Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 210 Prosperity Tianjiao, Troubled Army God, Lu Chen's Combat Strength

The officer nodded quickly.

After the merits are reported, because the merits of Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe have reached the standard.

Therefore, the confidentiality of the identity of the specially recruited talents is naturally lifted.

Young officers saw Lu Chen's age and related achievements.

18 years old, the champion of the Dynasty Championship, suspected to be a top master - combat power!

When these kinds of things come together, the impact is not generally large.

In addition, Lu Chen won 10,000 meritorious feats in just half a day. If the officers had not received professional training, I would have been shocked for a long time.

According to the information on the intranet, the two can be directly awarded the rank of division commander after they have reached the standard.

Thinking of this, the officer respectfully said: "Two sirs, please wait a moment. 99

Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe nodded, then found a place to sit down.


The young officer came over with two brand new uniforms.

This is the military uniform of the division commander, dark blue with golden stripes, which looks quite noble and majestic.

There are also 3 silver twinkling stars on the epaulettes of the military uniforms.

"Two sirs, this is your division commander's uniform."

The young officer put the clothes on with both hands: "There just happens to be a fit for the two officers, otherwise the logistics department will have to rush to make them.

Lu Chen nodded, it would be much more convenient to go to the 4th floor to test his combat power with this outfit.

"Two sirs, according to the regulations of the war zone, you can enjoy the treatment of division-level housing, that is, a single-family villa.

The young officer asked: "Do the two officers plan to go to the residence to rest first or to go to the 4th floor to test their combat strength? 39

"And the villa?"

Lu Chen was a little stunned.

"Yes, sir, you may not be very clear about these when you just joined the army. 200 kilometers south of the First Army is the residential area of ​​the Eastern Theater, where the regimental commander level is 200 square meters, and the division commander level is 500 square meters of single-family villas. .35

After listening to the young officer's explanation, Lu Chen nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that when he goes back, he will have a good understanding of his current treatment and authority.

"Okay, then go to the 4th floor to test the combat power!"

Anyway, come here, don't worry about it for a while.

Then the two changed into the division commander's uniform in the locker room.

The uniform fits well. Obviously the young officer has good eyesight.

It is worth mentioning that this military uniform is doped with some soft alloys, so it also has a very good defense.

"So handsome!"

In the locker room, Lu Jingzhe said with a large amount of Lu Chen with a smile.

The golden flow pattern just sets off Lu Chen's masculine and plump figure.

Coupled with the combination of dark blue, Lu Chen at this time looks like a young teacher who came out of the comics.

"Beautiful. 35

Lu Chen joked.

Lu Jingzhe was tall and slender from the beginning, but when he put on the uniform of the division commander, he looked even more heroic.

It's a completely different feeling from the regular clothes.

Lu Jingzhe kissed Lu Chen, and then the two walked out of the locker room.

"Two sirs, please!

The young officer made an inviting gesture with a very respectful demeanor.

Soon 3 people came to the 4th floor.

A pillar made of lavender alloy stands in the hall on the 4th floor.

This reminded Lu Chen of the Lieyang Stone Monument when he went to Lieyang Wuguan to play.

It is said that the Lieyang Stone Stele was brought out from the battlefield, and this should be the same source.

"Two sirs, this is the measuring and erecting monument. You punch on it, and according to the destructive power caused, you can show the combat effectiveness of the officers.

The young officer explained: "After entering the value after it appears, the officers can enter the battle star list, and if they test again later, the list will be automatically updated according to the battle strength of the officers.

Lu Chen thought about it and asked, “Can you test multiple times?’35

"Of course you can, take multiple tests in a short period of time and take the one with your best score.

Lu Chen heard the words and nodded: "That's good!"

Lu Chen's current basic boxing strength is 1519 tons, which is the middle stage of the master.

But this does not count the immortal martial body.

Lu Chen has always wanted to know how much the immortal martial body can give him.

And if you use your immortal martial body to display your own martial arts of perfection, what will be the final combat power?

Today, I can finally try it out!

Lu Jingzhe was also curious about Lu Chen's true combat power.

She only knew that in the second round of the championship, she used the Dachengjing martial arts, which could not match Lu Chen's speed.

Lu Chen walked to the Ceili monument.

Then the immortal body runs as fast as a small nuclear reactor.

In an instant, an unimaginably powerful force spewed out.

Lu Chen clenched his fist, and then threw a punch.

"Boom! 35

The 3-meter-high measuring monument instantly made a deafening roar.

Purple light blooms on the lavender crystal stele.

At the top, the numbers jumped wildly.

"4000 combat power! Grandmaster level?!""

The young officer's face changed dramatically!

Lu Chen, he didn't use martial arts, not even martial arts, but his physical strength is comparable to the early stage of the great master!?

Suddenly, the officer's heart set off a huge wave.

According to the data, Lu Chen is clearly in the middle stage of the master!

Even if some martial arts masters are physically tyrannical, they are not so strong, right?

This... is the champion of the championship game so fierce?

And Lu Jingzhe was also a little shocked.

This... is even more terrifying than cultivating the Nine Infants Divine Tome.

...... Ask for flowers 0.

No wonder Xiaochen is so amazing!


Lu Chen looks as usual, 4000 combat power is actually 4000 tons, but the name is different.

And this number is not much different from what Lu Chen himself expected.

Su Immortal's basic boxing strength is 3,500 tons, and Lu Chen guessed it when he was not his opponent using the top martial arts that day.

"Sir, sir, it's amazing!

The young officer exclaimed sincerely.

The 18-year-old great master is in the early stage! I really don't know what kind of combat power he would have if he used martial arts!

For such a young master, the young officer had no doubt that Lu Chen had also practiced the martial arts of Xiaoyijing.

Not even a martial arts officer would be surprised.

Lu Chen took a deep breath.

He also wanted to know how much power he had after using Shenxiang Wushuangquan!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's deep black pupils were instantly replaced by gold.

The golden aura as vast as Wang Yang surged wildly.

In an instant, an aura that was so fierce that the young officer's color changed burst out from Lu Chen's body.


In an instant, Lu Chen's whole body was filled with bright golden light.

With a blue-gold military uniform, the whole person is like a god descending!

After the spiritual energy in the body began to operate, Lu Chen's eyes changed from golden to purple-gold!


Immediately afterwards, the pale golden aura around Lu Chen's body instantly turned purple-gold.

And Lu Chen's fist has disappeared in front of the two of them.


When Lu Chen retracted his fist, there was a loud noise like Lei Ming's explosion on the monument.

The sound directly shook the ground, causing the tables and chairs not far away to shake.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the value was increased from the original 4000 to 28,000!

The young officer's face changed.

28,000 combat power, a 6-fold increase!?

This is the martial art of the Great Artistic Realm of Perfection!

At the age of 18, you have completed the martial arts of the Great Yijing?

And it also has the realm of the middle stage of the master?

Can the Grandmaster complete the martial arts of the Great Artistic Realm?

A series of news made the young officer unable to hold back any longer, and the shock on his face reached the extreme!



No, it is said that the evil spirits are low!

The officer could no longer imagine adjectives.

You must know that the vast majority of the great masters only began to practice the martial arts of the Great Impression in the middle stage of the great master.

Some of them will not be able to Consummate when they reach the peak of the Great Master!

What does this mean?

This shows that in the mid-stage Grandmaster Lu Chen's realm, the combat power is already comparable to the full-strength blow of the mid-stage Grandmaster?!


Not your average scary! 9.

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