What the hell is going on these days?

Let him become what he is now?

There is still a lot of resentment surrounding Jun's body.

All these grievances seem to come from evil?

How many evil spirits have to be killed to be surrounded by so many resentments? ?

Yuan Zishan didn't dare to think about it any more, seeing Di Junlin's appearance at the moment, the tip of her nose was inexplicably sour.

Suddenly he took Di Junlin into his arms.

Gently patted his back.


Di Junlin's eyes widened, and a faint fragrance penetrated the tip of his nose.

His chest was soft and tight against his chest.

Di Junlin froze, not daring to move at all.

The power of the blood prison surged in the body, recalling all the blood that was madly pouring into Little Bear Brother.

He still wanted to live.

This big bear brother accidentally raised his head, he might be lost.

Just like the Xie Li Huan Fox Emperor, he was instantly killed.


I really didn't see it.

Senior Sister's capital is so strong.


Di Junlin couldn't help but squeeze tighter.



Yuan Zishan felt Di Junlin's strong masculinity blowing towards her face.

Pretty face blushed slightly.

Immediately push Di Junlin away gently.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he threw a fist out.

There was a thud under the Bleague winter side wall.

The earth roared, and the fist imprint containing the power of the six paths flashed in the air.

The evil spirit, who was fleeing frantically, was wiped by the fist marks shrouded in the power of the Six Paths.

The evil body instantly collapsed, turning into a cloud of blood and blasting in the air.

The outside of Breguet was stained with blood.

The entire space is silent.

Di Junlin's heart trembled when he saw this scene.

The Earth Emperor Realm is more than a thousand times stronger than the Weather Realm?

"That is?"

"Lord! Did she send a goddess to rescue me?"

"Mighty female Martial Sage!"

The ordinary human beings in the winter side wall of Brugge were ecstatic when they saw Yuan Zishan smashing all evil with one punch.

In Australia, a country with strong religious beliefs, many people believe in the legendary God.

Consider him the savior.

Now, Yuan Zishan is regarded as the Martial Sage who saved them.


"There are still people who believe in that unknown existence today?"

Many Australian apocalypse people are puzzled by the behavior of those ordinary people.

I couldn't help shaking my head.

"She is the powerhouse of the Great Xia Kingdom! She is also the direct disciple of the first saint!"

"I didn't expect her to come to Australia."

As the commander of Bregdon, Randy immediately recognized Yuan Zishan's identity.

A few years ago, he also watched Yuan Zishan fight with others.

At that time, Yuan Zishan, like him, was only in the weather.

Unexpectedly, in a few years, she has already broken through to the realm of the emperor.

And he didn't make any progress.

"Big Xia country powerhouse?"

"The two powerhouses in the sky are all from Daxia?"

"That boy, looks like he's only seventeen or eighteen?"

"It turned out to be a strong weather player?"

"The strength is hundreds of times stronger than us?"

"Is this the strength of the Great Xia Kingdom?"

Randy gathered around the high-level members of Bregdon, and all of them were strong in the weather realm.

Their gazes towards Di Junlin and Yuan Zishan were filled with awe.

Even with the ancient country of Daxia, there is a little more longing.

It is said that.

The Great Xia Kingdom is the safest place in the entire Blue Star.


dare not violate.

"Sister, how do we get back?"

Di Junlin glanced at the Australian powerhouses under the Bleague Winter Wall.

I didn't plan to go up and say hello.

In order to protect them, he killed countless evil spirits by himself.

Almost died here.

It can be considered that they paid back Karma who were targeted by "Yan Hei" because of themselves.

Now he just wants to return to Daxia as soon as possible.

Back to Chu Qianyuan's side.

His life-guarding necklace shattered when the Seven Desires attacked and killed him.

At present, he can't perceive the state of shallow edge at all.

What the hell is going on?

Why does the senior sister say that Qianyuan is about to be unable to support it?

Seeing Di Junlin's anxious face, Yuan Zishan remembered Chu Qianyuan's current situation.

Without beating around the bush, "Go!"

"We go back directly through Australia's teleportation array!"

"Shianyuan, because of you, accidentally stimulated the ancient blood power hidden in the body!"

"It's getting harder and harder to suppress during this time."

"It is expected to erupt in ten days! If no solution can be found within these ten days."

"Shianyuan's ancient bloodline power must be stripped off! Or completely sealed!"

"You should understand the consequences of doing so."

Yuan Zishan grabbed Di Junlin and disappeared directly in front of Randy and the others.

The surrounding space changes rapidly.

The two turned into a streamer and galloped in the air.

Yuan Zishan fully revealed the aura of her own imperial realm, and no one dared to stop her wherever she went.

Almost unobstructed.

In just a few seconds, it spanned several human settlements.

It is getting closer and closer to Melbourne, the capital of Australia.

"Ten days?"

"Only ten days?"

Di Junlin fell silent, originally having a year.

Because of yourself, there are only ten days left?

Ten days!

What can I do myself?

and many more!

The secret realm of the royal rank that Uncle Yuan said before, is it okay?

As long as the Master makes a move, what is an imperial secret realm?


"Jun Lin, this time, the teacher rushed into the Holy Spirit State alone for you!"

"Slaying the Seven Desires Evil Saint, creating the holy respect of the evil clan, and changing the rules of the entire Blue Star at the cost of the collapse of the original world."

"The Xie Li Huan Fox Emperor didn't kill you directly just now because the teacher changed the rules."

"The evil spirit of one big Realm (that is, nine small Realms) that exceeds human beings, must not attack human beings!"

"The Heavenly Sacred Realm of the evil clan is also restricted from being able to take action."

"That's what got me there in time."

Just as Di Junlin was about to speak, Yuan Zishan's very heavy voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

Obviously, he was informed of Hong Yuansheng's current situation.

"Jun's Landing, there is still darkness in our big summer!"

"One of the qualifications to enter the ancient ruins this time, the teacher designated you."

"Because of the teacher's strength, other people in China naturally dare not say more."

"Lao Xia suffered heavy damage on the way to the imperial capital this time! Although the person who sneaked up on Mr. Xia has been killed, the behind-the-scenes instructions must not be taken personally."

"After you go back, don't reveal all the information about the teacher and Xia Lao!"

"Where Qianyuan is, I'll find a way."

Yuan Zishan said solemnly.

Di Junlin's heart sank.

He swallowed all the words that came to his mouth.

The two teachers were all hit hard?

Old Xia was even attacked in Daxia?

Di Junlin's heart sank again, with Yuan Zishan alone.

That imperial secret realm occupied by evil, I am afraid...

He was lost in thought again.

To restore Chu Qianyuan to the way she was before, it would also give her a cultivation qualification.

There are only two.

One is the royal secret realm just mentioned!

The other is!

Rely on the products in the system!


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