Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 280 The strength of the Nokan royal family, you can't mess with it (please customize it

"Hundred Stars Competition?"

After that, the planetary barrier was made.

"Wuhou like us is too common in Nokan Daxing."

Nalan Sheng is obviously yearning for this.

" can't be mean." 5

As an honorary member of the royal family, you can enjoy a low-level life planet exclusively!

"Yes, this is a traditional event of Noukan Star. At first, it was jointly organized by the 100 life planets under Nookan Star's command. Later, its influence expanded and it was hosted by the Royal Family of Nokan Star."

Nalan Sheng saw the smile on Lu Chen's face with such an expression and suddenly froze.

So powerful, Nalan Sheng does not know how eager he is.

The third reason is to guard against those overlord-level alien beasts that escaped from the major battlefields.

"And the Emperor Noukan is a king-level star powerhouse. 99

"The king's realm... the emperor...

Although this probability is not high, it is not that it has never happened.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help but laugh.


What is the king?

What is this concept?

Mom Han Yue is afraid that she will think she is dreaming?

"Moreover, if you enter the top 3, you can also become an honorary member of the royal family, there will be many unimaginable privileges.

Demo, 2 sentences will put you out.

The teacup he was holding was slowly put down again, and for some reason he had a bad feeling in his heart: "Hehe, what do you mean?

With the protection of the planetary barrier, the overlord-level alien beasts will hardly go to these living planets.

Nalan Sheng suddenly coughed lightly: "Lu Chen, the little girl Qingqing has been in your house recently, right?

It is equivalent to the owner of this planet being you, and the life and death of the inferior beings on it are also in your hands.

(The national war is about to start, let's see how Lu Chen kills the Quartet, ask for a wave of flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets, the national war dynasty must win, and it must be cool and domineering) Nine.

It is said that there are more than 1,000 inspectors in Nokan Daxing, and more than 800 of them are at the top Wuhou level.

"Means nothing."

"Come on, let me see what the starry sky looks like beyond the barrier!

"It seems that the strongest star of Nokan is the emperor, um, take the opportunity to ask the Nine Infant Empress, since she is the emperor, maybe she is the emperor above the emperor.

"In the Hundred Stars Competition, the inspectors will also sign up. As you know, their combat power is almost the ceiling under the king's realm.

This cabbage should also be picked.

About the outside of the earth, the Nine Infant Queen's words are unclear, perhaps it is related to the lack of her soul after she died for a long time.

Lu Chen pursed his lips and smiled.

Over the imperial capital, Lu Chen's whole body is poured like platinum with supreme power.

Lu Chen said.

"So you like Qingqing? Okay, then I'm relieved."

Space is not without waves, and hunting groups set up by some wicked people will wreak havoc on all major life planets.

0...... ask for flowers 0

Nalan Sheng's serious face suddenly filled with a smile.

The inspector is above the inspector, a bit like a police officer and a police officer.

After Nalan Sheng finished speaking, he continued: "However, 18-year-old Marquis Wu is not common, and I am afraid that there is no star of Nokan.

However, chatting with Nalan Sheng this time, Lu Chen is generally clear about the outside world.

Lu Chen's eyes were shining brightly: "What about above the emperor?"5

From here, the planetary barrier is more obvious.

Lu Chen was convinced by Nalan Sheng's sincere words, and could not help but say with a serious face: "Senior, don't worry, I will not hurt Qingqing. 39

"However, the name of the Hundred Stars Competition is still passed down, and the competition rewards are generous, and the top 10 have a lot of Amethyst Star Core rewards.

Therefore, the first reason is to control the flow of spiritual energy to prevent the strength of the indigenous people of this life planet from rising too fast to be controlled.

In addition, there will be monsters emerging from the living planets, so 1,000 people can understand.

Sage Nalan put his legs up on the desk and held up a teacup. The old god was talking.

They snatch the planet's resources and enslave and sell the planet's natives.

Just when Lu Chen flew to an altitude of 40,000 meters, the white barrier appeared instantly.

Or maybe the Nine Infant Empress felt that Lu Chen was not strong enough, so she didn't say much.

"It seems that this Hundred Stars Competition is still very necessary to participate in.

The planetary barrier has the function of isolating the aura. It is said that after the earth's aura recovered, the inspector sensed the abnormal index of the earth's aura.

"Just be a little request from a father."

The planetary barrier can reduce the possibility of being detected by the hunting group to a certain extent.

"I don't know what it will be like for parents to know that they are going to move to a planet in the future?"

Therefore, I know very well about the star of Noukan.

King realm... Nalan Sheng doesn't know if he has any hope in this life.

As for a series of privileges brought by honorary members of the royal family, it is also extremely tempting.

Lu Chen nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "Senior, how is the strength of the royal family of Noukan Star?

In the blink of an eye, Lu Chen flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters above the ground.

This is mainly to protect the stable development of life planets within the jurisdiction.

"Very strong! As far as I know, there are thousands of kings in the royal family, and nearly a hundred heavenly kings.

It can be said that since the protection has been obtained, it has to pay the price it deserves.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, then coughed a few times: "Yes."

Lu Chen was stunned.

Nalan Sheng was stunned for a moment, the emperor was already a distant dream for him, and he didn't even dare to think about the realm above and didn't know it.

Lu Chen wondered.

"As a father, I'm actually very unqualified, if it wasn't for Xiao Hongyu's company these years, Qingqing would probably be even more lonely.

Nalan Sheng said.

The two chatted a few more times.

"There are nearly 100 heavenly kings in the Nokan royal family, and each of them is invincible in the starry sky.

The second and most important reason for the planetary barrier is isolation and exploration!

"If...if you don't like it, don't hurt her either.

Nalan Sheng said: "Qingqing likes you, if you also like her, then I support you together.

"The king?

Saint Nalan is talented and powerful, and even in Nokan Star, he has the status of an ordinary citizen.

Lu Chen's expression stiffened.

"That's what it means. 35


Overall, a planetary barrier isn't a bad thing.

Mad, as expected of an old fox! This means is a bit high.

Saint Nalan sighed: "This time, my goal is to enter the top 1000. 35

In the chat with Nalan Sheng, Lu Chen learned that the planetary barrier was made by the inspectors of Nokan Star.

With such a character, the galaxy trembled and the big star shattered in the wave of his hand, and a single sentence could turn countless life planets into ruins.

"By the way, senior, what are the requirements for the Hundred Stars Competition?""

"What do you mean by nothing?"

However, before the emperor, there is the level of the king's realm.

Lu Chen was a little stunned: "The strength of the predecessors is not enough, right?

A great majesty and energy began to gather, as if to shoot down Lu Chen.

"That virtuous son-in-law, I won't stay any more."

Nalan Sheng smiled and explained: "Similar to Tianzong, it is a distinction between the top king and the emperor."

And no matter where the emperor is, he has a distinguished status. It is said that even if he looks at the entire vast universe, he is ranked first.

"Only the Fenghou realm can participate."

"Senior, I understand what you mean, don't worry."5

Not to mention other things, the reward of the Amethyst Star Core alone is extremely attractive.

For this reason, Lu Chen scoffed, and it is not necessary for you to intervene in your own affairs.


The lord of the big stars, who dominates ten thousand living planets, is the top in the entire star field.

Nalan Sheng is definitely a top Wuhou. Although he is weaker than himself, Lu Chen believes that this strength is already very high among Wuhou.

And the inspectors are all at the level of the king, and there are three main reasons for the planetary barrier.

King Jing is not sure, let alone become emperor.

Lu Chen thought to himself.

All the good son-in-law called, okay, then I'm welcome.

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