After Dongfang Ren Tu finished speaking, he suddenly found that the scene was quiet.

Xiao Yun, Chen Lie and others suddenly looked up at Lu Chen.

The next moment, one after another, the voices of gasping for breath sounded one after another.

on the square.

"There's no need to compare at all, Lu Chen is definitely number one!"

Archer murmured.

Jiang Dingguo's throat rolled, yes, this is more than a fart.

Lu Chen's strength is absolutely crushing.

Jiang Dingguo estimated that even if Tuoba Moxiong met Lu Chen, he could only insist on taking four or five photos, right?

"Champion! Champion at 18? 35

The corners of Lin Kaixuan's mouth kept rising.

The 18-year-old champion, a feat never seen before!

And Lu Chen is done, Di Da is done!


In the guest seat, Jin Longyuan took a deep breath.

Next to him, Wu Jingyun, Teng Qihu and other top masters stopped talking.

18 years old, have the fighting power comparable to them?

Madd, don't watch this game!

"The third level, Lu Chen, is to walk around."

Wang Quan in the sky had a smile on his face: "This guy really broke my expectations time and time again!"

On the side, Yan Wudi laughed and said, "I guess those guys will abstain when they meet Lu Chen."

"Haha, yes, if it were me, I probably wouldn't want to fight anymore, I'm just a freak!

After Chu Qin finished speaking, it seemed like he was talking to himself: "If Lu Chen can join in the western theater of 08, the light of the theater!

As soon as these words came out, Hong Zhen, Yan Wudi, and Tie Jun looked at Chu Qin with bad expressions at the same time.

Chu Qin straightened his back and said solemnly: "I'm short of people in the western theater. It's not too much to ask Lu Chen to come?"

"Go away! I'm too lazy to care about you!

"Bah! What a beautiful thought! Years

"Shameless! Don't say I know you!"

After a while.


The stone gate at the exit of the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts slowly fell.

After 20 minutes of racing, everyone walked out.

However, in the last 10 minutes, the pressure of the Ten Thousand Beast Cave has been greatly reduced.

In the third stage of the ring competition, only the top 32 players who cleared the stage the fastest were selected.

In other words, the remaining 100 people can only serve as spectators.

The moment when the stone gate of the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts was completely closed.

The huge stone platform slowly floated into the air.

Under the stone platform, everyone was eager to try.

The ring has started!

In this third pass, a random draw will be used to compete in pairs, the winner will advance, and the loser will be eliminated!

The way of drawing lots is randomly determined by the large screen next to it.

"Don't draw Lu Chen in the first round!

In the crowd, Xiao Yun and others kept praying in their hearts.

26 seconds, this is the absolute strength to crush.

Xiao Yun estimated that unless two of Tuoba Moxiong, Dongfangrentu and Puxuan joined forces, it would be impossible for one of them to be Lu Chen's opponent.

After seeing the stone platform suspended in mid-air at 50 meters.

The light in Tuoba Moxiong's eyes skyrocketed!

The record created by Lu Chen in the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts is indeed shocking, but what about the real combat power?

You may not lose yourself!

"Hoo! 35

Dongfang Rentu took a deep breath, and the fighting intent in his eyes burned like fire.

He has kept the sword for a year, and now the sword will really be unsheathed.

Pu Xuan stared at Lu Chen with burning eyes.

The number one in the cave of the beasts may not necessarily be the final number one!

Lu Chen, how is your real combat power?


At this moment, a light flashed on the big screen.

Immediately, two player names appeared, Lu Chen VS Zhou Binbin!

"here we go!"

Everyone was shocked.

In this arena, according to the ranking order, the first-ranked players will be drawn first, so the second to 32nd players may be drawn.

In the crowd, the young man named Zhou Binbin turned pale.

Mad, Lu Chen was drawn in the first round, which is a shit.

"That... I am abstaining. 35

Zhou Binbin said in a weak voice.

Lu Chen glanced back, and Zhou Binbin shrank his neck in fright at Lu Chen's look.

Others were not at all surprised by this result.

Soon, the second game begins.

Soon, the first round was over.

Lu Chen won without a fight and entered the round of 16.

What is worth mentioning is that Yuwentai's opponent has also abstained because of too much consumption in the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts.

In other words, Yuwentai also advanced to the top 16 this time.

Yuwentai blushed with joy.

Di Da has not made the top 16 for a long time.

Although he knew that he would definitely lose in the quarter-finals, this result has far exceeded his expectations.

The second round begins.

"I abstain.

The moment Xiao Yun saw the list again, he immediately raised his hand and said.

Mad, was knocked unconscious by a punch last time, and this time, Lu Chen must not be punched to death.

After listening to Xiao Yun's words, everyone was not surprised, after all, Lu Chen cleared the level in 26 seconds!

This is simply a monster.

I am afraid that except for Tuoba Moxiong, there is almost no obstacle to Lu Chen.

And even Tuoba Moxiong and the others are not necessarily Lu Chen's opponents.

On Zuwu Mountain.

"Haha, this championship battle is a bit boring."

The bow war's expression was gloomy.

"Yeah, the first one has no suspense, the second one has no suspense, and the third, fourth, and fifth still have some suspense."

Jiang Dingguo touched his gray beard and smiled.

Dynasty needs genius, just like fish needs water.

Lu Chen, although not from their army military academy, nor from the military, but the stronger Lu Chen's strength, the better for the dynasty, that's enough!

at the guest seat.

Jin Longyuan and others were all sighing.

Teng Zhuhu said with a smile: "This guy... in just two months, he is already on par with you and me, and his speed is far ahead of me. 55


The guests in the front and back rows nodded in agreement.

Soon, the top 8 list has been generated.

Just as everyone expected, Lu Chen, Lu Jingzhe and Dongfangren Tu, plus He Chenjun, Tuoba Ao and Manxiang Wuguan Hong Bin.

Under the stone platform.

The 8 people looked at each other, Tuoba Moxiong was gearing up, and the fire of war in his eyes became more and more hot.

The unsheathed sword in Tu Mo's hands looked solemn.

And Pu Xuan is taking a deep breath and waiting for the battle to start!

In the quarterfinals, they will be eliminated by half.

"Lu Chen VS Oriental Tu! 39

After seeing the results of the lottery on the big screen, everyone's expressions were slightly moved.

It's time to start!

The two top players are finally going to fight!

As for Dongfang Rentu, the originally calm eyes were instantly replaced by a fierce and terrifying aura.

"Lu...Come on!"

Dongfang Rentu suddenly realized that calling Lu Chen was not the same as calling Uncle Lu, so he simply stopped calling.

Lu Chen climbed onto the stone platform and looked at Tu, the oriental man opposite.

Under the stage, Tuoba Moxiong and Puxuan shuddered with excitement.

From this battle, they will see the specific strength of Lu Chen.

In the end, is it because of cultivating the Grand Master Martial Art of Great Impression and Speed, or is it because of his own strength?

"Nephew, you go first.

Lu Chen stood with his hands tied and looked peaceful.

A black line appeared on Dongfang Rentu's forehead.



A silver sword light burst out from the scabbard instantly!

Dongfang Tu, who has raised knives for 1 year, draws his knives for the first time!

"Boom! 35

There was a sudden wind on the huge stone platform, and the strong wind blew the robes and hair of Lu Chen and Dongfang Rentu.

Under the stage, all the players who had been eliminated including Yu Wentao couldn't help but take a step back, with horror in each other's eyes!

Is it just that the momentum revealed by the sword unsheathed is already so fierce?

Lu Chen, how to deal with it?.

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