Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 179 Group Fight! Amitabha, Lao Na came to subdue demons


This sudden scene stunned a few people.

A young man behind Howard stepped forward and said, "Are you sure you want to rob?"

The young man has brown hair, thick lips, and top alloy gloves on his arms.

"Yes, and we also plan to use more to bully less.

Chen Lie from Lieyang Martial Arts Hall twisted his neck and said, "The three of them join forces to win the next one."

Originally, Howard and the others killed everyone, although it was an accident, but they didn't care much.

After all, before coming here, there will be battles and killings for the geniuses of the major forces to compete for psionic cards.

However, when Howard and the others possessed the blood of the fifth-order alien beasts, the meaning was completely different.

This is the truth that every man is innocent and guilty.

Many people around Shimen watched this scene with great interest.

"Hehe, I want to applaud your courage.

Howard put the alloy box on the ground.

The brown-haired youth next to him said with a half-smile, "I can deal with these 12 people by myself. Let's go to the play."

"Yavis, don't be careless. 99

Simon, a black youth, said.

"rest assured!"

After Avis finished speaking, the light on his alloy gloves shone.

Immediately afterwards, Avis shot at Chen Lie and the others like a cannonball.


Chen Lie didn't talk nonsense, and the fiery spiritual energy in his body spurted out like a flame.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that Chen Lie was also rushing towards Avis at a very fast speed.


The aura turned into a pair of big hands ten meters in diameter and grabbed Avis fiercely.

A scene that shocked Chen Lie appeared. Avis's gloves flickered, and a shield formed by the Grandmaster force field and electric current appeared directly.

The light blue shield instantly blocked the big hand of aura.

Immediately afterwards, a manic wave of spiritual energy poured out instantly.

Chen Lie's complexion changed slightly, just as he was about to dodge.

"Bang! 55

Avis' spiritual power turned into a sharp sword and instantly slashed at Chen Lie's shoulder.

Chen Lie's face turned pale, and he quickly forcibly twisted his body.


The sharp sword passed Chen Lie dangerously and dangerously, and the ground in the distance exploded instantly.

A long crack came into view.

The expressions of everyone in the Lieyang Martial Arts Hall behind them changed dramatically.

Brother Chen was almost hacked to death?

A face to face!

"You Lieyang Martial Arts Hall is not good, let's go together, but whoever gets the blood of the alien beast is who!

In the distance, Tuoba Ao stood up from the wasteland martial arts hall.

Suddenly there was a chain reaction.

Pudong Martial Arts Hall, Jinlong Martial Arts Hall, etc. all stood up, and there were more than 80 people in total.

Avis and Howard's expressions changed slightly.

Madd, are you fighting in groups?

"Howard, it's all your fault, I just said it wasn't the time to act! 35

Black Simon was furious.

Howard's face is not very good-looking, the four of them are strong, but it is still very difficult to fight against these 80 people.

After all, the strength of the senior brothers of several major martial arts halls is not weak.

"Now is not the time to blame, let's fight first, and the situation will be fine when Arthur and the others come!

Seeing that there are players all around, Howard has a big head.

The next moment, the melee starts instantly!

It's not that Howard and the others are arrogant, they really underestimate human nature.

Besides, they are not from the dynasty.

If it is really a dynasty person and has this strength, then everyone will not say anything when they arrive here. After all, so many people are watching, and they will bow their heads and not look up when they go out.

But who made you not your own?

Suddenly, the battle became extremely fierce.

However, although Tuoba Ao and the others shot together, the four Howard Simon were outrageously strong.

For a time, except for the very few who could face the four-person battle, some of them dared not approach.

"Amitabha, Master said that subduing demons and eradicating demons is the duty of monks in the dynasty, all benefactors, the little monk is here!"

In the distance, Puwen and his group could not sit still.

You can't let 4 outsiders crush over 80 people, right?

Do you want to spread the face out?

Puwen just got up, and many people got up around.

"Sister Xinran, fuck them!"

Zhou Zhan got up and was eager to try.

"Come back, let's not get involved if we are not strong enough.

Liu Xinran's eyes narrowed slightly: "We'll see an opportunity to save the wounded (aiaj) later.

With so many people going together, some talented warriors are easily injured in the early stages.

"FUCK! You bully the less with more!"

"God! Let Arthur come back and punish the savage dynasty! 35

"Punish Nima, it makes sense for you to kill!

"Amitabha, eat a little monk's leg."

The war is about to break out, although only a very few can really fight with the four Howards, but there are a large number of people, and the aura is magnificent.

In addition, the artistic conception of martial arts of masters such as Pu Wen has gathered like a torrent.

For a time, the four Howards couldn't find a chance to shoot at all, and could only passively defend.

However, as they were banging, Puwen Tuoba Ao and the others also discovered that something was wrong.

These 4 people are not ordinary strong!

In the face of the continuous martial arts and even martial arts, the four of them just fell into the disadvantage and showed no sign of defeat!

Not only that, that Howard can even find an opportunity to attack some rookies on the periphery.

This made Puwen secretly startled.

Fortunately, everyone is gathered together, otherwise it would be really powerless to be defeated one by one!

And right now.

A golden light from far to near.

Lu Chen saw the Shimen far away at a glance, and knew that inside the Shimen was the famous Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts.

But immediately, Lu Chen looked stunned.

In the distance, more than a hundred people gathered together, and there seemed to be roars and incomprehensible insults in the circle.


Lu Chen's eyes narrowed.

He searched all around just now, there are many alien beasts in the canyon, and there are also many fifth-order alien beasts.

Lu Chen killed 30 fifth-order alien beasts, including 2 top-level fifth-order alien beasts.

This is comparable to the strength of a top master.

And Lu Chen was not disappointed, 30 Tier 5 exotic beasts gave Lu Chen 6 psionic cards.

This also made Lu Chen understand that in this battlefield, the higher the level of alien beasts, the stronger the strength, and the greater the probability of appearing psychic cards.


At this time, Lu Chen saw 4 Howards from the gap of more than 100 people.

"It's them!"

Lu Chen's eyes lit up.

He is not easy to kill other people, but aren't these 4 just casual?

Immediately, Lu Chen rushed over quickly.

"Amitabha, don't squeeze me, the benefactor, and I'll say it after the little monk has cleaned up these barbarians.

"Amitabha, everyone said don't squeeze me, what the fuck?"

A monk from Xuanyin Temple was pushed aside by Lu Chen. At first, the monk still looked like a monk, but after he was easily pushed to a position several meters away by Lu Chen, his Buddhist practice for more than ten years was suddenly replaced by a lie.

Just when the young monk of Xuanyin Temple was about to continue scolding, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Lu Chen!

This sentence seems to have magic power.

Except for Pu Wen and Tuoba Ao, the rest of the people stopped.

"Lu Chen!

A young man in the martial arts hall was overjoyed and said: "Lu Chen, quickly kill these four foreigners, they have the blood of alien beasts.

And the Howard four finally got a chance to breathe, and when they were about to start, they immediately saw Lu Chen rushing in front of them!

"It's him!"

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