Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 257 The Orochi Baqi is useless, Miyamoto, you can't (please customize it)

"Lu Chen!"

At the same time of humiliation, there is also a monstrous killing intent!

"bring it on!

But that was based on the fact that Miyamoto Jianzang did not use supernatural powers.

What a terrible self-healing ability!

Lu Chen has been looking for an opportunity to fight Tianzong these days.

The immortal martial body can really withstand the attack of Tianzong!

No, even Lord Brahma, the Marquis of Nanga, may not be comparable to Lu Chen's body!

Just when Wang Quan was about to pass, his face suddenly changed dramatically.

And this arrow also made Miyamoto Jianzang feel a great humiliation!

When Wang Quan saw the figure in the white-gold light, his face changed instantly.

Not far away, Roland Dilos looked like he had seen a ghost, with a strong shock in his eyes.


The appearance of Lu Chen instantly changed the scene dramatically.

Now, there is another Lu Chen who is even more defiant.

"Whoosh whoosh! 35

Looking at Lu Chen's face again, it was still very calm.

Although the immortal avatar does not have the slightest sanity, it is still carried by the immortal martial body.

In addition to the shock, Roland Dilos is still a little puzzled, even if it is a top sect?

19-year-old Wuhou?

There is only one in his mind, kill Lu Chen!

The top sect is so powerful, do you really want to make him a Tianzong?

At this moment, the aura that Lu Chen shows is a top-level sect!

When Lu Chen crushed the arrow, the ferocious wound on Lu Chen's chest completely disappeared!

Orochimaru is useless! Miyamoto Sozo, you can't do it!

The purple-gold qi around Lu Chen's body quickly subsided.

The arrow just now did not cause any damage to Lu Chen.

This arrow is awe-inspiring, but it is impossible to kill the immortal martial body!

Under the terrifying power of Susazuki Ryuu, the immortal clone quickly melted like a snowman.

Although Lu Chen's defense and self-healing ability are extraordinary.

In an instant, the phantom of the 300-meter big snake slammed towards Lu Chen.

A dark green arrow pierced Lu Chen like lightning.

"how is this possible!"

When Lu Chen was about to continue, he sensed that the five Heavenly Sects were fighting fiercely in two places in the sky.

After the two recovered, there was a hint of horror in their eyes.

A sound like a thunderous explosion appeared.

What a terrifying defense!

"Susazuki Ryuken", the primary supernatural power of Miyamoto Kenzo, has already been completed, and it has been used to perfection.

Further up, that is the existence of the pyramid tip.

Haven't even reached the super-class level, do you still want to help Lieberon?

"Top, top bulk!"

Once the supernatural power is used, what if the self-healing ability is against the sky?

Vaguely, it has the meaning of dividing the world with the other three Tianzongs.

And the top 18-year-old?

The white-gold qi around Lu Chen's body was like a giant dragon flying into the sky, and it spread instantly.

Things you can't even think about!

The moment the arrow was pulled out, that is, when the arrow broke off Lu Chen's skin, the wound began to heal at an unbelievable speed.

Although he has suffered serious injuries and his combat power has been greatly damaged, the injury is not fatal with the physical strength of Tianzong.

Over the crater.

Platinum-gold blood spurted out of Lu Chen's chest instantly.

Behind Lu Chen, the immortal clone stepped out.


Although he did not use supernatural powers with this arrow, it was easy to hit the top sect with one arrow.

However, this inevitable arrow not only failed to penetrate Lu Chen's heart.

How did it become a top tier?

"You deal with Lieberon, and Lu Chen gives it to me!"

As the Japanese Heavenly Sect, he didn't even kill a small top sect.

There was a hint of astonishment and doubt in Galoye's eyes.

Lieberon looked anxious, while Galoye and Miyamoto Jianzang fell into a huge shock.

"Old... iron, let's go!


Lu Chen is not Marquis Wu, but his physical strength is comparable to Marquis Wu?

It must be a dream.


