"What they want most is these two humans!"

"Especially that Yuan Zishan!"

"Why let them go so easily!"

The shadow roared in the teleportation palace and questioned.

Huragg turned his head calmly, staring at the shadow with sharp eyes, "Is that you?"

"So it was you who released the news?"

"For Australia?"

"It's all for yourself, right?"

The shadow seemed to be hit by a pain point, and his emotions began to riot in an instant, "Hulag!!!"

"Once Yangzhou was monopolized by our country!"

"What about now? Our country is being eroded, and the population is decreasing year by year!"

"Where's Daxia? Their country has only been reduced by one-fifth!"

"The evil do not dare to violate them wantonly! Why is this?"

"Because their strength is even stronger, because they have the power of the world origin of Blue Star!"

"We have nothing..."

The breath on the shadow began to stir, and the entire teleportation palace was shrouded in a black field.

A dark shadow with a strange shape spread out, surrounding Hurag.

"You're crazy."

Hurag's complexion remained the same, but his eyes were slightly moist.

in this damn time.

How many people have fallen for power.

Didn't expect him to be the same.

Do people change?

"I'm not crazy!"

"Hurag! I'm going to show you the power I control today."

"In order to get such power, I paid..."

Hei Ying's voice came to an abrupt end.

A black dagger flashing green light appeared out of nowhere.

Suddenly pierced through the heart of the shadow.

An extremely deadly toxin spread throughout his body.

Liu Lao's skinny figure condensed behind the shadow, and indifferently pulled out the black dagger.

Don't even look at this dark shadow.

He felt that his vitality was completely destroyed by toxins.

Turned into a black light flashed.

Enter the teleportation formation in the center of the palace and disappear in front of Huragh.

Only an old voice remained.

"Rage, wait for the moment."

"The risk factors in Australia have all been eliminated."

Hear this.

Hurager immediately released his soul.

I felt a lot of familiar aura disappear.

Hurag's body trembled slightly, and his hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

He knew how many human traitors had appeared in Australia.


Daxia's name, Liu Zhou, known as the God of Shadow Killing, would be so ruthless.

Kill them all.

No one is alive.

Will they really be reborn in Australia?

How long will we have to wait for the timing that Yuan Zishan and Liu Zhou said?


Great Summer Country.

The imperial settlement.

In the center teleportation array.

A white light flickered, and the figures of Yuan Zishan and Di Junlin appeared in the teleportation formation.

"Mr. Yuan!"

When a young man in a guard uniform saw Yuan Zishan appear from the teleportation array, he immediately greeted him.

Yuan Zishan nodded slightly and activated the ID card, "Open the teleportation array of Tiansheng Academy!"

"Yes!" The young man immediately cast a special seal and landed on the space teleportation formation.

In the Great Xia Kingdom, I want to use the teleportation array.

It is necessary to have a unique identity certificate, and at the same time, it is also necessary to open the special means of guarding the teleportation array.

Without any link, the teleportation array will not be activated.

"The power of this space..."

Di Junlin's ancient double pupil is in the open state.

A faint white light appeared on his body, and many white lines appeared in his eyes.

Seems to be comprehending something.

Before he could feel it carefully, the familiar spatial fluctuations began to surge.

Flashes of light.

Yuan Zishan and Di Junlin disappeared again in the teleportation formation.

The power of space drowned the two of them.

Di Junlin stretched out his hand at the same time, as if trying to grasp the power of space.

A moment of realization emerged in his mind.

The system panel has changed slightly.

A system beep sounds.

[Ding, the host understands the power of space in the space teleportation array, has a deeper understanding of the power of space, the progress of understanding the power of space has increased by 0.3%, the current progress: 0.4%! 】


Tiansheng Academy.

central square.

The teleportation array in the center of the eight sacred stone pillars lights up.

Two figures walked out of it.

"It's finally back."

Seeing that Yuan Zishan returned to Tiansheng Academy smoothly, she finally relaxed a lot.

She turned to look at the teleportation formation behind her, as if waiting for something.

"Senior sister! Where is Qianyuan now?"

"I'm going to check the situation of Qianyuan first. You can take me to that place in two hours."

"Time is running out!"

Di Junlin glanced at the system beep and didn't care too much.

As one of the most powerful source forces, space is so easy to understand.

It would be nice to have progress.

Now he just wanted to return to Chu Qianyuan's side immediately.

After seeing her once!

Immediately go to the origin point.

By the way, all the draw cards stored are used up.

"Qianyuan is in your dormitory, and the school has sent a holy light teacher with nine stars in the Heavenly King Realm to stay by her side."

"Go back quickly."

"Contact me when you're done."

"You hold this smart watch."

Yuan Zishan nodded, took out a smart watch from the storage space and threw it to Di Junlin.

And she was staring in the other direction.

"it is good!"

Di Junlin took the smart watch and made a little sense of the direction.

Immediately flew towards the dormitory area.

On the way, I even opened the points mall of the university, and exchanged a hundred enhanced smart watches again and again.

There are many living things.

This time, I went to the plateau settlement for ten days.

He was not ready to return to the human city for supplies.


All must die!

A stream of light quickly passed through the sky of Tiansheng Academy.

Speeding towards the freshman dormitory area.

Many experts from Tiansheng Academy felt the return of this familiar breath.

Couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The small world of Tiansheng is in a natural danger.

"This kid is finally back."

"I'm sorry, old man!"

An old man wearing a golden elder robe looked up and looked up at the sky.

His face gradually became lonely.

The elder surnamed Wu retracted his gaze and walked into the depths of the cave.

In a dark and quiet cave, there is a faint sense of tranquility.

Calm his mind.

Ever since Di Junlin was attacked by evil spirits controlled by the Seven Desires, causing him to fall into the crack of space.

He took the initiative to exile himself and came to this meditation cave.

He has done too many wrong things.

Even if he didn't want to do it himself, the source of everything was because of him.

He was to blame.

I want to make up for Tiansheng Academy, for myself and for mankind.

"Since Di Junlin is all right."

"It's time for you to break through too!"

"The teacher made you his guardian, and your current strength is far from enough!"

A female voice rang in the ears of the elder Wu surnamed.


(PS: Big guys~~ I still like pure desire, what should I do?)

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