Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 186 Is there something wrong with the display screen? The 3 level begins


Above the sky, Tianzong Wangquan felt as if a nuclear bomb had been thrown into his heart, and there were waves in an instant!

The corner of the big screen shows Lu Chen's results.

The second level, Lu Chen, 26 seconds!

Clear the level in 26 seconds!?

Rao is that he was mentally prepared before and was shocked at this moment.

Before clearing the level, Wang Quan thought that Lu Chen needed 40 seconds.

However, the speed of the last 50 meters is still very fast.

26 seconds?

What is this concept?

Beside Wang Quan, the eyes of the four military governors soared.

At this moment, an idea emerged in the hearts of the four people at the same time, that is, no matter what the price is, we must win Lu Chen to their own war zone! Definitely!

at the guest seat.

Seeing Lu Chen walking out of the entrance of the Ten Thousand Beasts, and seeing the words 26 seconds on the big screen, Lin Kaixuan was so shocked that he lost his voice!

Gong Zhan, Jiang Dingguo and Zhiyuan fell into sluggishness at the same time.

26 seconds?

Great master level!

"Four Three Three"

Moreover, it is not an ordinary great master, at least it must be in the middle stage of the great master!

18 years old, comparable to the speed of the middle stage of the great master?

dare not think, dare not think!

If you think about it, you will be ashamed to death.

in the audience.

Luo Hong, Chen Ao, Li Weijie and other imperial college students lost their voices at the same time.

The huge auditorium, with nearly 100,000 people, can hear the needle dropping quietly at the moment!

The top of Zuwu Mountain seems to be stagnant by time.

Everyone is staring at the figure on the screen that exudes purple-gold light.

Invincible? Rolling? Brilliant? Destruction?

It seems that all the words are not enough to describe Lu Chen at the moment.

Perhaps, only the era of Gaia can describe it!?

Outside the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts.

When Lu Chen stepped out, the surrounding pressure like the tide and mountains disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen jumped to the huge stone platform.

The stone platform is mottled and dripping with age.

There were still bloodstains that had dried up all around.


When the purple-golden light disappeared, Lu Chen sat cross-legged and stared at the exit of the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts silently.

The self-created martial art "Shenxiang Wushuangquan" is stronger than Lu Chen imagined.

This martial art fits perfectly with the immortal martial body.

When Lu Chen performed it, there seemed to be a torrent rolling in his body, which brought a steady stream of unimaginable strength support.

At this time, Lu Chen just realized that compared with the immortal divine tome, Shenxiang Wushuangquan should be the key and the door.

Or rather, a match and a pan of hot oil.

Shenxiang Wushuangquan perfectly unleashes all the potential of the immortal martial body.

So that even the last 50 meters of the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts did not bring much feeling to Lu Chen.


After 20 seconds, Lu Jingzhe, whose whole body was covered with red and blue aura, also rushed out.

Compared to the beginning, Lu Jingzhe's pretty face was slightly red at this time.

Although the fourth floor of the Divine Book of Nine Infants was completed, the pressure of the last 50 meters was still extremely strong.

But this is the case, Lu Jingzhe cleared the level in 46 seconds, enough to shock everyone!

However, Lu Jingzhe's light was covered up by Lu Chen.


Lu Chen got up and greeted him.

Lu Jingzhe's aura disappeared, and his beautiful eyes were full of shock.

She saw the display screen next to the stone platform, where the golden "26 seconds" was extremely bright.

Next to Lu Chen is her silver 46 seconds.

A full 20 seconds off!

In Lu Jingzhe's mind, Empress Jiuying also felt it.

He couldn't help but grow red lips, and there was a strange light in his purple eyes.

"Xiaochen, you, you..."

Lu Jingzhe didn't know what to say for a while.

Speaking of mood, her mood is definitely the most complicated.

In the end, Lu Jingzhe had a bright smile on his beautiful cheeks: "You are so amazing! My sister is proud of you!

