Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 217 Special Mission, Double Origin! (Picture)

Liquid of life!

Holy water of the temple!

Fairy wood spirit!

These commodities from the world of the heavens can perfectly eliminate the crisis on the shallow edge!

The only problem is the origin!

After Di Junlin left the Divine Refinement Space, he fought fiercely for a day in the Bregdon settlement.

A steady stream of evil spirits in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, the Heavenly Venerate Realm, the Heavenly Awakening Realm, and the First Awakening Realm were killed by his energy creations.

Hundreds of elite-level, king-level, and purgatory-level evil spirits were killed by him.

Dozens of weather-level nightmare-level evil spirits, a dozen weather-level nightmare-level evil spirits, and a heavenly king-level nightmare-level evil spirit were beheaded by him desperately.

Such a number of evil spirits died in his hands, which would make the origin point reach more than 30 million.

But in order to heal his injuries as soon as possible, he exchanged for Remy's assistance.

As a result, the current number of origin points is only 31.25 million.

His Cultivation Base has been continuously improved, and the number of Origin Points obtained by killing the evil spirits in the First Awakening Realm and Heavenly Awakening Realm has been reduced to less than ten.

The number of origin points brought to him by the Heavenly Spirit Realm and the Heavenly Venerate Realm is only about a few hundred points.

Only the same rank weather environment brings the most origin points.

You can also get a lot of Origin Points by killing evil spirits higher than your own Cultivation Base Realm.

It's just that the number of evil spirits in the Weather Realm is far less than that of the Heavenly Venerate Realm and the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Each head carries great wisdom.

Where would you be beheaded one after another?

Now the two teachers are all severely injured, and they do not know the status of their recovery.

It is impossible to continue to shoot in a short period of time.

They fought all their lives for humanity, and Di Junlin didn't want to bother them any more.

Su Anguo is now guarding the magic capital, and it is impossible to leave.

The few Heavenly Sacred Realm powerhouses he knew were all burdened.

the rest.

I'm not related to him, why should I help him?


Now there is only one option left!

That is to use the origin point to exchange the goods in the system mall!

He needs a lot of Origin Points, at least 70 million!

In ten days, it reached 70 million or even 100 million!

But in order to be shallow, he had to do it.

Di Junlin began to plan a quick way to get the origin point.

He was about to ask Yuan Zishan.

A familiar system prompt sounded suddenly.

[Ding, the task is being generated...]

[Ding, new mission released: race against time! 】

[Task content: In order to save you, your Little Sister, Chu Qianyuan, forced her blood vessels to energize her blood vessels before the space cracks were closed, and spawned space lotus petals to merge into your body, allowing your body to gain space affinity, causing her blood vessels to become unbalanced. She began to frantically absorb the energy and vitality in her body to replenish it!

Even if Ren Yasu and other powerhouses of the Holy Light are suppressed, they cannot make up for the lack of source energy. Ten days later, the ancient blood in Chu Qianyuan's body will definitely explode!

If it cannot be awakened smoothly, all the vitality of the Lord of Bloodline will be destroyed!

Please ask the host to obtain at least 70 million origin points within ten days. After accepting the quest, the host's energy and Blood Qi will be consumed, and the mode of double acquisition of origin points will be activated! 】

[Quest reward: One chance to travel to the Origin of Wanyi, special items: Blue Star Heavenly Dao, 600 Kaiyin Origin Crystals, 5 million Origin Points! 】

[System Note: Go, boy! Special missions are unpredictable, seize the opportunity, you can change everything! 】

In the system tray, a red light glows.

It is marked with the word "special".

An entry appeared before his eyes.

It shows the task information just released.


Di Junlin took a quick glance and felt a little relieved.

There was even more joy in his eyes.

For fear that this quest would disappear, click to accept it immediately. "Um?"

Di Junlin groaned, the vitality in his body had just recovered, and Blood Qi began to disappear at twice the usual consumption rate.

Immediately, the god-like slaying force and the blood-red energy ball suspended above Dantian began to run.

A large amount of Blood Qi and Yuan force began to pour out from all over the body, maintaining the energy consumption caused by the double origin state.

"Jun Lin, are you okay?"

Yuan Zishan felt the energy fluctuations in Di Junlin's body, and she couldn't help frowning and asked worriedly.

Di Junlin felt that the changes in Blood Qi and Yuan Li in his body were in a state of balance with the help of the divine image and the blood-colored energy ball, and he was a little relieved.

On her pale face, she smiled at Yuan Zishan, "I'm fine."

"Senior sister, do you know where I can kill a lot of evil spirits!"

"And won't you be targeted by those heavenly kings and earthly kings?"

Di Junlin asked calmly.

Yuan Zishan raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, "Jun Lin, what are you asking about?"

She felt that the speed of Di Junlin Cultivation Base's improvement was too fast.

The Killing intent and resentment lingering around him could not be dissipated for a long time.

King's Landing has killed so many evil spirits during this time.

Did these affect his mood?

If it continues like this, I am afraid it will be Qi Deviation, right?

"Sister, I'm really fine."

"I just want to continue to hone my own strength."

"By the way, kill some evil spirits."

"The reason why I ask this is mainly because I am worried about encountering a high rank evil."

Di Junlin looked at Yuan Zishan with a worried expression, and immediately explained.

"Are you sure?" Yuan Zishan asked suspiciously.

I always feel that this kid is hiding something from himself.

Kill a lot of evil spirits without being targeted by high rank evil spirits?

If I read it right just now, even the Nightmare-level evil spirit with the four-star perfection in the Heavenly King Realm was beheaded by his little junior brother!

At present, the evil that can take the initiative to take action against King's Landing, Cultivation Base Realm can only be at the top of the nine stars in the realm of heaven!

In fact, in the definition of the Blue Star World Law, the extreme weather realm is comparable to a star in the Tianwang realm.

And the existence of Cultivation Base to reach the realm of the emperor, at most, is to use the coercion it carries to influence King's Landing.

So that place, seems good?

"It's also where you said!"

"It's just that most of the evil spirits in it live in groups."

"As long as you kill one of their evil spirits, you will be hunted down by all the evil spirits in their tribe."

"For us humans, that place is like a forbidden place."

Yuan Zishan's heart softened when she saw Di Junlin's very firm eyes.

Think of the powerful Talent skill tree of this little junior brother.

She no longer hesitated, and continued: "Go back to Daxia first. That place is located in a plateau settlement with a special geographical location."

"If you really want to go, I'll take you there when the time comes."

"Senior sister, thank you." Di Junlin nodded heavily.

According to Yuan Zishan's description.

Evil gregarious?

Attacking one can pull a group?

For others, it might really be a forbidden place, but for him.

But it is a treasure land to brush the origin!

As long as you enter it, a large number of energy creations will be differentiated to kill different kinds of evil spirits!

You can quickly gather a large wave of evil spirits, and you can get it in one pot!

Originally, he had already thought about using the shadowy face to hide his Cultivation Base, and went to the wild to use a wisp of the evil soul killing mark left by the Seven Desires Evil Saint to attract the evil spirits of the weather realm.

As long as you encounter a high rank evil, you will immediately change your position.

Now it seems that it doesn't have to be so troublesome!


(PS: Big guys, the cute type is the favorite, right!)

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