu Chen said and threw a unique communicator to Taylor.

The black hole Yinkong slashed Athan in half, and the terrifying energy brought by the Divine Prison Star Fragment Palm also instantly smashed Athan's back into a bloody mess, and a large number of ribs and spine were broken.

"`" Where's your lord?"

Well, the force is also very high.

"Can you run away `||?"

If you kill me, be prepared to be killed!

Lu Chen grabbed Athann's space bracelet with one move.

The blood peak star, the powerful and outstanding king of war, has fallen!

There was a hint of horror in his eyes.

Lu Chen murmured.

A hundred kilometers away, Athan, who was pale and sluggish, was pulled by an inexplicable force.

Moreover, it is still a magic trick!

In my heart, I was terrified because 80,000 people were wiped out by Lu Chen!

"Hehe, go ahead, decipher it.

Originally, he was just about to splicing the cut off lower body, so he still had a chance to survive.

Taro's spirit was shocked and he looked up quickly.

The crystal palm condensed by the Divine Prison Star Broken Palm expanded instantly, reaching a height of 10,000 meters.

Taylor came back to his senses, put away all the shocks in his heart, and said with a more respectful attitude than ever before: "Yes!

"Although I can't move you now, but soon, you can go down to match Athan.

Fragments of warships and corpses of different sizes spread under the shock of this terrifying energy.

The remaining more than 60,000 soldiers and the 4 kings could no longer hold back, and they all turned pale and terrified.

One move, seconds their general!


Athan came to kill himself, naturally it was the meaning of the blood peak emperor.

Those soldiers who have not been killed are either suspended in mid-air and panicked, or they are desperately flying towards the battleship.

The battleship in the distance was also cut in half by the halo.

The top-level king, this one is definitely the top-level king.

After Lu Chen said to speed up, he came to the sky above the Blood Peak battleship in an instant.

"Cultivation well, kill the Blood Peak Emperor as soon as possible, um... I suddenly have a goal.

"First place."

Moreover, why can he cast two magical powers at the same time?

Taro was about to ask where you were when he suddenly sensed the palpitating bloody smell and his face changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen, who was exuding a monstrous bloody aura, returned to the training room as usual.

In an instant, the interior of the battleship burst into flames, and then exploded violently!

For a time, Taro's shocked face was speechless.

Lu Chen... Lu Chen left without his knowledge!

Lu Chen smiled and looked at Taro who looked like he had seen a ghost and didn't explain much.

"Speaking of total annihilation, there is no reason to let one person go.""

Under the unprecedented panic, Athan just shivered.

Lu Chen said calmly: "I went out and destroyed the Blood Peak battleship. 39

As a top-level magical power, the Black Hole Silver Sky Slash is incredibly powerful, and it also carries a trace of the power of the Universal Law.

Taro looked at the empty lounge, cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

The farthest, even spread tens of thousands of kilometers!

(Thanks to the book friend "17762" for the 1000 point reward and the book friend "Before the wife goes to bed" for the 588 point reward, thank you 2 big guys. By the way, ask for a monthly flower ticket evaluation ticket on Monday.)

In half an hour, Lu Chen killed the top king Athan, who was no weaker than himself, and wiped out the Blood Peak fleet!


Compared with the Divine Prison Star Fragment Palm, the Black Hole Silver Sky Slash is more powerful and faster!

Its abdomen, the incision is flat and smooth.

Even the top supernatural powers have already started, how terrifying his comprehension is!


at this time.

If there are no specific coordinates, it will basically never be discovered.

"Sir, don't kill me! We surrender!

Arthur's (money's) space bracelet is in Lu Chen, doesn't that mean... Arthur was also killed!

Lu Chen looked at the corpses around him silently and said to himself that he was very satisfied with the result.

Such an enemy is everyone's nightmare!

This... how many people have been killed!

Its sturdy and majestic body is like two pieces of building blocks put together, the upper body slides to the right, while the lower body still maintains the escaping posture.


And the power of this law is space!

Athan's head exploded directly.


Lu Chen flew quickly towards the coordinate position of the Aurora.

Arthur looked at Lu Chen as if he were looking at the devil.

It seemed that only a battleship could bring them a shred of solace.

In one move, the battleship was destroyed in half!

Immediately afterwards, half of its head was shaved off by a barely visible black halo like cutting tofu.

Then, Lu Chen made a big move.

If you can't exceed the speed of light, then there is only one death!

He, he should not have been captured!

A series of questions swirled in Arthur's mind.

Maybe even if he died, his heart would be shrouded in the shadow of Lu Chen.


But now, this lost opportunity has also been cut off by Lu Chen.

In their eyes, Lu Chen is a cosmic demon!

Taro took it subconsciously, and then his eyes widened involuntarily!

Arthen roared wildly at the communicator.

It took only 20 seconds from Lu Chen entering the Blood Peak battleship to the time when all 80,000 people on the Blood Peak battleship were wiped out.

Lu Chen was very satisfied with the power and effect of the Black Hole Silver Sky Slash.

Immediately, the black halo spreads again.


In the cold and dark universe, corpses are suspended in space, looking chilling and heart-pounding.

Lu Chen looked sarcastic.

Lu Chen clasped Athan's head and said calmly.

The halo is like a black hole, merging with the dark universe.

"Quick, save me!" 5

How can someone be so strong!

Lu strong!

The hatch above the lounge slowly opened.

On the upper part of his body, Athen looked infinitely frightened and desperate.

"This magical power, I like it!

Inside the Aurora.

Only half of the remaining battleships were destroyed again.

The power system of the blood peak battleship has been destroyed by the black hole Yinkong Zhan, and now it is just an ant without legs.

It's just that he was powerless to think about it.

Immediately, Athan flew to Lu Chen with extreme fear and extreme despair.

In an instant, Terry was too lazy to care about Athan, he just wanted to run!

His lower body had lost control because it was cut open, and was quietly suspended in space.


"Big,, you."

This man is as talented as a demon, his strength is terrifying and his body is invincible, and he is even more relentless when it comes to killing people!

"By the way, Taro, this is the communicator I found from the Arthern space bracelet. See if you can decipher it and find some useful information."5

Behind him, the dense corpses and wreckage of battleships will remain in this cold and dark universe forever.

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