Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 218 Waiting For The Time, You Are Really Fierce

"King's Landing, this is Melbourne, the capital of Australia."

"We went directly to the teleportation array in the center, and I have already greeted the senior management of Australia."

"Return to Daxia as quickly as possible."

Yuan Zishan and Di Junlin are extremely fast.

In just a few minutes, it has crossed several Australian human settlements.

Along the way, Yuan Zishan's powerful aura never subsided.

Almost unobstructed.

All the evil spirits who dared to attack were crushed to death by Yuan Zishan.

It's just that Yuan Zishan's expression was still very serious at this moment, and the speed of the two of them was even faster.

"Senior sister, are there any evil spirits ready to attack?"

Di Junlin unfolded his own blood prison, which now has a diameter of 100 meters.

All the wind and grass within a hundred meters can be clearly sensed.

His own injuries were also almost completely recovered with the help of the blood-returning red bottle and Remy.

Fighting with residual blood, he will resent the nightmare-level evil spirit of the four-star realm of the Tianwang realm.

Not without benefits.

The blood-qi light group left by the evil spirit's sword resentment made the blood-red energy ball in Di Junlin's dantian accumulate a lot of energy.

Even with the help of Sword Resentment, cracks appeared in the five shackles that blocked his dantian.

As long as his original artistic conception is completely condensed and successful.

Then he wants to enter the realm of the king, it is simply easy.

Di Junlin amplified his own perception, and the power of blood prison surged out.

Check for possible evil spirits around you.

I checked it several times, but I didn't notice anything.


"I haven't shot for years."

"If you kill the evil fox emperor today, there will definitely be an evil spirit in the land emperor realm to avenge him."

"Or to kill me completely."

"Among the rules of the world revised by the teacher, except for the one that the evil cannot cross one big realm or the difference between nine small realms to bully human beings."

"One more thing is that the evil spirits in the Heavenly Sacred Realm cannot personally kill humans below the Heavenly Sacred Realm."

"If it weren't for this rule of the world that restricted the evil clan, I am afraid that when I just appeared in front of the evil, there would be a heavenly holy place to kill me."

"It's just that the extreme realm is relatively special. Except for the extreme realm outside the earth emperor, the extreme realm of the rest of the realm is almost equivalent to a star in the realm behind, so the heavenly king realm waits for you to completely break through the extreme realm before shooting you."

Yuan Zishan said helplessly.

Looking at Di Junlin's eyes, there is a bit of sympathy.

This kid is exactly the same as he was.

Evils of the same rank are not his opponents at all, so he arbitrarily kills them.

Since then, he has been on the must-kill list of the evil clan.

It's almost impossible to make an unscrupulous shot.

That is to say, the rules of the world have changed now, otherwise they humans will still be so aggrieved.

After all, there are thousands of times more evil spirits than humans.


"It's safe for the time being, and the teleportation array is just ahead."

As Yuan Zishan was speaking, she grabbed Di Junlin and immediately fell down.

The architectural style of Australia is obviously different from that of Daxia.

The location of the teleportation formation is also different from Daxia.

They even built a palace specially for the teleportation array and protected it in it.

There is already a human powerhouse with a cultivation base in the Earth Emperor Realm below, waiting for Yuan Zishan and Di Junlin to fall.

This old man who had cultivated at the Earth Emperor Realm had a wisp of blood on the corner of his mouth.

The breath on his body was even more chaotic, and he obviously suffered serious injuries.

"Xiao Shan, the teleportation array is ready."

"You go now."

"I didn't expect it to be you this time."

When Hurag saw the two of them appear, he was not polite at all. Open the door of the teleportation palace directly, and the teleportation array in it has already been activated.

Faint spatial fluctuations surging in it.

Even the coordinates have been set, and the transmission location is the settlement of the Great Xia Empire.

"Old Rag, is this necessary?"

"How long have we not seen each other? Are you going to drive me away as soon as we meet?"

Yuan Zishan couldn't help laughing when she saw that Hurag was in a state of embarrassment.

She was very acquainted with Hurag, who was even a friend of Hong Yuansheng.

It's just that the cultivation realm has been stagnant at the Earth Emperor Realm and the eight stars cannot break through.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"You girl, have your wings hardened now that you have broken through to the Emperor Realm?"

"How could that fellow Hong Yuansheng let you out? Who doesn't know the whole Blue Star's hatred of the evil clan for you?"

"Go quickly, don't stay in our country and harm people."

"And this stinky boy, too, Breggdong almost died because of this boy."

"Hongyuan Sheng's acceptance of apprentices is really like that."

Hurag said angrily.

They led Di Junlin and Yuan Zishan towards the teleportation formation in the palace.

Several powerful auras enveloped Yuan Zishan and Di Junlin, fearing that these two disaster stars would stay in Australia.

Life in Australia was not very good.

The longer the two stay in Australia, the more tormented the country will be.

Now the number of high-level evil spirits rushing to Australia is growing rapidly.

All for Yuan Zishan and Di Junlin.

Yuan Zishan slowly put away her smile, "Old Lager, are they all here?"

"These evil spirits are really serious. It happened many years ago."

"Do you still remember hate?"

"If it weren't for my Yuan Li, I wouldn't be able to fight unscrupulously for the time being."

"I must give them a good look."

Huragg rolled his eyes when he heard the words, his beard trembled, "Okay, the teleportation array is open."

"Go quickly."

"Our country in Australia is not like your big summer, but we can't stand the toss."

"Help me bring a sentence to Hong Yuansheng: You old boy, you are really fierce!"

Di Junlin was slightly startled, and stood aside to watch Hurag and Yuan Zishan.

Some cloudy feeling.

What did your sister do in the first place?

Let the evil spirits hold such hatred?

It seems that this powerful man in the land emperor realm of Australia is familiar with the teacher?

"Okay, I see."

"Old Rag, take care of yourself and don't die."

"Those evil spirits in the shadowy forest don't dare to mess around, but they have been accumulating strength."

"Old Xia and the teacher asked me to tell you, just endure for a few more years!"

"The time has come."

Yuan Zishan said mysteriously.


He directly dragged Di Junlin, who was bewildered, into the teleportation formation.

Bright white flashes of light.

The two disappeared in front of Huragh's eyes.

"This girl, her temper hasn't changed at all."

"It's just that she didn't expect that in just a few years, her strength has reached the three-star level of the Earth Emperor Realm."

"Even so easily killed the five-star Xie Li Huan Fox Emperor of the Earth Emperor Realm."

"In a few days, she may be able to surpass me."


Hurag's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help sighing.

He turned around silently and looked at a location in the teleportation palace.

Many powerful breaths have long since dissipated, and the entire palace fell into silence.

A dark shadow gradually emerged from it, and a ghostly voice came out.

"Hurag, why did you let these two Daxia people go?"

"You know the current situation of our country in Australia, those evil spirits are already impatient!"


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