Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 256: Lie Bolong is defeated, Lu Chen saves the battlefield and fights Tianzong


At this time, the sky far away shook slightly.

Galois knew that it was Rolandillos fighting the kingship.

"Quick fight!

Before Miyamoto Jianzang could finish his words, the big bow in his hand brought a trail of afterimages.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of dark green arrows shot at Lieberon like dense bullets.

But Caroye's hands were sealed, and a rusted but supremely mighty vajra stabbed Lieberon fiercely.

Lieberon was angry and frightened in his heart, but he didn't panic.

"God of War Triglav!"

Lieberong let out a low roar, and two giant axes with flame patterns appeared in his left and right hands at the same time.

The big axe swung, and the fire and thunder rolled in, barely resisting the attacks of the two great heavenly sects for a while.

Galois and Miyamoto Kenzo were slightly surprised.

This Triglav battle axe, which is condensed from Gang Qi, is so powerful.

But the two were only slightly surprised.

Although Lieberon was stronger than before, he still couldn't change the outcome of death.

"Four five zero" "Boom!"

Volcanoes erupted, the ground ripped apart, and dust rolled across the sky.

If this scene happened on Earth, I am afraid that small countries have already suffered.

However, even so, such a huge momentum instantly attracted the attention of the powerhouses all over the battlefield.

in the jungle.

Lin Kaixuan raised his head with a shocked expression: "It's started!"

"Riding on a horse, the Nanga Kingdom and the Japanese Kingdom actually joined forces!

Dongfang Qingtian's face was extremely ugly: "This time... the Northern Bear Kingdom Tianzong is over."

"As soon as Lie Bolong dies, Minister Wang will..."

Bow battle throat rolling.

Even after being so far apart, he could still feel the endless pressure in the air. If he had gone up at this time, he might have been blasted to pieces.

the other side.

"Yangxi, today Miyamoto-sama should be beheading the Tianzong!"

"Lord Miyamoto praises the power of our Japanese nation, it's amazing, it's amazing! 35'

"Haha Lie Bolong is dead, then it will be the turn of the dynasty's kingship. 35

"Gaga, this time the star core will belong to our three countries.

The super-first-class sects of the Japanese and Nanga countries were all excited and trembling.

Tianzong, the Tianzong will finally fall today!

As the top combat power of the earth, Tianzong rarely sacrificed.

Even getting hurt is hard.

But today the Three Kingdoms conspired to increase this possibility to the greatest extent!

On the other hand, on the North Bear Country side, many large sects and top sects all looked ugly and panicked.

A Tianzong died in battle, which is an unbearable huge loss for any country.

Even though the North Bear Kingdom has three Marquis, Tianzong is still extremely important.

under the distant sky.


A golden and black figure kept colliding.

Each time it can shake the earth and break the dark clouds in the sky.

The golden figure is Rolandillos.

At this moment, Roland Delos was holding a pale golden foil sword.

This foil is almost the same as those held by fencers, but it is not known how many times stronger than those ordinary foils.

Opposite Roland Dilos, is the kingship that is filled with black astral aura, like an ancient god descending.

Those black qi flowed slowly, and a huge Tai Chi pattern could be seen vaguely.

Wang Quan's slender left hand has black and white swirls, like the sun and the moon, every rotation can bring monstrous fluctuations.

"Wang Quan, I can't kill you, and you can't kill me either."

Roland Dilos' tone was calm, with a hint of banter on his handsome blond features: "Why don't we sit down and watch a play while drinking coffee."5

"haha, really?"

Wang Quan looked at Roland Dilos silently: "Then, what if I killed you before this?"

Lieberong was besieged by Garouye and Miyamoto Jianzang, which he had expected before.

But when it really happened, it still shocked and disturbed Wang Quan's heart.

Rolandillos smiled.

The left hand holding the foil sword was raised, and the straight and slender sword tip pointed directly between Wang Quan's eyebrows.

