Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 318 Breaking through the king's realm, soaring combat power, and cosmic power

At noon the next day, at the Star-viewing Pavilion.

"It shouldn't be! Even the immortal tome can't be so fast!"


"Roar! 99

The Qingjing star core is only available in the main star of the Galaxy Empire, the Galaxy Star.


This is the manifestation of the martial arts field fused with the immortal martial body and immortal cells!

Feeling the majestic cosmic power that pervades Lu Chen's body, the Nine Infant Empress's pupils shrank.

Lu Jingzhe's red lips parted lightly and whispered, "Teacher, the seventh floor is very difficult."


Lu Chen clenched his fists excitedly. At this moment, Lu Chen clearly felt that the surging power in his body was soaring like a volcanic eruption.

Just like a work of art created by God, just looking at it makes people feel heartbroken.

"My current ultimate combat power should reach the level of entering the star list.

"I am the power of the world!"

Lu Jingzhe opened his eyes, his left eye was a fiery red, and his right eye was an extremely cold ice blue.

"The Divine Tome of Nine Infants is so difficult, I don't know how difficult it should be for Xiaochen's Divine Tome of Immortality. 35

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't want to talk about why the cultivation speed was so fast, Empress Jiuying didn't ask any more questions.

Immediately after, a series of fine spatial cracks appeared.

Due to the fact that he first entered the king realm, and he contained the general trend of heaven and earth, Lu Chen was still somewhat unable to control this new force for a while.

"I... the king's realm!"

With the Qingjing Star Core for Lu Jingzhe to use, his contracted combat power will increase faster.

This sound is like a big star trembling, and it is like a humming sound from space being crushed.

Looking at Lu Jingzhe's blood-squirting perfect body, Lu Chen's heart moved.

Lu Chen nodded.


For Lu Chen to break through to the king realm in such a short period of time, at least the immortal cells in his body have proliferated.

Lu Jingzhe got up, his flawless body was as white as jade, and the ratio of everything on his body was just right.

A long black hair fell naturally.

"It shouldn't be an ordinary height, at least a hundred times that of the Nine Infants Divine Tome.

"However, the Nine Infant Cells are the ultimate manifestation of cold and heat. You can control these two major rules when you reach the seventh level, and you will have no problem surpassing the Heavenly King in combat power."

Compared with Lu Chen's immortal cells with white gold shining like the bright sun, Lu Jingzhe's cells are composed of fiery red and ice blue.

However, it's only been a day, how did he do it?

Lu Chen's eyes burst with light.

Lu Jingzhe also looked at Lu Chen curiously: "Xiaochen, I feel like I'm a little scared standing next to you now. 35

A low burst of Astral Qi sounded from Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen's fists clenched slightly, the feeling of such a surge in combat power is really good.

"Lu Chen, you have so many amethyst star cores, you can exchange them for cyan crystal star cores next time, so the speed will be faster.

No excess gas leaking out!

A bang sounded, and the space in front of Lu Chen sank directly.

Two colors and two diametrically opposed forces intertwined, causing Lu Jingzhe's body to be ice-cold from time to time and hot to the bone.

Fortunately, the Star-Watching Pavilion was built according to Storgo's specifications.

"If he uses a better Qingjing star core, the progress can be improved a hundred times."

The basic combat power is 190,000, plus the top-level supernatural power "Black Hole Silver Sky Slash" and the advanced supernatural power "Divine Prison Breaking Star Palm".

But the life source of immortal cells is refined and the increase is less obvious in the later stage.

This punch did not drive any general trend in the world, but it still caused the space to collapse.

The minimum requirement for the magic crystal star core is the emperor, and it cannot be used below the emperor.

Lu Jingzhe's pretty face blushed slightly, and then he nodded obediently.

Unless Lu Chen raises 200,000 to 300,000 pieces all at once, he won't be able to do this at all.

If Lu Chen returned to Earth now, even to that stop, Yi Wuya and the other Marquis would turn pale.

Inside the Gravity Cabinet.

So that whether it is speech or breathing, there is a suffocating sense of oppression.

Lu Chen nodded with a calm tone: "Yes, the king's realm is over."

"It feels amazing."

Empress Jiuying sighed: "However, I think Lu Chen's overall progress is okay, it should be because of the Amethyst Star Core.

According to, if you can enter the star list, you can get some additional Qingjing star cores.

"Of course, the first six levels of the Nine Infants Divine Tome are actually the foundation, and the real cultivation and improvement starts from the seventh level.

The pale pink soul body of the Nine Infants Empress floated beside Lu Chen, unable to hold back: "You are too fast!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly.

"It seems that the basic combat power of the sixth-level perfection is completely close to that of the king. Maybe it can be higher."

Empress Jiuying suddenly looked up and down Lu Chen like an electric shock.

As soon as Empress Jiuying finished speaking, she saw Lu Chen, with a sturdy figure exuding endless power, striding forward from the outside.

Looking at the dense space cracks, Lu Chen murmured: "The control of the strength and qi of the powerful kings is really terrifying `||! 35

Lu Chen's eyes turned white gold, and endless divine light spewed out, and the momentum fluctuations so powerful that the scalp tingled swept the entire room.

Otherwise, this shock would be enough to tear the Star-Watching Pavilion to shreds.

Going up, that is the middle stage of the king realm!

The platinum-colored lines on the arms and fists that had already dimmed instantly brightened.

In addition to exchanging the Qingjing Star Core, Lu Chen also intends to test his ultimate combat power.

"As expected of a king! 35

"Ding, the contract target Lu Jingzhe absorbed the Amethyst Star Nucleus, a total of 500 cells evolved to the Nine Infant Cells, and 600 times the cells returned to 300,000 Immortal Cells. 35

In an instant, the skin of Lu Chen's whole body, there are lines of platinum and gold appearing!

Lu Chen smiled slightly, the white and golden lines all over his body gradually dimmed and he retired.

Then it seemed to think of something: "You, you, don't tell me that you are already in the king's realm!

Lu Chen was refreshed and in a very good mood.

Immediately after.

He planned to exchange it before, after all, there is no shortage of Amethyst Star Cores now.

The soul body of the Nine Infants Empress is still naked.

At that time, Lu Chen estimated that he would be able to get about 1 kilogram of cyan crystal cores in total.

"The basic combat power is 190,000...the limit in the early stage of the king's realm!"


"300,000 pieces! Adding mine is 370,000 pieces!"

"It takes two days to get acquainted.

"Jing Zhe, I have something to talk to you about."

Lu Chen flew out of the star-viewing pavilion and muttered.

"No wonder it is said that in the cosmos, only the king can be called a strong person, and Fenghou is not even a strong person. It is still reasonable."

An indescribable terrifying pressure burst out of his body.

In its body, a full 500 nine infant cells are quietly suspended.

The next moment, Lu Chen threw a punch.

The field of martial arts and the physical body are integrated, and the two are unified without distinction.

As for the magic crystal star core above the blue crystal star core, that's fine.

Taking Lu Jingzhe over was the wisest decision!

Someone has just broken through to the king realm and needs to be released.

After hearing the system beep, Lu Chen's body was shocked and his eyes skyrocketed!


He didn't waste the slightest bit of qi in this punch.


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