Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 208 The group seat, the battle star you are looking for should be them

"Hey, what the fuck! This battle star solved the big trouble for my Sixth Regiment! Haha!""

Bao Zhan suddenly thought of a piece of news that made him very excited.

There are a total of 5 Tier 5 top alien beasts in Blood Peak Mountain, and now all of them have been beheaded by that Battle Star!

In addition, along the way, I also saw many corpses of fifth-order alien beasts.

In other words, the Blood Peak Mountain frontline guarded by the Sixth Regiment is no longer in danger!

No crisis!

What an exciting four words!

You must know that there are usually about fifty fifth-order alien beasts on the front guarded by a regiment.

These alien beasts are rarely dispatched at the same time, usually 2 or 3 fifth-order alien beasts bring low-level alien beasts to form a beast tide to charge the defense line.

And if there is a fifth-order top-level alien beast, it is usually solved by the battle stars in the war zone.

Now, the Sixth Regiment has not issued a rescue mission, but all the major crises in Blood Peak have disappeared!

What does this mean?

It means that from now on, the Sixth Regiment can sit back and relax until the division dispatches a new guard mission!

During this period, their six regiments had at least one week of rest.


Thinking of this, Bao Zhan couldn't help laughing.

Although I couldn't find this Battle Star in person, this one really gave the Sixth Regiment a huge gift bag!

Bao Zhan sent this good news to his adjutant while extracting the blood of these alien beasts.

In fact, as the eight fifth-order alien beasts in the alien beast tide were resolved, this temporary battle has ended.

10 minutes later.

Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe returned to the recruit company of the Sharp Knife Regiment again.

"Huh? You're back so soon?"

Huo Tieshan just finished sending the signal flare.

In fact they barely fought.

When Huo Tieshan brought the recruits to the periphery of the front line for support, he found that not a single alien came out.

It is said that a battle star descended on Blood Peak Mountain to help the Sixth Regiment solve the big trouble.


Lu Chen nodded and said.

Although Xuefeng Mountain is very large, it is not troublesome for Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe to find fifth-order strange beasts.

In 10 minutes, the two found 2 more alien beasts.

And these two heads were killed by Lu Jingzhe.

Although there is still 4,000 points away from 10,000 meritorious deeds, there is still plenty of time in the afternoon, so the two of them are not in a hurry.

After reporting to the regiment headquarters, you can go to the fronts guarded by other regiment headquarters.

Huo Tieshan's expression moved slightly and tried to ask: "The two officers...could it be the Lord Battle Star that everyone mentioned"||?

"Battle Star?

Lu Chen was at a loss.

Lu Jingzhe had never heard of it.

"It's like this, our theater has a battle star list, ranked according to combat power.

Huo Tieshan explained: "I just heard from the battalion commander Ma that a battle star came to clean up the fifth-order alien beasts in Blood Peak Mountain. 35

"Oh, this is it!

Lu Chen nodded: "Yes, we did it."

There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing, because Lu Chen's meritorious service has exceeded 10,000. After reporting the meritorious service to the regimental headquarters, the regimental headquarters can also verify it.

After listening to Lu Chen's words, Huo Tieshan's face changed slightly.

Immediately, his demeanor became more respectful.

At first, he thought that Lu Chen and Lu Chen were the late stage warriors.

But now it seems that this is a warrior, clearly a top master!

Such a young top master?

This... how did the Eastern Theater attract these two bigwigs?

For a time, Huo Tieshan, a battle-hardened veteran, couldn't help but feel a little restrained.

And at the same time.

"Did Adjutant Lin find out! 35

Back in the trenches, Bao Zhan handed the sword over and asked.

Adjutant Lin shook his head: "Tuanzuo, the war zone said that there is no Battle Star in Xuefeng Mountain, and no Battle Star on the Battle Star website said that he has been here.


Bao Zhan was a little surprised: "That's really weird, is there any war star who likes to do good things without leaving his name?"


Adjutant Lin gave a wry smile, those Battle Stars are powerful, and it is not impossible for those with such eccentric temperaments.

Bao Zhan shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

"Let the fourth battalion and the fifth battalion clean the battlefield, and drop by the coordinates I gave to transport out the corpses of those fifth-order alien beasts. 35

Bao Zhan stretched his waist: "Where is Huo Tieshan?"

"Waiting outside. 55

"Go, go and see these new recruits.

According to the rules, he is the head of the regiment to preside over the registration ceremony of the recruits.

The so-called ceremony is actually very simple, nothing more than to understand everyone's information, and then say a few words of encouragement.


"All stand up!

Huo Tieshan said quickly after seeing Bao Zhan and Adjutant Lin coming.

Immediately everyone stood upright.

"Sir, I have something to report to you.

Huo Tieshan ran to Bao Zhan and whispered.

Bao Zhan was in a good mood, and he said with a smile: "Tell me what's going on."

"That's right, there are two military recruits in the recruit company this time."

After Huo Tieshan finished speaking, Bao Zhan was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, the eyes brightened.

What's up with the sixth group today?

Good news one after another!

First, the mysterious battle star solved the serious problem of the Sixth Regiment, and now there are special recruits to join!

You must know that those who can be specially recruited are all super geniuses, and at least have warrior-level strength.

"`" where is it?"

Bao Zhan asked quickly.

Huo Tieshan made an inviting gesture, and immediately looked at Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe and said, "The group seat is them, Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe. 39

Huo Tieshan said to Lu Chen and the other two again: "Two sirs, this is our sixth regiment leader Baozhan."

"Young Talent!"

Bao Zhan enthusiastically stepped forward and shook hands.

Lu Chen also politely said, "Good group seat."

"Brother Lu Chen, you're welcome."

Bao Zhan looked at the two with a smile: "The war just ended, let's go back to the regiment to talk. 39

"Sir, there is one more thing.

At this time, Huo Tieshan whispered again.

Bao Zhan listened, Huo Tieshan said: "The two officers went to the inside of Xuefeng Mountain as soon as they came to the front, and the battle stars passed down in the regiment should be them.


Bao Zhan was so shocked that he could not help but open his mouth, and there was even more light in his eyes.

"Chief Lu also admitted it himself just now, there should be no falsehood in this matter."

Generally, this kind of fraudulent claiming of military exploits will be punished greatly after it is exposed, so there is almost no such thing as fraudulent claiming of military exploits in the war zone.

After Bao Zhan listened to Huo Tieshan's words (is it okay), he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The battle star that he was searching for, the battle star who killed the top fifth-order grandmaster at the speed of thunder, was actually in their sixth regiment!

Suddenly, Bao Zhan only felt an electric current rushing up like a small snake under his feet.

The whole person was shocked beyond words.

Special recruitment is already good news.

And this specially recruited talent also has the top 100 level of the battle star list...


Has the luck of my six regiment finally come?

Suddenly, Bao Zhan's eyes on Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe changed immediately.

If it is just an ordinary special recruit, then the package war is to treat each other warmly.

But on the first day of enlistment, there is a battle strength comparable to the top 100 in the Battle Star Ranking, which is almost never seen!

This is not just a warm welcome, but looking up!

Thinking of this, Bao Zhan stood tall and respectful: "Hello, two sirs!

"The group is polite.

Lu Chen asked: "By the way, can the regiment directly upload personal achievements?" Kill.

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