Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 185 It took 26 2s! Your brother will become emperor within a hundred years

"How did you get here? Is it too slow?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised, he thought that after 1 minute, the three of them were at least close to the finish line.

But as a result, this result is a bit poor.

Although there are still more than 900 meters left to the finish line, the pressure of these 900 meters is more than ten times stronger than before.

Tuoba Moxiong, Dongfangrentu and Puxuan were all stunned after hearing Lu Chen's words.

Why is he here?

Didn't he let it for 1 minute, why did it appear so quickly?

He said I was too slow? Am I slow?

The three of them were shocked and dazed, so that when Lu Chen continued to run fast forward, the three of them responded.

"Boom! 99

An extremely violent aura erupted from Tuoba Moxiong's body.

At the same time, a sound like a roar of a giant bear rose up in his body.

The martial arts master of small artistic conception "Dragon Fist of Devil Bear Town", great success!

This was the trump card Tuoba Moxiong originally planned to use in the last 300 meters, but now he was stimulated by Lu Chen to take it out in advance!


The oriental man slaughtered all over his body, and the dazzling white swords blazed, and the fierce aura became more and more impressive.

Like Tuoba Moxiong, Dongfang Rentu is no longer reserved!

He's going to sprint!

Catch up with Lu Chen as much as possible!

Even if he knew that he had lost to Lu Chen in the second round, he had to narrow the gap as much as possible.

Pu Xuan looked at the golden ball in front of him, and felt that the Buddha's heart was not firm.

The small artistic conception master martial arts I practiced was inherited from the first year of martial arts!

It is the treasure of Buddhism!

But why is there such a big gap with Lu Chen?

If everyone starts at the same line and Lu Chen takes the lead, that's acceptable.

But the problem is that Lu Chen gave up 1 minute!

After letting it go, it only took 10 seconds to catch up?

Pu Xuan himself took 1 minute and 10 seconds, while Lu Chen only took 10 seconds!?

This gap is like a gulf.

And when the three no longer kept it, they planned to catch up with Lu Chen as much as possible.


Behind him, a blazing hot and extremely cold breath came from behind him.

Immediately, he saw that Lu Jingzhe's body was covered with ice blue and red light.

Two extreme attributes, two extreme colors are full of impact!

In the stunned silence of the three, Lu Jingzhe also surpassed them!

"how is this possible!"

Even if Tuoba Moxiong was determined, he doubted whether he was dreaming at this moment.

Dongfang Ren Tu and Pu Xuan opened their mouths in shock.

Lu Chen gave in for 1 minute, and Lu Jingzhe also gave in for 1 minute?

Then, what the hell is Lu Jingzhe surpassing us?

Suddenly, the three of them felt like they were struck by lightning.

At this time, the top of the huge Zuwu Mountain was silent!

All the audience and guests, even Wang Quan's super-first-class bigwigs, were stunned!

"The coercion of the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts...will it be ineffective for them both?

Aside, Zhenbei Overseer Tie Jun rolled his throat and couldn't help but doubt.

However, several people did not reply.

The undefeated warlord of Chu and Qin, who was accustomed to countless ups and downs with outstanding achievements, also fought side by side with Marquis Zhanwu.

But today, the Overseer's eyes were round, and his breathing had stopped.

"Are they really under 25?"

For a time, Chu Qin was stunned.

And at the guest seat.

Lin Kaixuan was so excited that he shuddered, so excited that silence was better than sound!

The few people next to him, whether it was a bow battle, Jiang Dingguo, or Zhiyuan, were all dazed and shocked.

Lu Chen's speed... It feels like it's already crossed the age.

It seems that it is not the same era as Tuoba Moxiong and the others, it seems that it is a top master in the cave of the beasts.

"Look at this, it won't take a minute, at most 50 seconds...'

The bow war's expression was gloomy.

Before he finished speaking, Gong Zhan's expression suddenly changed drastically.

I saw Lu Chen, who had already slowed down, and the golden light all over his body skyrocketed!

At the same time, a purple-gold aura burst out from his body.

In an instant, Lu Chen's speed returned to its peak again!

At this time, Lu Chen is still 800 meters away from the finish line!



The speed is still unabated!



On the big screen, it has switched to the banner state.

Lu Chen's whole body was surging with purple-gold rays of light, and he was completely unstoppable.

200 meters away, that is, 600 meters from the end point, is the red and blue Lu Jingzhe.

And at the position 850 meters away from the finish line, it is Tuoba Moxiong three people!

After catching up with Lu Chen, to Lu Chen only 400 meters away from the finish line, the three of Tuoba Moxiong just advanced 50 meters!

As for the latter, everyone has automatically ignored it!

On the big screen, Lu Chen was like a progress bar at 100M internet speed, approaching the end point on the right.

"300 meters away!"

Tie Jun's voice trembled: "How many seconds has he spent?"

No one answered his questions, including the kingship.

They all thought that they were too concerned about Lu Chen's speed and forgot to calculate the time.

Inside the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The terrifying coercion rose in a straight line, and the coercion almost doubled every 10 meters.


Under this circumstance, Lu Chen's whole body flickered with purple-gold light, pushing past like a dazzling star, and the speed did not slow down in the slightest!

Great artistic conception martial arts, divine appearance has no double fist!

When Lu Chen demonstrated this self-created martial art of Perfection Realm, Lu Chen's strength has reached an unimaginable level.

The strength of the mid-term master, the power that erupted at this moment has reached the mid-term of the grand master!

It has crossed a great realm.

In the distance, Lu Jingzhe was numb from the shock.

This brother... is outrageously strong!

She has obviously raised her strength to the limit, and even used Dacheng's grand art of martial arts, but she still can't catch up with Lu Chen's pace.

Even, the distance seems to be widening!

"Apprentice, your younger brother is not ordinary, absolutely extraordinary! 35

Empress Jiuying has been paying attention, and her confidence that Lu Jingzhe will surpass Lu Chen after using the Jiuying Divine Canon has disappeared.

"He, he definitely has the potential to become a king, no, even becoming an emperor is very likely!

Empress Jiuying said with a shocked expression: "Perhaps at most 10 years, your younger brother will be able to reach the king level!

"In a hundred years, you will become emperor!""

A king who is less than 30 years old? A king who is less than 120 years old?

The Nine Infant Empress would collapse just thinking about it.

Even in the star realm where she was located, she was as talented as a monster, a monster among monsters!

Lu Jingzhe didn't say anything, in addition to being shocked, there was a huge joy in his heart.

And just under the spotlight, Lu Chen has come to the last 50 meters!

The 50-meter coercion has reached an unimaginable level.


"The speed has not decreased! 99

The light in Hong Zhen's eyes skyrocketed.

As for the top masters such as Jin Longyuan, they are already numb.

This speed...even they can't do it!

"Lu Lu Chen's speed has surpassed us..."

Wu Jingyun felt dizzy.

The president of the dignified Demon City Martial Arts Association has a feeling that I should be dreaming at this moment.

Inside the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"It's the end?

Lu Chen's eyes changed from brilliant gold to purple gold.

The purple-gold light flows, bright like stars, dazzling like a brilliant sun.

He has already seen a giant stone platform in the very distance, and there is the last level!

"Boom! 35

Just when Lu Chen was 5 meters away from the finish line, the pressure skyrocketed again.

Lu Chen's speed was slightly slower, but only a little.

Immediately, Lu Chen stepped out and cleared the level of the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts!

It took 26 seconds! Nine.

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