The strong man in red armor is named Athan, and he is one of the ten kings of the blood peak star royal family.

Behind him, Terry was so frightened that he couldn't say a word.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he said, "Is Jing Zhe not here?"

Since Zu Xuan gave him 2 tons last time, and since he is now an honorary star master, the amethyst star core is completely lacking.

Lu Chen decisively refused: "Just say no."

That is an additional 35 times the combat power increase.

After Lu Chen left, the twins looked at each other, their cheeks blushing and they didn't know what to think.

But many princesses often entangle them with Lu Jingzhe.

Where does Su Xuerou keep this thing, it is either wiped off or digested in the stomach.

Before Lu Chen got the answer he wanted from the plus sign on Lu Jingzhe's head.

1 high return in 6 days is not enough.

Athan's voice was as thick as a bell, and there was a hint of coldness in his dark eyes.

Empress Jiuying exclaimed when she saw the lavender liquid around Lu Jingzhe.

As a result, I didn't expect this to arrive, and people have already left.


Clity is the 12th princess of Storgo 480, um, the one with green hair all over her body.

Lu Chen said with a smile.

Usually a big star only has 1-2 big star warships.

Since everyone moved into the Emperor Star Palace, Storgo's princesses and concubines have been visiting often.

Two black hole silver slashes can basically destroy all the life planets under Daxing's command.

"Could it be the trajectory detection error. 99

Terry hesitated and said respectfully: "General, do we want Earth..."


"Jing Zhe, let's get started, the Amethyst Star Core will definitely improve your cultivation progress of the Nine Infants Divine Tome. 95

As one of the tallest buildings in the Emperor Star Palace and even the Noukan Palace, the Guanxing Pavilion is 9999 meters high.

Lu Chen suddenly realized that he had a lot to improve.

"Xiao Zi is fat again. 35

And win over, only to kill.

Lu Jingzhe is already in the Marquis Realm and can use the Amethyst Star Core.

The top-level magical power that Storgo previously gave to Lu Chen was called "Black Hole Silver Sky Slash".

The "umbrella handle" is made of unknown stone pillars, and the "umbrella cover" is a huge terrace.

Lu Chen stood up from the mat with endless majesty and murmured.

After 4 days of training day and night, the number of immortal cells in Lu Chen's body has increased from 30,000 to 70,000.

How could Su Xuerou do such a thing.

The question is, who can compete?

Su Xuewei and Su Xuerou have just finished their training and are playing with a cute little rabbit who is full of purple and cute.

As the general of the Blood Peak star cluster in foreign expeditions, Arthen has fought and killed countless foreign expeditions over the years.

"After I contract Jingzhe, I may be able to step into the king's realm by returning it at a high rate."

At this moment, in the largest room on the top floor of the Guanxing Pavilion.

This top-level magical power is said to be able to induce a trace of black hole power.

Lu Jingzhe sat cross-legged, and the soul body of Empress Jiuying emerged.

The "Silver Time Space Slash" performed by the fourth prince Zu Xuan during the Hundred Stars Competition was born out of this top-level magical power.

It is precisely because it is high enough that there are conditions for stargazing.

Lu Chen looked up at the sky, as if there were endless stars in his eyes.

120,000 basic combat power, this is the standard of combat power that surpasses Marquis Wu.


"This top-level magical power given by Storgo can only be contracted next time."

Soon, the life detector on the battleship turned on.

"Hehe, 2 tons is enough for a long time.

Lu Chen said with a smile.


From the outside, the Guanxing Pavilion looks like a big umbrella standing in the palace.

"No. 35

Advanced supernatural powers are 15 times complete, and top supernatural powers are additionally increased by 5 times.

If it is used by Storgo himself, it can easily destroy a large star and its surrounding life planets.

Lu Chen knows that once he completes this top-level magical power, he can get an extra 20 times the combat power increase!

General's words... If the blood peak emperor knows, it would be disrespectful.

"left already?"