Lieberon also thought the same way, but when he wanted to help Lu Chen, Galoyana's swift and violent offensive had already come from all directions.

Before Galois finished speaking, Miyamoto Sozo had already made his move.

Even the wounds left behind healed instantly!

Now the opportunity has finally come.

Lu Chen is not dead, the future will be a disaster for their Nanga Kingdom!

"The base combat power is less than 30,000, but it's very close! 35

Generally speaking, being able to become an alloy warrior at the age of 18 is already a great evildoer.


The dark green arrow fell into Lu Chen's chest like a most vicious snake in an instant!

However, does the intelligence show that he is not in the middle of the big block?

At this moment, Miyamoto Asakusa couldn't think about why Lu Chen was able to achieve so much at this age.

"Lu Chen?"

"Boom! 35

But the next moment, a scene that shocked the three Heavenly Sects present to an unparalleled level appeared!

As if the arrow hadn't been hit just now.

For a while, the two of them stopped fighting.

In this way, his confidence is greatly increased!

Lieberong flew up from the magma below with a bang.

Galoye nodded, and immediately added: "Don't keep your hands!"

That is beyond the pyramid, it is the sky above the pyramid!


A depressing momentum fluctuation spread out instantly.

Lieberong spoke in Chinese abruptly.

And when the dark green arrow pierced the skin and touched the white-gold rib, it could no longer move forward.

And when Lu Chen pulled out the arrow that pierced the skin, the wound actually healed!

Before that, Lu Chen had just absorbed 20 silver star cores, and his combat power had increased to 25,000.

"kill him!"

Lu Chen said the arrow, which was pulverized into powder, as usual on the ground.

For a time, Lieberon had to cheer up to deal with Galoye.

Even a super-first-class sect will be killed if you are not careful.

Lu Chen broke the dark green arrow with one hand.

Lu Chen...isn't he the peak of the sect?

After sensing this scene, Miyamoto Jianzang's heart was even stronger.

Afterwards, Lu Chen realized that Lieberong could no longer hold on, so he gave up his plan to temper the cells and rushed over to support him.

Lieberong was shocked and thought that Lu Chen would definitely die.

"it is good!"

The four Marquis of the Dynasty, especially the Emperor Marquis, was extremely talented and had already made all countries feel a great crisis.

Miyamoto Jianzang exclaimed in surprise.

It will also be a disaster for countries such as the Giant Eagle Country and the Japanese Country.

Miyamoto Jianzang's expression was as cold and stern as a knife, and the dim light on the big bow in his hand flickered like an Orochi Orochi that devoured someone.

It's just that Lie Bolong stared blankly at the figure in the sky as if he hadn't seen it.


"Be careful!

Although his expression was calm, Lu Chen's heart was still very pleasantly surprised.

It is wishful thinking for the top sect to win the Tianzong!

By then the situation would be even more unfavorable.

Just when Lieberon was going to save Lu Chen.

He knows Lu Chen, and also knows that he is known as the first person of the younger generation of the dynasty, and 08 is also known as the fifth Wuhou in the future.

It seems that even Lu Chen's body, which is called heaven defying, has been forgotten.

"Tianzong's blow is nothing but this!"

Then the whole person flew upside down like a fashion and flew into the distance!

How is everyone's life going on like this?

This hasn't happened at all since the aura was revived!

Lie Bolong's face was pale, and his chest was torn apart by Miyamoto Jianzang's astral energy, revealing a large piece of flesh and blood.


18 years old, top bulk?

As for Lu Chen, his right hand clenched his fist, his purple-gold qi surging like Wang Yang.

Wang Quan had the same idea in his heart.

At the age of 18, he has already reached the top battle power, so what if he is 19 years old?

One move was blasted out, but Lu Chen's eyes were full of surprises and excitement!

Galois spoke suddenly.

The white golden phantom in the sky sprang out from the clone.

It can be melted while rapidly recovering.

And, it's not your average top tier!

He had already been injured and lost 450 battle strength. If he was distracted again at this time, it was very likely that he would be beheaded by Galoye.

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