Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 220 The Limit Of The Earth Emperor, Tianyuan Seals The Spirit

Elder Wu did not look back, he knew who was behind it.

A scorching purple-red flame ignited on his body.

With her back to Yuan Zishan, she nodded silently, "Don't worry, since I, Wu Tianyan, have done something wrong."

"Naturally recognize it!"

"I really should break through!"

Wu Tianyan's voice echoed in the cave.

A purplish red flame rose from the depths of the cave, and a powerful field filled the entire space.

The purple-red flames began to disperse, and countless sparks emerged in the air.

These sparks also turned into blobs of purple-red flames.

These flames gradually converge in the realm.


All the purple-red flames converged and began to transform.

A faint golden light condensed in the center of the flame and spread out around.

A noble and powerful aura suddenly came from the depths of the cave.

A purple-golden flame was born with powerful spirituality!

The breath of Wu Tianyan was born with the purple-gold flame, and suddenly began to rise!

The realm of cultivation will be improved!

Earth Emperor Realm Eight Star Early Stage......

The Eight Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm are complete...

The Early Stage of the Nine Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm......

Until the Nine Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm are complete!

A terrifying aura surged over Wu Tianyan's body.

"not enough!"

"Since I have no luck with the holy realm! Let me exhaust the potential of this life and enter the extreme realm!"

"Dedicate your last strength to the human race and protect the way!"

Wu Tianyan let out a roar.

He opened his mouth slightly, and instantly swallowed the purple-gold flame in front of him into his mouth.

The majestic Yuan force in the body began to stir, and seven purple-red chain phantoms appeared on Wu Tianyan's dantian.

The purple-gold flame had just entered his body.

Seeing the seven purple-red chain phantoms, he immediately rushed up excitedly.

Yuan Hai in his dantian rioted.

Go towards the seven extreme shackles.

Quickly pouring into the seven extreme shackles, the purple-golden flames fell on the phantom.

The seven purple-red chains were quickly condensed under the blessing of a large amount of Yuan force.

The power of the purple-gold flames stained seven purple-red chains.

Let the surface of the seven purple-red chains be stained with a touch of golden light.

Make it more stable and lock Wu Tianyan's dantian firmly.

A more powerful momentum erupted on Wu Tianyan's body.

At the moment when the seven purple-red chains were dyed golden by purple-gold flames.

The Yuanhai in Wu Tianyan's dantian also underwent a wonderful change, and strands of holy energy began to transform under the blessing of the majestic Yuan force.

Even Wu Tianyan's fiery red domain began to transform towards the world.

A powerful force flooded his body.

It made Wu Tianyan feel more powerful than ever.


Seeing this, Yuan Zishan let out a sigh.

She thought that the elder Wu in front of her just wanted to sprint into the Heavenly Sacred Realm.

I didn't expect him to enter the Earth Emperor Realm!

With Wu Tianyan's strength, entering the Earth Emperor Realm is equivalent to losing the possibility of breaking through the Heavenly Sacred Realm.

Originally, he had the opportunity to break through the Heavenly Sacred Realm, but he did not expect Wu Tianyan to make such a choice.

"Yuan girl, there is nothing to regret."

"The possibility of me entering the Heavenly Sacred Realm is too small. It's better to be your little brother's guardian."

"In the future, as long as Di Junlin's life is in danger, I will take action!"

"If you want to kill him, you must step over my body!"

Wu Tianyan's laughter came from the depths of the cave.

An incomparably powerful momentum gradually subsided, and a faint purple-golden light flickered.

Wu Tianyan walked out of the cave gradually.

The originally old face, after he reached the extreme realm of the emperor, actually returned to youth.

The body that was once slightly hunched has completely returned to its original state.

Thin strands of holy energy condensed in his hands.

Strengthening changed his physique and made his soul more solid.

"Elder Wu, you actually..." Yuan Zishan was about to speak.

Wu Tianyan interrupted him directly, "Okay, no need to say more."

"Tell me where he's going next, and I'll hide behind you!"

"The old palace lord made it impossible for the powerhouses in the Heavenly Sacred Realm to end in person! It is my honor that I can shelter your junior brother for a period of time and let him grow faster."

"But after breaking through to the limit of Earth Emperor, I feel that this world is undergoing subtle changes."

"It seems that some restrictions are being lifted."

"It's not that I can't enter the Heavenly Sacred Realm in the future!"

"Or in a year or a few years, there will be an existence above the heavenly saints!"

Wu Tianyan said with a solemn expression.

At the moment when he broke through the extreme realm of Earth Emperor and merged with heaven and earth.

Let him perceive this information.

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse.

"You mean..." Yuan Zishan frowned.


Born School.

Freshman dormitory area.

In a holy villa.

A girl with delicate facial features and snow-like skin was lying on the bed with a painful expression on her face.

Blue veins all over the body burst out, muscle spasms.

The vitality in the body is rapidly fading, and it is transformed into a large amount of energy rushing towards the eyebrows.

The strange, ancient, vast and noble aura emanated from her body constantly.

The black lotus print between the eyebrows is changing color.

It gradually turned blood red.

"not good!"

"Teacher Yu! The blood in Qianyuan's body has started to riot again!"

Ren Yasu, who had been paying attention to Chu Qianyuan's physical condition, immediately shouted.

The tall and slender woman sitting next to Chu Qianyuan frowned, grabbed her hand and plunged her Yuan force into it.

Yu Qingli was just about to control her own power to probe the source of the ancient bloodline riot.


A terrifying suction force came, swallowing her Yuan force instantly.

It doesn't stop there.

This suction actually wanted to devour the energy in Yu Qingli's body through Chu Qianyuan's body.

"seal up!"

Yu Qingli's face became more solemn.

The brand of the skill tree in the palm of her right hand flickered, and a strong holy light shone behind her.

His hands were instantly withdrawn, forming a complex seal in the air.

Hit it at Chu Qianyuan's body.

"Yasu, help me control Qianyuan's body!"

"Don't let her move."

"I'm here to perform the Tianyuan Sealing Spirit Technique! Temporarily seal off the bloodline power in his body."

"The Tianyuan Sealing Spirit Method can only last for seven days, and then we have to continue to strengthen it!"

Yu Qingli said quickly.

Her forehead was constantly sweating, and the primordial energy in her body poured into the seal condensed in front of her without reservation.

These seals converged into two ancient talismans in the air.

"seal up!"


These two ancient talismans formed and fell between Chu Qianyuan's eyebrows.

Start to fight against the power of the mysterious ancient bloodline, and quickly seal its power in one place.

Stop the action of depleting Chu Qianyuan's vitality.

"Shallow edge!"


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