Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 319: New Functions of Level 7 System Permissions, Targeting Lu Chen's Assassination

The next morning.

"My lord, everything is ready. 95

Wuming Tianwang Tai Luo said respectfully outside the Emperor Star Hall.

"Okay, hard work senior.

Lu Chen walked out of the hall, and Lu Chen in a silver-blue battle uniform had his eyes like torches with supreme majesty and domineering.

"Is Brother Storgo not here?"

Lu Chen felt a little and found that there was no smell of Storgo in the huge Noukan Palace.

Tai Luo bowed and said: "I heard that the emperor went to Galaxy Star a few days ago.

"Oh, I remember."

Lu Chen suddenly realized that the emperor star in the palace can only test the emperor-level 9-star talent at the highest.

So Stogo said at the time that he would go to Galaxy Star in a few days to borrow a higher-grade imperial star device.

"Then let's go.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said.

On the square outside the Emperor Star Hall, the Aurora appeared out of thin air.

Although the Aurora is 5 kilometers long, the square outside the hall is larger, 10 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide.

I have to say that since coming to Noukan Star, Lu Chen has been big in everything.

A team of 100 people stood neatly outside the hall.

In addition to Taylor, there are 50 members of the Royal Guard.

These 50 people are all top-level martial arts warriors, and there are 10 late king realm powerhouses, all of whom are responsible for Lu 480 Chen's trip this time.

The remaining 50 people, men and women, are all logisticians, including maids, cooks, and entourages.

"We see your lord. 35

Seeing Lu Chen come out, everyone bowed and saluted at the same time.

Lu Chen nodded to everyone, and then thought of the new authority of the system after he was promoted to the king realm, he couldn't help looking at the hundred people present with interest.

Yesterday, he broke through to the king realm, and the system also rose to level 7.

And level 7 has a new permission to unlock, that is, you can view personal information.

The personal information here is not complicated, just name and race.

For this permission, Lu Chen thinks it is still useful.

After all, the huge universe has billions of races.

Some peculiar races are not even recorded by Noukan Daxing's Zhixing Network.

In the future, when you go to other big stars, it can help to increase your understanding of each other.

After a casual glance at everyone, Lu Chen found that the information was the same as the information recorded on

After all, they are people who serve in the Emperor Star Palace, and Lu Chen has read their information before.

But when Lu Chen glanced at a blue-haired woman in the second row, he paused slightly.

【Name】: Digwen

[Race]: Illusory Race


There is a trace of doubt in Lu Chen's eyes, isn't her name Daishan Lin?

Moreover, the race is obviously the Xingyue clan.

"Did I remember it wrongly?"

Lu Chen was stunned, no, he couldn't remember wrong.

Not to mention the 10,000 people serving the Emperor Star Palace, even if it is 100,000 million people, Lu Chen can clearly remember it as long as he has read the information.

Immortal martial body and immortal cells have raised Lu Chen's memory to an unimaginable level.

Remember this doesn't happen.

Lu Chen immediately looked back, his expression as usual did not make everyone feel any abnormality.

"It seems... someone came to me when I didn't know it.

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth rise slightly, is he assassinating?

Hehe, naive.

Immediately, Lu Chen said: "Let's go. 99

Noukan is in the outer periphery of the entire Milky Way galaxy, about 20,000 light-years away from the central region of the Milky Way galaxy.

This distance, even if the Aurora is flying with multiple curvatures, will take 2 days.

4 days back and forth, plus 1 or 2 days during the period, it will take about 6 days.

As for the residence and so on, there is no need for Lu Chen to worry at all. Roulis, who is in charge of life security, has already arranged it.


After everyone entered the Aurora, the silver radiance on the Aurora shone, and the next moment disappeared outside the Emperor Star Hall.

at the same time.

On the Yulong star, 500 light-years away from the star of Nookan.

Like Earth, Yulongxing is a planet of primary life.

This planet is famous for its hotness, and deserts occupy almost 40% of the planet's area.

At this moment, in the endless desert, in a pavilion made of rocks.

"General, the first step of the Fulu plan has begun perfectly. 35(aiaj)

Adjutant Terry bowed slightly and said.

Athan, with a bulging forehead, smiled slightly: "The Emperor Nokan is not here, and our people just sneaked in. I thought that Lu Chen would not leave the palace so soon, but I didn't expect to go to Galaxy Star.

"I don't know what he's doing."

"Maybe it's to experience the prosperity of the Galaxy Star.

Terry said with a smile: "After all, that is the main star of the Galactic Empire.

Athen nodded, and immediately said: "Let Digwen be careful not to be caught.

"Don't worry, General, Digwen is proficient in the art of transformation and she will not be discovered."

After Terry finished speaking, he suddenly chuckled: "General, you are really cautious, in fact, Digwen is enough to complete this mission.

Digwen's art of transmutation will only be discovered by a top emperor like Storgo.

Otherwise, no one will notice the abnormality.

"Terry, do you know why you have the power of the king's peak, but you are only an adjutant? 35

Arthur said in a flat tone.

Terry's expression was stagnant, and he was a little unsure of what Athen meant.

"Because you are too arrogant.

Athen got up and looked at the yellow sand in the sky outside and said, "Although Lu Chen only has mid-level combat power, he still uses his full strength to fight a rabbit, not to mention that Lu Chen is not an ordinary rabbit. 99

Terry asked, "But didn't Digwen carry the Dark Soul Poison?"

Dark Soul Poison is a specialty of Xuefeng Daxing, which is taken from the body of Dark Soul Spirit Beast.

A dark spirit beast only produces one drop of dark spirit poison, and it is this drop of dark spirit poison that can instantly poison the peak of the king's realm.

In order to assassinate Lu Chen, the star demon, Athan prepares 3 drops.

3 drops Even Arthur himself would have to be poisoned.

Therefore, Terry was a little unconvinced.

The top-level transformation ability, coupled with Digwen also has the strength of the king, and can use the dark spirit poison very well.

For such a combination, let alone killing Lu Chen, even killing the king is enough.

Not to mention that there is also the top king of Athan.

According to Arthen's meaning, if Digwen does not succeed after 24 hours, then he will shoot.

And Athen shot, naturally one did not stay, including Digwen.

"Hehe, of course, the Dark Soul Poison can kill Lu Chen, even a hundred Lu Chen.

"However, the more 100% things are done, the more you have to prepare 1000%, or even 10,000%.

Arthur looked at Terry, his voice was cold: "If you want to kill, you must succeed.

"Only in this way can it be truly foolproof.


Terry bowed and nodded, still indifferent.

"Get ready.""

Athen walked out of the room: "The Emperor Blood Peak said that if our Fulu plan is successful, there will be a great reward.

at the same time.

Inside the Aurora.

Lu Chen was sitting in the lounge, and Taro, who had just finished his work, came in and smiled slightly: "Sir, you haven't been to Galaxy Star yet, would you like me to introduce you?"

Lu Chen got up and said with a smile: "Senior, there is no need to trouble you with this kind of thing, um, just let Daishan Lin come over.

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