Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 279 The Martial Artist Lu Chen! Hundred Stars Competition

Although Liu Yu was only in the early stage of Marquis of Wu, he was extremely reluctant to live for so many years.

To kill him, Lu Chen doesn't even need to use supernatural powers and martial arts.

"Yes, God has the meaning of rapid progress, but also the meaning of God of War. 55

Lou Yun Qingya's body twitched when she heard the words.

But at the ceremony of conferring the marquis, after hearing that he was a drill waiter, the Wuhou's face turned green, but he didn't dare to say anything.

At that time, even Nalan Sheng may not be able to stop him.

Lou Yunqingya contained a middle-stage Wuhou, and Liu Yu contained an early-stage Wuhou.

"The specialty of Nokan Daxing, golden silver fish tea, can stabilize the field of martial arts."

"Lu Chen, what you just did was right.

Nalan Sheng smiled and said, "What do you think?"

As soon as Yi Wuya finished speaking, Liu Yu and Lou Yun Qingya looked over with a faint expression.

"It's very, very good."

Yi Wuya said with a smile: "It depends on how Lu Chen weighs.

When the national war starts the day after tomorrow, everyone must arrange and prepare in advance.

"I do have an immature suggestion.

Lu Chen chuckled lightly.

Then he hurriedly said: "I, I apologize too, it's... I'm greedy, I'm sorry!

Nalan Sheng looked at Lu Chen and said, "Lu Chen, after the National War, it's time for you to be named a marquis, have you ever thought about your title?

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing a little bit, Drilling Head, Piwuhou, Rabbit Hunting... If he was a party, he would probably be able to deal with the inspectors on the spot.

On the side, Liu Yu hesitated, wanting to speak but afraid of being beaten by Lu Chen.

"After all, you have come a long way, and you will surely occupy a place in the endless galaxy in the future.

Nalan Sheng laughed.

Lu Chen waved his hands.

"Hehe, after the national war, there will be a global ceremony for the feudal lordship. At that time, Wuhou and Tianzong from all countries will participate."

When it was time to be mad, he could directly restrain the neck of Marquis Bingwu, and when it was time to keep a low profile, everyone did not do anything disrespectful from the very beginning.

The Lu Chen at this time is completely different from the domineering look that exudes a dangerous atmosphere just now.

At that time, the drill waiter thought that it was a great honor for the inspector to assign a title, and he did not use the title he thought of.

"Boldly crown the world, and the crown is unparalleled.

It can also be decided by the inspector, of course, the decision of the inspector is outrageous.

And the strength is ridiculously high.

On the other hand, it was also because Lou Yunqingya and Liu Yu's jumping attitude made Lu Chen unhappy.

Nalan Sheng and Yi Wuya were in a trance for a while.

Lu Chen chuckled, and when he saw the phantom of a silver fish swaying in the golden tea, he couldn't help but wonder, "Senior, what kind of tea is this?

After hearing Lu Chen's peaceful and humble attitude, Liu Yu finally let go of his dangling heart, and then his face flushed (aiaj), secretly thinking that he was so confused that he could even do such a thing as stealing from the younger generation Tianjiao.

"Lou Yun Qingya, how about you?"

"It would be better to call it Wushuang Waiting, the meaning of the world's unparalleled."

Does my father Lu Tianhe really have nothing to do with this one?

But now everyone doesn't believe it's just right, the more you don't believe it, the more shocked it will be, and the greater the awe of Lu Chen.

Only when everyone treats you at the same level will people listen to your words and have weight.

Lou Yun Qingya hesitated: "Why don't you use the champion? 35

Yi Wuya pretended not to see it, don't look at me, I'm not talking about you.

"The Marquis of Shenwu and the Marquis of Champion are both good.

Better than Xingwuhou and Wushuanghou.

However, as a newly promoted Marquis of Wu, Lu Chen was born in the military, so the future is actually equivalent to shouldering the work of Marquis Bingwu and Marquis Wu.

Lu Chen didn't dare to stand up and hold the cup with both hands.

Lu Chen nodded, and then let Liu Yu go.

This matter is over.

Yi Wuya said, "How about Marquis Xingwu?"

By then, they might have won.

And this time to teach Lou Yun Qingya a lesson, on the one hand, is to show his strength to gain the right to speak.

Seeing that Lou Yun Qingya's attitude was not bad, Lu Chen raised his hand slightly, and an inexplicable force dragged Lou Yun Qingya up.

