Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 209 The 6 Division 6 Regiment Leader Bao Zhan

"Yes sir, the merit report can be done within 24 hours, and your data will be aggregated to the war zone in due course after the report."

Bao Zhan's demeanor was reverent with awe.

Lu Chen nodded and said no more.

Soon, the group boarded the fighter plane again.

It's just that this time is different from before, Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe directly boarded the special plane of the head of Bao Zhan.

Huo Tieshan left with the rest of the recruits.

The recruits peeked at Lu Chen before they left.

The top master! Still so young, a real battle star leader! Maybe he will be able to enter the top ten in the future.

And with their identities and strengths, it's hard to see such a big guy.

After all, the two sides have different strengths and different battlefields.

The regiment headquarters of the Sixth Regiment is about 120 kilometers away from Xuefeng Mountain.

The regimental building is a 5-storey building made of alloy.

In this dark and cruel battlefield of alien beasts, it is relatively luxurious.

Around the building, there are tents of different sizes, and there are at least 1,000 tents.


When the fighter plane landed, Bao Zhan bowed slightly: "Two sirs, please! 35

"You're welcome.""

Lu Jingzhe and Lu Chen stepped off the fighter side by side.

Along the way, Lu Chen saw Bao Zhan's hesitation.

433 Lu Chen guessed that Bao Zhan might want to ask himself how he killed so many top-tier fifth-order beasts in such a short period of time.

Or if you want to ask yourself other information.

After all, most of these soldiers in pack battles seldom return to the ground in the beast battlefield all the year round.

Even if you go back to rest or do other tasks, it is difficult to get information from the outside world.

After the three entered the regimental building.

Bao Zhan, who was so cool and capable, became a little nervous for a while: "Will the two officers have dinner first or..."

"Go to the place of merit first."

Lu Chen looked at Lu Jingzhe.

Since Lu Chen pierced two places, the little woman's breath in Lu Jingzhe's bones came out.

After listening to Lu Chen's words at this moment, Mei Mu said with tenderness, "Listen to you.

On the side, Bao Zhan heard this with a smile and said: "The two are really in love. Nian

Although he didn't know the information of the two, Bao Zhan could see that Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe were a couple.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Jingzhe couldn't help but smiled at Lu Chen.

And so does Lu Chen.

Soon under the leadership of Bao Zhan, the two came to the place of merit.

According to Bao Zhan, almost every regiment has a meritorious department.

The Merit Division has three main functions. The first is to upload the merits and specific information to the theater if the individual merits meet the standard, so as to improve personal identity or conduct job evaluation.

The second function is that you can use meritorious deeds to exchange for some cultivation resources.

The third is to take some meritorious tasks.

The meritorious task is similar to the credit task of the Imperial University. The difficulty of the meritorious task of different levels is different, and the meritoriousness of the task reward is also different.

However, according to what Bao Zhan said, in addition to specially recruited talents, ordinary soldiers can only follow their regimental headquarters if they want to obtain merits.

Evaluation by the regiment after the war.

In other words, without strength, you can't even take on tasks.


Lu Chen put the merit ring on the sensor in front of him.


Suddenly, lines of information appeared on the screen.

It is written that Lu Chen killed a certain alien beast at a certain time at a certain coordinate.

It is very detailed, which makes Lu Chen secretly sigh about the powerful function and the precise positioning.

And Bao Zhan on the side has been stunned.

Although it was confirmed before, it was still very shocking after seeing the series of extravagant data with my own eyes.

The most important thing is that the interval between Lu Chen's achievements is very short!

"A lot of 1 second!"

Bao Zhan was shocked in his heart.

He, the 6th regiment seat, has not seen the big world.

But it was the first time I saw someone so young and so powerful.

Now that Lu Chen has completed the tempering of the life source of the skull, his eyesight is amazing and his memory is even more scary.

At a glance, Lu Chen swept through most of the data, and his brain was determined almost instantly.

Soon, all the information is displayed.

And Lu Chen's merit is 11,866.

It took less than half a day to meet the requirements!

Bao Zhan exclaimed in his heart.

Immediately, with a straight body (aiaj) and a solemn expression, he gave a military salute: "Baozhan, the commander of the 6th Division of the 6th Division of the 1st Corps, see Lu Shizuo!

Before, the merits had not been uploaded, and now the position of the head of Lu Chen's division has been confirmed!

Lu Chen returned a military salute with a serious look.

After the ceremony, Bao Zhan respectfully said: "Lu Shizuo, are you going to report to the First Military Department now? 35'

According to the rules, Lu Chen can enter the First Military Headquarters to report as a division commander.

The so-called report is to enter it into the Merit List and the Battle Star List.

The former will be rewarded with different amounts of merit.

The latter can enjoy more benefits after being assessed by combat power.

After the report is finished, Lu Chen can enjoy the relevant treatment as the head of the division, and at the same time, the corresponding permissions can be unlocked, and there are more ways to obtain merits.

Lu Chen nodded: "That's the plan."

"Do you two want to stay for a meal? 99

Bao Zhan said with a look of hope.

"Hehe, the group seat, there is no need to eat, we will go directly to the First Army after we have dealt with some things.

Lu Chen said with a smile.

The Sixth Regiment was just the beginning of his military career, and Lu Chen didn't plan to stay long.

And Lu Jingzhe hasn't reached 10,000 meritorious feats yet.

"Good. 35

Although Bao Zhan felt a little regretful, he also knew the difference in identities, and after speaking, he saluted the two of them again: "Two sirs, the Sixth Regiment welcomes you at any time!


After Lu Chen finished speaking, he looked at his bare upper body and coughed lightly: "Tuanzuo, give me another dress."

"Ah? Good!

Bao Zhan thought for a while and said, "Master Lu, the Sixth Regiment doesn't have any clothes that suit you, so..."

"It's okay, the recruit uniform is fine."

Lu Chen said.

The division commander's uniform can only be collected from the military headquarters, which is not granted by the regiment headquarters.

1 hour later.

First Army.

Compared with the Sixth Regiment, the First Army Headquarters is even larger.

There are three buildings in the military, and all of them are more than 5 stories high.

And one of the 5-story buildings is the First Military Department of Merit.

There are many people in the Hall of Meritorious Service waiting to receive the quest at this time.

After Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe came to the hall, they glanced around and went straight to the second floor.

And many officers with strong breath in the hall looked at the two people in surprise.

After all, recruits rarely come here.

But people didn't pay much attention to it, maybe they came to find someone?

After reaching the 2nd floor.

Lu Jingzhe came to the console of the merit reporting office.

Soon, detailed information about Lu Jingzhe's exploits came out.

10 minutes later.

Lu Jingzhe's 10,000 meritorious information was confirmed to be correct and officially entered into the theater system.

"It's done, it's time to go to the reporting office. 99

The reporting office is on the 3rd floor, and the procedure is not complicated.

After reaching the 3rd floor, a young officer took over the merit rings of the two.

After checking the meritorious service and the internal information of the war zone, the young officer glanced at the two in surprise and hurriedly saluted: "Hello, sir!

"Have we successfully entered our information?"

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