As he said that, he picked up Lu Chen.

On the huge stone platform, there were only Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe.

At this time, in the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts.


The three of Tuoba Moxiong felt as if they were walking against a 15-level gust of wind, and each step forward was as difficult as digging a rock.

On Pu Xuan's handsome face, blue veins burst out, and there seemed to be a pair of invisible big hands under his feet preventing him from moving forward.

The same is true for Oriental Tu.

Every step of the three of them weighed a thousand pounds.

I don't know how long it took.


When the surrounding pressure quickly receded like a tide.

The slightly pale faces of the three were covered with fine beads of sweat.

Then, the three of them saw Lu Chen and Lu Jingzhe who were chatting on the stone platform at the same time.

The Oriental man Tu Yuguang glanced at the big screen next to the stone platform.

Lu Chen, 26 seconds!

Lu Jingzhe, 46 seconds!

And Dongfangren Tu, 2 minutes and 59 seconds!

There are Tuoba Moxiong and Pu Xuan who have the same achievements as Dongfang Rentu.

Until the last moment, the three of them did not decide the winner?

However, at this time, the three of them had no idea of ​​victory or defeat.

Tuoba Moxiong sat at the exit of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cave and stared blankly at the dazzling 26 seconds.

Pu Xuan looked blank.

He thought that Lu Chen would need about 1 minute and a half.

up to 1 minute 0........

However, what is the concept of 26 seconds?

The warriors and warriors run with all their strength outside for more than this time.

3 kilometers, the might of the beasts, 26 seconds?

If someone told Pu Xuan before that there were players who could clear the level in 26 seconds, Pu Xuan would beat the demons and demons on the spot.

However, this number beyond everyone's imagination has actually appeared.

Time passed little by little.

The three sat quietly on the ground, silent for a long time.

A few minutes later.

Tuoba Ao, He Chenjun and the others walked out of the Myriad Beast Cave exhausted.

"3 minutes 55 seconds, very good!"

He Chenjun has been keeping an eye on the time, and when he came out, he clenched his fists excitedly.

With this achievement, basically as long as he doesn't have major problems, he will become a great master in the future.

On the other hand, Tuoba Ao was also relaxed, his score was 1 second less than He Chenjun.

"I wonder how Tuoba Moxiong and the others are doing?"

Tuoba Ao looked at the big screen not far away, and first saw Tuoba Moxiong's score of 2 minutes and 59 seconds.

"Fuck, so strong! 35

Tuoba Ao's scalp suddenly felt numb, this result was enough to rank in the top 50 in history!

How many times has the Dynasty Championship been held? The difficulty of the top 30 is not ordinary, but Tuoba Moxiong did it!

And when Tuoba Ao continued to look up, he suddenly felt his heart stop.

Lu Jingzhe, 46 seconds!?

Then, Tuoba Ao saw the golden light above the silver characters again.

Lu Chen, 26 seconds!?

At this moment, Tuoba Ao was full of question marks.

what the hell?

26 seconds, is the display wrong?

On the side, He Chenjun and several others also had the same puzzled expression of 0.9.

Although they had seen Lu Chen's speed at a high speed before, the more the cave of the beasts was, the greater the pressure, so they never thought that Lu Chen would be able to maintain that speed all the time.

After seeing the big screen at this time, the brains of He Chenjun and several people went down.

As time went by, more and more players came out of the cave of the beasts.

Some people were directly paralyzed, while others were gasping for breath.

More, is to quickly see if their ranking has entered the 32nd.

And when everyone sees the ranking of the display.

"Fuck, there's something wrong with this big screen, how could someone pass the level in 26 seconds? 35

"Yeah, there's another 46 seconds below, which is so wrong, isn't it?"

The people were involuntarily speaking.

On the stone platform, Tu Hao, an oriental man whose physical strength had recovered, smiled.

Immediately, he said indifferently: "There is nothing wrong with the display, it is indeed 26 seconds. 39

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