Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 178 Condensing the blood of the real dragon again! The conversion of hunters and prey

Lu Chen didn't wait too long.

In about 1 minute of effort, the drop of blood in the body has completely turned into golden color.

Exactly the same as the previous True Dragon's Blood.

Lu Chen resisted his excitement and hurriedly checked.

"It is indeed the blood of a true dragon!"

Happy and at the same time Lu Chen was also a little embarrassed, this is really an unexpected discovery.

"With the blood of the true dragon, my cultivation progress of the immortal sacred book can be greatly improved! 35

Lu Chen's expression was shocked: "Even if the blood of the real dragon is useless, as long as you can obtain this psychic card many times, that's not... not right.

"Psionic cards cannot be copied."

Lu Chen suddenly thought that the Dynasty Championship will be held once every 2 years.

After 2 years, I don't know what realm I will reach.

"Forget it, I'll talk about the future, but now, I can get some more psionic cards.

Lu Chen got up and said with great interest: "Try to condense more than 2 drops."

Saying that, Lu Chen walked towards the bottom of the canyon.

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly understood, maybe the psionic card is something that the high-level valued.

The championship game is also for them to collect psionic cards?

"Maybe this place is full of psionic cards, but only once every two years, and must be under 25?""

Lu Chen guessed.

It is also very simple to verify, just wait until you go out and check the history of the championship.

"The number of psychic cards in this battlefield should be around three or four hundred."

In the second level of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cave, only about 200 people could participate in previous years.

So, even if someone can get several pieces, the amount should be within this range.

And according to the fusion of 8 pieces is a drop of true dragon's blood, in fact, it is about 50 drops of true dragon's blood.

Is it too much?

Not much!

But when he thought that the blood of the real dragon cannot be regenerated, and it would take an extremely large amount of materials to condense it, Lu Chen was relieved.

For Wuhou, maybe 1 more drop of recovery is precious.

at the same time.

the other side of the canyon.

Outside a huge stone gate.

The stone gate across the rock wall is 100 meters long and wide.

The stone gate is mottled and dripping, and obvious traces of the years can be seen.

There were more than 100 people sitting outside Shimen in twos and threes.

Some of these people are seriously injured, and they are taking the time to recuperate at the moment, and some of them are pale and seem to have consumed a lot.

However, most of them looked as usual and did not suffer too much impact.

On the periphery of the alien beast battlefield, there are not many fifth-order alien beasts, and those who can come here have the strength of warriors.

It's not very difficult to deal with.

"It seems that Lu Chen and the others haven't come yet. `||."

Not far away, Liu Xinran and Zhou Zhan were sitting together.

Except for Qi Senyan who was slightly injured, Liu Xinran and Zhou Zhan were both intact.

However, coming here from the periphery, the two also consumed a lot, and they are recovering at the moment.

"Not only did Brother Lu not come, but Tuoba Moxiong and Dongfang Rentu also didn't come."

After Zhou Zhan finished speaking, he looked at several monks not far away: "Puwen is here, but I heard that this time there is another one named Puxuan, who is even more powerful.

"Yeah, coupled with those who participated with students from Zeus International University, this year's championship Lu Chen is under a lot of pressure.

Liu Xinran was a little worried.

As soon as the voice fell, a few footsteps came from a distance.

The crowd looked back.

But I saw 4 young people with different skin tones walking towards here.

"It's from Zeus International University."

Zhou Zhan looked up and snorted, "These people don't know what to do.

"Who knows, anyway, they are just these few people, and they can't be arrogant.

Liu Xinran glanced at it and stopped looking.

But at this moment, a scream suddenly came from a distance.

But he saw a student from the martial arts hall lying on the ground with a big hole in his chest.

This scene immediately attracted everyone present.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, don't be nervous."

A blond young man waved his hand and said with a relaxed expression: "It's just killing someone."

"Of course, if you have extra psionic cards for us, then there will be no dead people."

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became a little chilly.

"Amitabha, the donor must be too violent."

Puwen got up and stared at these foreigners with bad eyes.

"Puwen, do you have any excess on you?

The blond youth took a few steps forward, his eyes narrowed slightly: "If not, then sit down, otherwise, you can try to see if you can survive."


A young monk next to Puwen was instantly furious.

"Haha, although there are quite a few of you, you alone are not enough.

The blond young man smiled.

The black young man wearing a white shirt suddenly whispered: "Howard, Arthur and the others haven't arrived yet, it's not the time to start."

According to the plan, everyone will start searching for psionic cards after everyone has arrived.

Then fuse the psionic energy card, so that it will not be taken away by the mechanism of the cave of the beasts.

At that time, with the help of Arthur's mysterious spiritual silk, everyone will be able to resist the pressure of the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts and enter the final stage.

If people rashly do it before they come, there is a high possibility of failure.

"`" Simon, their Tuoba Moxiong and Dongfangren Tu also didn't arrive, as well as that Pu Xuan. 35

Howard said lightly: "So, four of us are enough.

"Also, I plan to go first with the ceremony and then with the soldiers.

Simon did not speak, apparently acquiesced.

After all, each of them is no weaker than Hannibal.

"Good! 35

Howard looked up and saw that no one was talking, and his spiritual energy rushed out instantly.

"Then I'll kill 2 more until someone takes the initiative to send them over.

"By the way, if any of you are willing to take the initiative to give it to us, we will not ask for it for nothing. 99

Howard blinked: "A psionic energy card, exchange for a bottle of fifth-order exotic beast blood, how is it a good deal?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people were immediately moved.

Most people don't care about Howard's threat, but many people have more than one psionic card on them.

These people are not weak, and they are completely able to clear the cave of the beasts.

If that's the case, why not exchange the blood and essence of alien beasts that are more valuable?

A student from Qincheng Wuke University got up and said lightly, "Let's pay with one hand and deliver with the other. 39

Saying that, he took out a psionic card from his pocket.

Howard's eyes lit up: "You see, my method is feasible.

Speaking of which, Howard took out a bottle of alien beast blood from the suitcase.

Under everyone's attention, 2 people completed the transaction price.

The Qincheng Wuke University student was overjoyed when he received the blood of the alien beast.

A large number of psionic cards is indeed useful for warriors and warriors below the middle stage, and it can reduce the pressure of the cave of the beasts.

But for the late stage warriors and warriors, it is not very useful.

"Everyone, we still have a lot of alien beast essence and blood in our hands, who else do you want to replace?"

Howard looked around the room.

"It's boring to change, it's fun to grab! 35'

At this moment, the 12 students of Lieyang Martial Arts Hall stood up at the same time and said with a smile instead of a smile: "It's just right, it's your compensation for killing."

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