Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 278 Subduing Bingwuhou and shocking the audience

The four Marquis including Nalan Sheng looked at Lu Chen at the same time.

Does he have no bottlenecks?

"who do you think You Are?"

Lou Yunqingya stretched out her hand slowly, with a calm tone: "Tianzong dares to provoke Marquis Wu, since this is the case, I will teach you a lesson for you Marquis!

Is he unchained?

Liu Yu suddenly felt his scalp (Wang Hao) go numb, and quickly looked away, he didn't dare to look at Lu Chen!


In Liu Yu's heart, he kept roaring.

Compared to Liu Yu and Lou Yun Qingya, Nalan Sheng and Yi Wuya were shocked at all.

Immediately, Lou Yun Qingya sneered and said, "Commander Lu is so loud that he wants to kill all 11 Marquis in one go?

The three of Nalan Sheng shook again, all looking at Lu Chen in disbelief.

"Furthermore, Odin of the Giant Eagle Kingdom and Brahma of the Nanga Kingdom are not inferior to Saint Nalan."

Lu Chen continued to look at Liu Yu.

Lou Yun Qingya was clasped by Lu Chen's neck, her voice was hoarse, and her eyes were full of shock and horror!

Lou Yun Qing Ya Meng!

Damn, how can he be so strong!

The three Marquis were all shocked.

"Lu Chen, it's a bit too much."

Lu Chen, one move subdued Lou Yun Qingya?

Get up immediately.

Behind it, the solid martial arts field is even more apparent, and a big ice-cold bird can be vaguely seen rising into the sky.

They need to take Lu Chen easily.

Lu Chen's tone was calm, with a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

"Lu Chen, do you really think that you can fight against Marquis Wu if you can kill three Tianzongs with one palm?"

Besides, Lu Chen is someone I fought against Marquis Wu, how can you teach me?

Nalan Sheng's face changed instantly!

He actually likes Lu Chen very much. As a drunken evildoer in the history of the dynasty, Lu Chen's potential is absolutely great.

Liu Yu's body trembled.

I... was actually subdued by a Tianzong?

Lu Chen is much taller than Liu Yu, looking down at Liu Yu with a calm expression.

Seemingly waiting for Lu Chen's apology, he relented.

On the alloy wall, light blue ice grows like a living creature.

She has been a marquis for many years and has reached the middle stage of Wuhou!

Then, a big white and powerful hand grabbed Lou Yun Qingya's neck at some point!

Just when Lou Yunqingya thought that Lu Chen would not be able to withstand Wuhou's blow, Lu Chen took action.

"call out!

Although Lu Chen's combat power surpassed Tianzong, in the eyes of the four Wuhou, Lu Chen was only Tianzong.

The latter pondered: "Our four Marquis, plus you and Wang Quan, can be considered a Marquis, so there are only 6.

But, you are so provocative of a Marquis, are you really not afraid of death?

Liu Yu's pupils shrank in shock!

Lou Yun Qingya was slightly taken aback.

He, how long has he been a Tianzong!

Yi Wuya looked at Lu Chen's tall and straight back, and his heart was like a gust of wind and a tsunami.

"Lu Chen, you and Bingwuhou should apologize."

Lou Yun Qingya was originally cold, but at this time it was even more cold and biting.

Correspondingly, the human race is stronger.

"You, you have been enthroned!"

The aura in his body became stronger and stronger.

And the stronger Lu Chen is, the stronger the dynasty will naturally be.

After Liu Yu sensed Lu Chen's gaze, he felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Plain tone, domineering behavior, coupled with Lu Chen's big hands like iron tongs.

Liu Yu looked at Lu Chen strangely, as if he had heard a very funny joke.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu almost lost his footing.

Just after Lu Chen finished speaking, Nalan Sheng and Yi Wuya's eyes narrowed.

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly and his tone was calm.

Nalan Sheng's voice was a little harsh, and after speaking, he looked at Lou Yun Qingya: "Lou Yun, everyone is from the dynasty, and the enemy should not compromise their combat power now."5

Compared with Bingwuhou's potential, Nalan Sheng obviously thinks that Lu Chen's use of those star cores is more reasonable.

