Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 255 The Battle of Tianzong! The Vajra Glazed Dharma Image, Susazuki Ryujian, Vulcan Svalog

From the cultivation method of Divine Prison Star Broken Palm, Lu Chen saw a big hand that covered the sky.

This big hand radiating multicolored divine light like a star advanced at an unbelievable speed.

Wherever he passed, there were ripples in space.

Under the power of the Divine Prison Star Fragment Palm, even the space began to fluctuate unbearably.

And when the Divine Prison Fragmented Star Palm hit the pale red planet.

As if a giant meteorite hit, the red planet about the size of the earth collapsed directly.

And the shape of the collapsed area is exactly the shape of the palm.

Lu Chen estimates that the hand is thousands of kilometers in diameter!

With one palm, the planet collapsed, and then exploded directly in the endless starry sky~.

"If I can complete the Divine Prison Star Fragment Palm, it should already be on Earth - invincible!"

"No, it doesn't need to be Consummation, even if it's just a small success!

Lu Chen clenched his fists excitedly.

The primary supernatural power has been successfully increased by 8 times the additional combat power.

The intermediate supernatural power has been successfully increased by 11 times the additional combat power.

And for advanced supernatural powers, once they are successful, they can get 15 times the extra combat power increase!

Martial arts supernatural power, the higher the level, the greater the increase.

Even the advanced supernatural powers of Xiaochengjing have a 13-fold increase!

In other words, even if Lu Chen uses the current 25,000 combat power, the final combat power will be as high as 322,000!

If the immortal avatar is used to perform the unparalleled fist of the gods, then Lu Chen's ultimate combat power will reach 497,000!

This combat power has far surpassed Tianzong, and even Lu Chen estimates that ordinary Wuhou may not be able to compare to himself!

And this is only when the basic combat power is 25,000, what if it is 40,000 or even higher?

At that time, it may not be impossible to be invincible on this planet!

For a time, Lu Chen looked forward to the future!

at the same time.

The depths of the Grandmaster battlefield.

Here is an endless stream of active volcanoes.

Every volcano has magma rolling inside, and the air flow over the volcano is scorching hot and oppressive.

One of the largest volcanoes, the crater is 100 kilometers in diameter.

The magma in it boiled like boiling water, and there were fire snakes rising into the air.

It's hard to imagine how hot the temperature here is.


After a while, a tall and sturdy man with flames all over his body slowly emerged from the magma.

Lieberon glanced around, holding three shining amethyst star nuclei in his hands.

Amethyst star core is higher grade than dark star core.

Although these three are only 120 grams, their value is larger than the 100 kilograms of silver star cores.

And when Lieberon put the amethyst star core into the space bracelet, his face suddenly changed slightly.

"call out!"

Between the lights and flints, Lieberong rose into the air.

It also carried a large swath of hot magma, and the magma fell like a rain of fire.

And at the moment when Lieberon flew into the sky, where it was before, a big green snake appeared out of thin air and bit it.


Lie Bolong's speed was extremely fast, but before he could take any action, a Vajra Arhat phantom with a height of 100 meters and two heads and six arms instantly appeared in the sky!

The appearance of King Kong Arhat was too abrupt, plus Lie Bolong's sprinting speed was extremely fast, the two sides collided violently immediately.

With Lieberon's strength, of course this collision would not cause any injuries.

Lieberon's plan to escape was also broken, and the whole person was directly stagnant in the air.

"Friend, don't be in a hurry.

Behind Lieberong, a man wearing a black martial arts uniform with hair covering his eyes appeared out of thin air.

The man holds a longbow made of unknown wood.

The longbow was more than twice as tall as the man, and the dark green light on the bow was chilling.

"Miyamoto Jianzo... Garouya!

Lie Bolong looked at the two Heavenly Sects who were blocking their way up and down with extremely ugly expressions.

Garouye was still cross-legged in the sky, and said silently: "Lie Bolong, this volcano is your burial place.

"Where's Rolandillos?"

Lieberon looked around, and his expression was as gloomy as water.

Rolandillos should be dealing with the kingship!

In other words, the Tianzongs of the three kingdoms have joined forces!

Roland Dilos held back the kingship, and after the two of them killed themselves, he would behead the kingship.

Thinking of this, Lieberon's expression became extremely solemn.

All over the body, the crimson qi was like a super-large volcanic eruption that instantly covered the world.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was occupied by crimson.

And Lie Bolong's martial arts artistic conception continued to expand, covering a ten-kilometer radius, and a tremendous pressure instantly spread to every inch of space and every inch of land.

The five Heavenly Sects are of equal strength, and it is difficult to tell the winner unless they are at war with each other.

Now, the two great sects are besieging Lie Bolong.

Lieberon knew that if he did not go all out, he would surely be buried here.

But what if you do your best?

"Ha ha!"

Galoye chuckled softly, and his voice sounded like an ethereal aura coming from nine days away.

0.... ask for flowers·

And with this chuckle, a 300-meter-high phantom with a whole body like glaze and jasper emerged from behind him.

The primary supernatural power "Vajra Glazed Glass Dharma"!

The moment when the appearance of the vajra glazed glass appears.

The redness in the sky instantly subsided by half.

Glazed and red divided the world equally.

Immediately after.


The bowstring in Miyamoto's hand trembled, and a 300-meter-long dark green snake phantom emerged from the longbow.

Beginner supernatural power "Susazuki Ryuken"!

Glazed glass, red and dark green divide the world equally, and their imposing manners are comparable.


Lieberong let out a deafening roar, and the crimson flames around him merged into a giant flame bear that was also 300 meters high.

The primary supernatural power "Vulcan Svalog"!


This magical power is inspired by the fire god Svalog in the ancient mythology of the North Bear Kingdom.

When Lieberon summoned the power of Vulcan, the momentum continued to rise.

The magma in the crater below is like being attracted by a magnet, rushing into the sky at an incredible speed.

In this crater, his combat power can be improved!

"Oh naive!

Miyamoto Yazura waved his big bow expressionlessly.

As if the sky and the earth were torn apart, the three primary magical powers of perfection collided brazenly!

The turbulent qi fluctuations generated by the phantom of the Orochi Orochi formed by the Vajra Glass, the Fire God Svalog, and the Nasu Sagetsu Ryu Arrows instantly swept across hundreds of kilometers.


The volcano below erupted directly!

The large and small volcanoes around them shook violently like cups on the table.



The small volcanoes shattered like porcelain, and the magma was billowing.

In mid-air, two completely different qi collided with Svalog, the god of fire.

The 300-meter-high Vulcan phantom instantly collapsed for the most part.

However, under the burning of terrifying high temperature, Galoye's Vajra Glazed Glass was also covered with fine cracks.

And the phantom of the Orochi Orochi created by Susazuki Ryujian has its tail broken.


At this time, Lieberong was like an ancient beast, making a deafening roar.

Its sturdy and fierce muscles cracked inch by inch.

Blood shot.

As soon as the blood fog appeared in the sky, it was evaporated by the scorching high temperature!

Facing the full blow of Miyamoto Jianzang and Jialouye, Lieberong was injured!

(Flowers are sluggish, monthly tickets are sluggish, I beg you to give some flowers and monthly tickets to support ha) Nine.

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