Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 177 The real use of the psionic card, the real dragon brand appears!

"Brother Lu, if the user of the original spiritual tool is still alive, there is no way to take control."

Xiao Yun explained: "But I heard that the original spiritual tool matches their gene fusion technique, so it can be used more freely.

"And it is said that if it is used without gene fusion, the power will be much less. 99

Lu Chen nodded.

He had tried a few times just now, and it was indeed not as flexible as Arthur's manipulation.

But this thing should not be cheap, you can keep it and sell it in exchange for some resources.

"Lu Chen, thank you for saving me.

Yuwentai stepped forward and said gratefully.

Lu Chen waved his hand: "It's alright, hurry up and go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Cave, there should be a lot of people there.

The people of the dynasty are still very united and share the same hatred.

So far, Lu Chen has killed 2, and the Oriental has slaughtered 1.

There may be 5 left, and if you are alone, you will definitely die if you are caught.

But if everyone gets together, then those five people will definitely not dare to do it.

"how about you?"

Yuwentai asked.

Lu Chen squatted down and rummaged through Arthur, and said, "I'll wait.

"Okay, let's go first.

08 Xiao Yun looked at Lu Chen with awe.

At this time, there are still several hours before the opening of the second level.

According to the rules of the competition, those who get the psychic card after 24 hours will go to the Ten Thousand Beasts to gather.

Then enter the cave of the beasts for the second level of competition.

If you don't get a psionic card within 24 hours, or if you get it but don't come over, then it's useless to come over later.

Not long after the two left, Lu Chen finally found it in Arthur's pocket.

"5 psionic cards, this guy can do it!"

Lu Chen's eyes brightened.

Including the 3 yuan on Lu Chen's body, the total is 8 yuan.

Lu Chen followed suit and listened.

There was the sound of flames, the crashing of the waves, the whistling of the wind, and the rustling sound like snow.

"It feels like every psionic card contains some kind of natural sound on Earth.""

Lu Chen confirmed his previous thoughts.

This psionic card is interesting.

And when Lu Chen planned to put away the 8 signs.

An unexpected change occurred.

When 8 similar-sized psionic cards are stacked together and put into the pocket, they emit a dazzling multicolored light!


Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, and when he came back to his senses, the psychic cards had already merged into one piece!

In a new psionic card, colorful mist can be seen flowing.

As bright as the stars in the universe.

And after seeing this brand, Lu Chen actually had an illusion of devouring!


Lu Chen was taken aback, although the sudden fusion of the psionic card was weird, why did he want to eat it?

"No, not me!"

Lu Chen suddenly became a clever, immortal divine tome!

Tome of the Immortal needs this psionic card?

Wori, the immortal divine tome is just a practice method, how can you be emotional?

Suddenly, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not an immortal divine tome, but an immortal martial body!

"Yes, it is the immortal martial body. Is it my body that urgently needs this thing?""

Lu Chen frowned slightly.

Could it be that the spiritual energy contained in this psionic card is beneficial to the casting of immortal martial bodies?

Very likely!

Lu Chen vaguely felt as if he had discovered a great secret.

Before, no one had mentioned the ability to fuse psionic cards.

Also, the sound of each psionic card is different, does this represent some kind of similar rule or some kind of energy from the earth?

And now, the immortal martial body urgently needs to devour this energy?

Will that speed up the casting of the immortal body?

Or, to strengthen the immortal martial body?

Lu Chen isn't sure, but he's going to try it!

Then Lu Chen found a depression in the mountain.

Then Lu Chen took out the psionic card that exuded colorful light.

"Om! 35

When Lu Chen tried to instill spiritual energy, there was a strong resistance in the psychic card.

It seems that he doesn't want Lu Chen's aura to enter.


Since the aura is useless, Lu Chen intends to crush it violently.

After a moment.

"It still doesn't work!

This psionic card is surprisingly hard, and even Lu Chen couldn't leave a trace on the psychic card with all his strength.

"Did you eat it directly?"

Lu Chen raised his brows and put the psionic card to his mouth.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Chen decided to give it a try, anyway, it's a big deal and then spit it out.

If by mistake, you really find a good tempered material, then you will make a lot of money this time.

In fact, Lu Chen has been refining the life essence of the spine for the past few days, but the progress is very slow.

Even if the blood essence of the seventh-order alien beasts is much faster, it is still unpleasant compared to the previous 2-layer.

This gave Lu Chen a faint feeling that the progress of tempering would slow down as he progressed.

Moreover, Lu Chen only knew the materials required for the first 5 layers of the Tome of Immortality.

I don't know about the last five floors, after all, I haven't cultivated to that level.

Lu Chen suspected that the fused psychic card might be a certain material after the 5th floor of the Tome of Immortality.

When Lu Chen swallowed it, before he had time to swallow it, the psionic card shattered with a click!

It was as if a certain organ had been touched.

In an instant, colorful energies swam all over Lu Chen's body.

It was as if a fish had entered the sea.

Lu Chen felt something in his heart and immediately opened the immortal tome.


Lu Chen's body seemed to have a volcanic eruption.

The seemingly mild multicolored energy actually started to "go crazy" at this moment.

Its speed is fast, scurrying around the body, and even gives Lu Chen the feeling of a headless fly.

Fortunately, this feeling is not painful, and Lu Chen does not feel too much discomfort.

However, as time went by, Lu 417 Chen discovered that the vertebrae had not been tempered!

The progress of the third floor of the immortal tome is still the same as before.

"Uh, what's going on?

Lu Chen opened his eyes, a little dazed.

I have tried everything that should be tried, but there is still no response, except that it seems right to swallow it directly.

"Does it have nothing to do with the immortal martial body? 99

Lu Chen was a little disappointed in his heart.

At this moment, a familiar wave suddenly came.


Immediately afterwards, the splendid golden dragon pattern mark between Lu Chen's eyebrows emerged uncontrollably.

Since the Martial God Tower, Lu Chen has never cared about the real dragon brand.

But with the impact of the multicolored energy, the real dragon imprint radiated a dazzling golden light at this moment.

Lu Chen's eyes widened involuntarily, he thought!

True Dragon Blood!

This multicolored energy can actually help him condense the blood of the true dragon?

While thinking about it, Lu Chen suddenly discovered that a drop of blood near his dantian had gradually changed from bright red to golden!

"Wori, the use of the psychic card for a long time is here! 359

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

Let's not talk about whether the blood of the real dragon will continue to be absorbed by the immortal divine tome, but one more drop of the blood of the real dragon out of thin air is a good thing!

(20,000 words are updated every day, the author is still very powerful. For the sake of staying up late until 2 am to code words every day, please support me a lot. Monthly passes, flowers, and more evaluation tickets are better.)

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