"Then I want to see, how did you kill me?"

The two have fought for hundreds of rounds just now, but they are still dead.

"Then you'll be fine."

Before Wang Quan's voice fell, the speed of the black and white son in his left hand increased instantly.


The black qi that occupies half of the sky seems to be rolling halfway through the ocean.

The Taiji diagram condensed by the black qi began to gradually have white light spots.

Gradually, more and more white light spots formed a white Tai Chi fish.


When the white tai chi fish and the black tai chi fish form a perfect tai chi pattern, Wang Quan's hair turns white at this moment!

Rolandillos' expression changed.

" have condensed the blood of a true dragon!"

There was a hint of horror and horror in the voice.

Several of them are working hard to condense the blood of the true dragon, and I don't know how much resources are spent for this.

However, the blood of the true dragon is the proof to Wuhou.

This first drop of true dragon blood is as hard as reaching the sky!

When the first drop of true dragon blood condenses, it can already be called a quasi-marquis!

At that time, you only need to convert all the blood of the whole body into the blood of the real dragon, then you will be able to advance to the Fenghou realm and get the title of Wuhou!

Roland Dilos never dreamed that the royal power was one step ahead of them!

This news made Roland Dilos' scalp tingle.

Immediately afterwards, his expression instantly became extremely solemn.


Rolandillos' right hand behind his back maintained a vigilant stance. . . . .

The golden Astral Qi began to gather rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a golden palm with a size of 300 meters!

The primary supernatural power "Grip of Hercules"!

This big golden hand seems to contain infinite power and infinite explosive power.

As soon as it appeared, the clouds above the sky retreated.

An indescribable terrifying pressure was released from Roland Dilos.

Opposite, Wang Quan looked as usual.

The black-and-white tai chi diagram of Gang Qi slowly rotates.

The next moment, Wang Quan flicked his fingers, and the black and white chess pieces in his hand flew towards the big golden hand at an unimaginable speed as if the epidemic was raging.

At the same time, the two black and white chess pieces are intertwined and fly in a spiral, and the speed is getting faster and faster until it is almost like a huge black and white electric drill!

Beginner supernatural power "Tai Chi Nebula Art"!


The primary supernatural powers of the two Great Perfection Realms were like a spark hitting the earth, and a wave of extreme terrifying Astral Qi immediately spread out.

It was like the air of terror after a nuclear bomb exploded.

The hurricane whistled high in the sky, and the ground below collapsed directly.

I don't know how many alien beasts died in Huangquan under the terrifying aftermath.

The big golden hand has an incomparable aura, as if to shatter the planet.

The interweaving of black and white is like an extremely sharp steel needle piercing the heart of the golden palm.


Under this tyrannical impact, Wang Quan and Roland Dilos flew upside down for thousands of meters.

And the king still looks as usual.

On the contrary, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Roland Dilos' mouth, and his expression was extremely ugly.

In the face of the kingship condensed with the blood of the true dragon, he is no match!

"Now do you think I can kill you?"


Wang Quan stretched out his hand at will, and the black and white chess pieces flew back instantly and continued to rotate at his wrist.

Roland Dilos' face was gloomy, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Maybe, but... you will still die!

As soon as these words came out, Wang Quan suddenly looked to the right.


The sky there, like a mine collapse, was instantly twisted together as if it were sinking.

In the sky, a kite with a red body like a broken string fell to the ground full of magma!

At this moment, Wang Quan's expression changed instantly.

With his current strength, he can defeat Roland Delos, and it is also possible to kill Roland Delos.

But if you play three, then it is yourself who will ultimately fail.

Thinking of this, Wang Quan took a deep breath, just as he was about to deal with Roland Dilos as quickly as possible.


In that crimson sky, a white-gold figure rushed into the air at an incredible speed!

(Lu Chen started to fight Tianzong, everyone come to cheer Lu Chen with a monthly pass of flowers).

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