On the side, the corner of Liu Yu's mouth rose slightly with a hint of mockery.

Large flakes of frost appeared on the table.

"Hehe, are you blaming me for not giving you my share of the star core?"

At the same time, the surrounding air became extremely cold with a bang.

"Are you questioning me?"

He hurriedly stood up with a cane, with a strong look of fear in his eyes: "Lu... Lu Xiaoyou is serious! 35

Then, Lou Yun Qingya struggled desperately, her pale jade hand grabbed Lu Chen's hand, trying to break it apart.

"Move again and you're dead."

That is to say, Lu Chen has just stepped into the Fenghou realm and stood at the top of the world's Wuhou?

"With Nalan Sheng's strength, at most one can be dealt with, and two would be too laborious and risky.

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly: "Now you know who I am?"

Lu Chen slowly got up and a coldness flashed in his domineering eyes.

Then, Lu Chen looked at Liu Yu: "Marquis Yuanwu, are you satisfied with my apology?"

It is inappropriate to use power to oppress people, especially if the opponent is the rising star of the dynasty.

Lu Chen smiled.

Lou Yun Qingya's face turned red and her neck was purple, and she staggered for a few steps before standing up.


Lou Yun Qingya didn't seem to have heard Nalan Sheng's words.

Lu Chen's words sounded like thunder.

Martial arts late stage!

This strength... I am afraid that only a few Nalan Sheng can win, right?

The icicle shot towards Lu Chen's knee like a teleportation, obviously hoping that Lu Chen would kneel.

This guy has at least the combat power of the late Marquis!

The same is true of Nalan Saint.

And Lou Yun Qingya fell into a great panic.

Is this sealed?

And most importantly, it was originally Lu Chen's.

"Lou Yun Qingya? Do you want to know who I am?"

A black-gold light flashed, and the icicles that Lou Yun Qingya had condensed melted instantly as if encountering hot, hot magma.

Nalan Sheng saw the killing intent in Lu Chen's heart.

Before Lou Yun Qingya spoke, a bone-piercing icicle appeared in the palm of his hand.

Lu Chen's big hands kept exerting force, and Lou Yunqingya's neck turned red and purple.

And... a prince has such terrifying combat power!

Lou Yun Qingya looked at Lu Chen, who was wearing a black and gold military uniform, with a cold voice: "You have only been a Tianzong for a few days, how dare you ignore me?

Just when Yi Wuya was about to speak for Lu Chen, Liu Yu said lightly: "Lou Yun, don't make it difficult for a junior. `||. 35


On the other hand, Yi Wuya and Nalan Sheng frowned slightly.

After Yi Wuya finished speaking, Lou Yun Qingya said indifferently: "If your star core was distributed to us before, then we might be able to deal with it by improving our strength.

Lou Yun Qingya seemed to be struck by lightning, her body trembled slightly.

Although he was far stronger than Lou Yun Qingya, he couldn't be as relaxed as Lu Chen just now.

"Marquis Bingwu doesn't believe I have this strength?"

"It's just a pity..."

After thinking about it, he looked at Lu Chen and bowed slightly: "Little friend, Liu Yu apologizes for the inappropriate words just now!

Thinking of this, Lou Yun Qingya's body began to tremble involuntarily.

In the huge study, the temperature suddenly dropped rapidly.


`" But if you don't know the good and the bad, then today is the day you fell!

Is 18 years old comparable to the later period of Wuhou?

After Liu Yu finished speaking, Lou Yunqingya stared at Lu Chen with an extremely cold meaning all over her body.

This Marquis of Bingwu has been staring at Lu Chen's star core. Didn't he make it very clear last time, that was obtained by Lu Chen himself.

"The majesty of Marquis Wu is not something anyone can provoke.

This strength looks at the middle and upper class among Wuhou in the world, but Lu Chen can ignore her domain barrier and subdue him with one move?

Lu Chen said indifferently: "I was polite to you before, because you are a lot of age, and you have contributed to the dynasty."5

Nalan Sheng and Yi Wuya looked at each other.

Yi Wuyateng got up with a bang, his expression shaking.

Lu Chen let go of Lou Yun Qingya with a cold snort.

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