Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 180 Lu Chen is too cruel, too violent, too ruthless

Simon's pupils shrank beside him, he didn't die?

Before, when everyone was on the periphery, they also looked for Lu Chen by the way, thinking that if they encountered it, they would kill him directly.

"Get out of the way, these four are mine! 35

Lu Chen clenched his fists while speaking, and there was a crackling sound at the joints.

Puwen and Tuoba Ao did not refute, and stopped respectively.

"Lu Chen, they are 4-strong, you..."

Tuoba Ao wanted to say that you can't fight alone.

But before the words were finished, a sonic boom sounded.

In the next moment, Lu Chen's whole body was filled with golden light, and the golden shadows exploded like thunder, and they seemed to be raging like golden dragons.

In an instant, 100 phantoms emerged from Lu Chen's body in different attack methods.

"Master Martial Arts!

"The Grand Master Martial Art of Perfection!

Someone exclaimed, with a strong shock on their faces.

Pu Wen and Tuoba Ao opened their mouths involuntarily. He has already cultivated martial arts to perfection?

At this time, all the eight eyes of Howard's four people were replaced by bright golden phantoms.

The bystanders were only shocked, but the four of them felt a deep crisis of life and death!


Howard was the first to react, with a loud roar, the Grandmaster force field opened to the extreme.

The spiritual energy in his body and the great sword in his hand instantly merged into one.

But before they could make an attack, those golden phantoms penetrated the bodies of the four people between the electric light and flint.

Like a sharp arrow that flies out.

Hoy, Avis, and another young man trembled slightly, and were immediately "stabbed" into hedgehogs, with blood shooting everywhere on their bodies.

And Howard was lucky, and the most powerful sword blocked most of the phantoms.

But even so, Howard's shoulders and legs were also penetrated by sharp and unparalleled phantoms.

Under Lu Chen's terrifying punch, Howard couldn't stop backing away.

As he stepped back, he let out a roar.

Muscles swelled, spiritual energy spewed, and the broken Grandmaster force field opened up again.

Can not wait for Howard to display the master martial arts.

Lu Chen, who has an immortal body and has turned into a beast, punched Howard's nose with a punch.

The bridge of the nose was broken, and Howard's face collapsed a little under Lu Chen's terrifying punch.

Immediately after the second punch, the third punch...

Surrounding Puwen, Tuoba Ao, Chen Lie and others were stunned.

In the distance, Lu Chen grabbed Howard's neck with one hand and punched like a pile driver with the other.

The terrifying fist quickly brought a trail of afterimages, and the Howard, who had given them a headache before, was now like a dead dog with no resistance.

After a few punches.

Lu Chen clasped Howard by the neck and threw him to the ground.

The earth made a loud roar and instantly sank.

Cracks of different sizes spread rapidly around them, like spider webs.

And Howard, in the big pit, is already dead and can't die anymore.

The mechanical bones in the body were all shattered by Lu Chen's terrifying brute force.

Pu Wen and the others in the distance looked at them with awe and wonder.

As for the three of Hoy, the Peerless Xing Liu Zhan, who faced the Perfection Realm, was already lying on the ground quietly, waiting to be reincarnated.

"Fuck! 35

Chen Lie's throat rolled and his forehead was sweating coldly.

Lu cruel and ruthless!

That was to beat Howard to death with a fist!

The skull cracked, how miserable it was.

For a time, Chen Lie also felt an extremely happy mood.


Pu Wen stared blankly at Lu Chen squatting on the ground and couldn't help but murmured: "So strong, Senior Brother Pu Xuan, he...

Puwen suddenly dared not think about it.

Senior Brother Puxuan came into the world with four aspects of enlightenment and Buddha light, and is known as a super evildoer rarely encountered in Xuanyin Temple in 50 years.

But... it seems that Senior Brother Pu Xuan can't kill him so quickly, right?

Moreover, Lu Chen's fight against Howard just now didn't use Reiki and martial arts!

With just a pair of flesh fists, violence! Brutal!

"Zhou Zhan, are you very lucky now?

In the distance, Liu Xinran murmured with dull eyes.

Zhou Zhan opened his mouth in complete surprise, completely petrified.

At that time, he thought he was miserable enough, but compared with Howard, Brother Lu kept his hand!

"Sure enough!"

Lu Chen found 6 psionic cards from the corpses of the four.

With the addition of his previous one, he might be able to condense a drop of true dragon blood again.

Seeing everyone raised their heads and looked at him in awe.

Lu Chen pointed to those alien beasts and said, "I don't need those, you can do whatever you want."

When he killed Howard just now, Lu Chen noticed the alloy box on the ground.

And he just got 6 psionic cards in front of everyone's eyes, plus the fifth-order alien beast blood is almost useless to Lu Chen, so it's better to send it out as a favor.

The others were overjoyed when they saw this.

It's just that due to the brutal picture of Lu Chen just now, no one dared to come up for a while.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you.

In the end, Puwen put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, Lu Shizhu, Xiao Seng has 2 extra psionic cards here that can be given to you.


Even Pu Wen didn't dare to talk about the exchange, but one can imagine how much of a shadow everyone has on Lu Chen.

It's beyond everyone's imagination to fight a top player like Howard.

"Okay, then you can take 2 tubes.

Lu Chen took the psionic card from Puwen.

In order to prevent the fusion of the psychic cards, Lu Chen specially opened them up.

Others felt relieved when they saw this.

Soon, the 20 tubes of alien beast blood essence in the alloy box were all exchanged.

And Lu Chen got 21 psionic cards, plus the previous 12, the number is as high as 33!

"Well, I also have an extra 1 piece here.

A player from the military said in the distance.

He has been on the battlefield all the year round and has been dealing with alien beasts, but now he finds that Lu Chen is much more ferocious than those alien beasts.

In comparison, alien beasts are docile pets.

"Thank you so much!"

Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction, and a few more pieces can be fused 4 times.

4 drops of real dragon blood, just think about it!

"Brother Lu, I also have an extra 1 yuan."

"I have it too."

Soon, 4 more people handed over the psionic cards.

In fact, everyone doesn't pay much attention to psionic cards, after all, as long as you have one, you can enter the cave of the beasts.

It doesn't make much sense to do so much.

So in order to leave an impression or a good impression in Lu Chen's heart, everyone who has extra is also sent out.

Lu Chen put away the psionic card and looked around.

There is still a lot of time before the end of the first level, enough for Lu Chen to fuse and temper.

"Thank you, everyone, I have something to do."

Lu Chen cupped his hands, then jumped 100 meters high, and disappeared in front of everyone with several flashes.

As soon as Lu Chen left, everyone's body relaxed a lot.


Lu Chen smashed the boulder in front of him with one punch, and suddenly a dent that could accommodate one person appeared.

Seeing this, Lu Chen had an idea and moved the big rock with both hands.


The ten-meter-high boulder was directly turned by Lu Chen.

The dent was not facing the outside, but was changed to facing the stone wall in front.


Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, when the third layer of the immortal divine tome is consummated, it will not be noticed too much.

In addition, there is still some distance from the canyon, so it should be fine.

Immediately, Lu Chen sat cross-legged and took out 37 psionic cards.

In an instant, multicolored rays of light sputtered out, and the fusion started again! Nine.

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