2 hours later, inside the Gravity Cabinet.

Although they usually spend time with Lu Chen in the Emperor Star Palace, they occasionally come here to play.

The combat power also increased from 110,000 to 120,000.

Athan said lightly: "It's easy to destroy a small planet of elementary life, but this kind of movement will inevitably attract the attention of the Noukan Emperor and the top kings. With the size of our fleet, it may not be able to go. out. 99

"Okay, I'll go find her.

Their people prepared in advance when Noukan Daxing learned that Lu Chen seemed to be returning to Earth.

After casting, it can destroy the surrounding time, and its power is extremely powerful.

Even if the Nookan star has developed well in recent years, there may be a third ship, but it is not a big deal to send it directly to an ant who is not even a king.

"How can I swallow Noukan Star in this way?"

The enclosed terrace has 3 rooms for Lu Chen and his family to practice.

Shuangxue Palace is one of the nineteen palaces, specially built for Su Xuewei and Su Xuerou.

Athen's pupils shrank, and then he sneered: "The Emperor Nokan has enough blood, and even the big star warships have sent 08!

After Su Xuerou finished speaking, she suddenly blushed and said in a low voice, "Husband, that Clity came to me again to ask for...for genes. 55

"Turn on life detection. 35

"Yes, we are feeding well."

And among them are their spies.

"Besides, this will startle the snake.

"General, big and big star warships! Data analysis shows that the energy group just now is a big star warship!

"If you want me to say, we should go to war directly. Although the Blood Peak Emperor is comparable to the Noukan Emperor, we have 2 Heavenly Kings on the Star List.

There are flowers and plants all over the Shuangxue Palace, and there is also a specially opened breeding area, which specially raises some pets such as starry sky rabbits with a mild temperament and cute shapes.

After a pause, Athan said: "Let's go back, the ambush plan failed, inform the Blood Peak Emperor and start the assassination plan.

And Clayty and Su Xuerong have a similar relationship, and they have privately asked for the genes of emperor-level talent more than once.

That's all for the imperial concubines, mostly chatting with Han Yue to relieve their boredom.

Inside the Double Snow Palace.

4 days passed in a blink of an eye.

And Cletti came up with the solution, bottled.

Emperor Star Palace, Star View Pavilion.

Athan was slightly taken aback.

Athen frowned slightly: "It takes a long time to get here from Nokan Star, how could he be so fast?"

The hostile star has an emperor-level 9-star talent, either win or kill.

That Lu Chen was born on Earth and belongs to the Noukan star, and it is very difficult to win over.

When he thought that he was about to enter the king's realm, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Athen said coldly: "In these years, we have been fighting outside, but they have enjoyed it safely, and the enjoyment is also the enjoyment, but the blood is lost."

"Giggle. 35

"The top heavenly king... oh no, the top five on the star list!"

Lu Chen flew out of the star-gazing pavilion with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

As soon as Lu Chen arrived, he heard Su Xuewei's bell-like laughter.

Terry's voice was a little surprised and shocked.

Terry respectfully said.

After a moment.

In order not to be discovered by the Lord of Nokan and other heavenly kings, Athan even used a star concealment device.

Compared with the Silver Time and Space Slash, the Black Hole Silver Sky Slash is even more powerful.

20 times the combat power increase, plus the immortal clone casts the God Prison Star Fragment Palm.

The people of Xuefeng Daxing also saw the prosperous scene of the big star lit up and the black hole volleying into the sky that day.

"Sister Jingzhe just left and said that she was looking for Qingqing to play.

The red-skinned man Terry said respectfully: "General, there is no combat power beyond the Wuhou level and the king's realm. According to the life trajectory detection, 0.5 universes ago, a huge energy group left near the earth. 35

One is used by the king of the big star, and the other is used for defense or offense.

Otherwise, when it grows up, it will be their blood peak star who will be unlucky for the star of Nookan.

"Big star!

"Lu Chen, you are amazing, so much at once."

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