For example, the drill bit of the Black Diamond Country is set by the inspectors.

Nalan Sheng also briefly introduced the identity and function of the inspector.

"Marquis of God?"

If it wasn't for Lu Chen's move just now to subdue Lou Yun Qingya, the two even thought that Lu Chen was still just a Tianzong.

If Lu Chen can kill 2 of the remaining 4 Wuhou early stage, then the battle situation will be completely different.

“Really good!”

Liu Yu is weaker than Lou Yun Qingya, and should only be in the early Wuhou period.

Lu Chen's move just now obviously shocked Liu Yu.

After listening to Lou Yun Qingya's words, Lu Chen looked a little strange.

Seeing that Lu Chen was confirmed, Nalan Sheng looked at each other.

Yi Wuya was the worst, thinking that Lu Chen would become the commander-in-chief of the military, and this kind of gathering and preparation should come from Lu Chen.

He didn't come to be evenly matched, what Lu Chen wanted was to kill 11 Marquis in one flash!

Nalan Sheng said: "At the ceremony of conferring the marquis, let's prepare congratulatory gifts. 35

"You seniors are polite.

Yi Wuya thought for a while and said, "In this way, we have 6 Marquis. If Lu Chen is the right time, you might be able to instantly kill a few weak Marquis."

So it's all kind of weird.

So, these lives fell to Yi Wuya again.

Lu Chen thought about it and said, "I really can't think of a good title.

Lu Chen looked at Lou Yun Qingya, who shuddered involuntarily and said, "Yeah, Lu Tianhe, who was amazing and talented back then, was titled as the champion."

Although the inspectors are not malicious, they do not understand the earth culture.

After a few more chats, everyone left.

No matter how good the title is, it will be useless after a while.

Although this possibility is slim, but after all, having the same name and surname, Lu Chen is still a little unacceptable.

In fact, Lu Chen doesn't care much about the name, and his progress is very fast.

Lu Chen pondered for a moment, and then said: "Then the Marquis of God! 99

As he spoke, he bent at a ninety-degree angle.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu's head lowered even deeper.

It doesn't always feel so good.

The Marquis of Yuan Wu, who usually takes care of himself as a pensioner, felt a great crisis from Lu Chen today.

"Haha, there is no need for congratulations.

Lu Chen said, "Do you have any good advice for seniors?"

Liu Yu knew that if Lu Chen really wanted to kill him, he would never be able to escape.

Lu Chen also clasped his fists with both hands.

And the Marquis of God, it sounds okay.

If it weren't for the fact that the two had no great evil and that they were also the elders of the dynasty who had made a lot of contributions, Lu Chen would have killed them just now.

Nalan Sheng said: "By the way, Lu Chen, since you have been promoted to Wuhou, then you can participate in the Hundred Stars Competition."

Lu Chen sat down as usual.

"Marquis Diwu and Marquis Zhanwu, what do you think of my previous thinking?"

Nalan Sheng also nodded: "Although there are 11 Marquis in the Three Kingdoms combined, there are 5 Marquis in the early stage, 3 in the middle stage, 1 in the later stage, and the remaining two are the same as me. "

As for Marquis Yuanwu, he has always been a pensioner, and there is no specific work that needs to be presided over by him.

After everyone left, Nalan Sheng picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Lu Chen.

As a result, within a few days, people turned into Marquis Wu.

"Champion Hou?"

Nalan Sheng poured out the golden tea water: "Liwei, you need it no matter where you are. 99

Lu Chen turned his head and looked at Lou Yun Qingya, who had a terrified expression on his face.

After the negotiation of the national war is over.

The title of Marquis of Wu can be thought of by oneself, or it can be referred to by other seniors who have already been named Marquis.

If the champion Hou Lu Tianhe is really his own father, then Lu Chen will definitely not have the same name as his own father.

Liu Yu continued: "Also, Lu Chen has not been defeated so far, and the old man thinks that the Marquis of Shenwu is more in line with Lu Chen.

This young man is domineering, powerful, and talented.

Then Liu Yu put away all his thoughts and coughed lightly: "It's a good suggestion and I don't dare to take it. The old man thinks that the Marquis of Shenwu is more suitable.

Nalan Sheng and Yi Wuya's eyes narrowed.

"This time, Liwei, you have a firm foothold among us.

Immediately, they stood up at the same time, clasping their fists in both hands with a solemn expression: "Marquis Shenwu! 55

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