The evil body of Xie Yi Broken Blade was held in the palm of Di Junlin's left hand.

The chaotic god body, which has condensed the power of 120,000 ancient giant elephants, suddenly made a thunderous roar.

The palms clenched suddenly.

The evil body of Xie Yi Broken Blade faced this incomparably terrifying power.

It can only be turned into the original shape of the broken blade, and then it will be broken every inch!

Di Junlin squeezed his fist lightly, then opened it wildly.

The body of Xie Yi Broken Blade turned into powder and floated in the air with the wind.

There is no more life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Nine Stars of the Weather Realm, and obtaining two waiting-level lottery cards, three thousand six hundred and thirty-five origin points! 】

[Ding, since the host has entered the mad war mode! Kill Nightmare Evils in a row! 】

[Get the title: Crazy Battle Unparalleled! 】

[Effect: Strength increases by ten percent! Additional critical strike status increased by 5%! The upper limit of blood gas has been increased by 5%! 】

[System Notes: Berserker! Kill the world, unparalleled! 】

The system beeps sounded again.

Di Junlin felt an inexplicable force emerge from his mind.

Not only did it improve his strength, but it also made the blood in his body more intense.

Di Junlin's current total blood gas limit has been raised by 5% again!

Almost doubled his strength again.

"Shortblade is dead!"

"Suiqi is also dead!"

"Yan Hei! This human being is so powerful!"

"Why did you take us to death!"


The rest of the Nightmare Evils watched Xie Yi Broken Blade, Xie Resentful You Cat, and Hui Ling Xie Dao were easily killed by Di Junlin.

The death is even more appalling.

His heart trembled again, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

The speed and strength of Xie Yi Broken Blade are also ranked among them.

But in Di Junlin's hands, he couldn't even escape.

There seemed to be a strange force just now, causing the speed of Xie Yi's broken blade to drop sharply.

and had a great impact on it.

Otherwise, how can you even escape.

"Yan Hei!"

"We have done what we have to do!"

"This human is your target, we'll go first!"

A nightmare-level evil light rhino couldn't suppress his fear, and after leaving a sentence, he began to flee desperately.

Evil Flower Dream Butterfly and Sword Evil Mantis blinked, gritted their teeth and left behind Xie Guang Lingxi.

Upon seeing this, Yinghu directly joined the fleeing team.

Tun Hue quietly left just as Di Junlin was fighting with several other Nightmare-level evil spirits.

"Want to run?"

"Do I agree?"

"Blood Prison Cross Slash!"

Di Junlin's blood-red eyes locked on the Nightmare-level Evils, the Evil Flower Dream Butterfly, the Evil Sword Mantis, the Evil Light Lingxi, and the Evil Shadow Black Panther.

The demon wings behind him trembled slightly, and a blood-colored giant sword with dense magic lines condensed in his hand.

Several **** sword lights were drawn in the air and merged into four "ten" characters!

They slashed towards the Evil Flower Dream Butterfly, the Evil Sword Mantis, the Evil Light Lingxi, and the Evil Shadow Black Panther, who were fleeing madly.

Ling Lie's sword force broke through the sky, and ten different origin powers were brewing in it.

The blood is monstrous, the thunderous sun, the death and the death, the brilliance, the five elements are strong, and the weight is as heavy as ten thousand...

There is a faint layer of white light shining in it.

The four "ten" characters seem to be able to penetrate the space.

Ignore distance.

Suddenly appeared behind them.

"The power of space???"

"How can you possibly control the power of space?" Yinghu felt the sound of the roaring sword behind him, and the unparalleled blood-shattering sword force had already stabbed his evil body from the air.

Evil Flower Dream Butterfly, Sword Evil Mantis, and Evil Light Lingxi are even more deadly.

The blood in the body was pulled by a strange force and suddenly began to riot.

The body that was originally galloping in the air was shrouded in ten thousand gravity, and the evil body suddenly stopped.

This meal.

Let Di Junlin's blood-jail cross slash suddenly land on their backs.

The faint power of space flickered, and the Blood Prison Cross Slash ignored the defenses of their bodies.

slammed into their bodies.

A huge cross cut suddenly burst open.

The surging blood in their bodies was pulled by the blood prison and poured out frantically.

The bleeding state of Blood Prison and Cross Slash accelerated the outflow of blood in their bodies.

It's not over yet.

Under the blessing of the ninth-order chaos, the power of artistic conception that emerged from the body of the evil flower dream butterfly, the evil sword mantis, the evil light, and the evil shadow black panther was resisted.

The blue-purple thunder exploded!

The force of death frantically devoured the vitality within them.

The power of the five elements began to disintegrate the energy contained in their evil bodies.

The power of light dissolves the strong evil spirits in the bodies of Evil Flower Dream Butterfly, Evil Sword Mantis, Evil Light Lingxi, and Evil Shadow Black Panther.

The power of the blood prison is even more violent, and the power of the cross slash goes deep into the bone marrow under the blessing of the power of the blood prison.

Shatter all the organs in their bodies and devour all the blood!


The demon wings behind Di Junlin shook slightly.

The left arm that had already turned into a blood-colored, ferocious hand suddenly lifted.

In the face of the evil flower dream butterfly, the evil mantis knife, the evil light and the rhinoceros, the evil shadow black panther, the evil body of the four nightmare-level evil spirits is far away!

A huge blood-colored handprint condensed on top of their heads and fell suddenly!




The evil bodies of Evil Flower Dream Butterfly, Knife Evil Mantis, Evil Light Lingxi, and Evil Shadow Black Panther were shot!

Four clusters of blood mist exploded in the air, like gorgeous blood-colored fireworks.

The space is shaken, like a turbulent river rolling up in waves.

The space where the Evil Flower Dream Butterfly, the Evil Sabre Mantis, the Evil Light Lingxi, and the Evil Shadow Black Panther are located swept up an energy storm.

Devour their evil souls and destroy their last shreds of life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Nine Stars in the Weather Realm, the Evil Flower Dream Butterfly, and obtaining two waiting-level lottery cards, 2,635 origin points! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Nine-Star Perfect Sword Mantis in the Weather Realm, and obtaining two waiting-level lottery cards, 2,635 origin points! 】


[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the nine-star perfect evil shadow black panther in the weather realm, and obtaining two waiting-level lottery cards, 2,635 origin points! 】

Several system beeps sounded.

Four huge **** light clusters floated above the remnants of Evil Flower Dream Butterfly, Evil Sword Mantis, Evil Light Lingxi, and Evil Shadow Black Panther.

The phantom of the Prison Blood Demon Tree suddenly appeared, and several blood-colored vortices condensed.

Instantly swallow the blood vortex on them.

The majestic energy was transformed by the blood li and the divine elephant to suppress the prison force, quickly replenishing the Yuan energy consumed in Di Junlin's body.

Converted into jet-black Yuan force, used to cast the skill imprint on the Prison Blood Demon God Tree.

Although the power of the skill engraving has been improved, the consumption is several times more.

If it weren't for Alyphis guarding the Bragg's Winter Wall.

Crazy kills all evil spirits near the Blood Sha barrier.

Provide continuous support for Di Junlin.

He simply couldn't behead the Evil Flower Dream Butterfly, the Evil Sword Mantis, the Evil Light Lingxi, and the Evil Shadow Black Panther so easily.


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