"Let go!"

The tyrannical demonic energy sees the evil energy in his body, just like a cat sees a mouse.

"No matter how powerful the power of heaven and earth understood by this human being, it cannot resist the power of our artistic conception!"

After Di Junlin killed Huiling Evil Rice, the evil spirit on his body became more intense.

Facing Di Junlin's body, a sudden burst of eagerness erupted.

Unprecedented blood vortex condensation.

Powerful soul power creates artistic conception and affects reality.

Dark green blood splattered in the air.

Be the first to stimulate your own soul-breaking mood!


"Can you go?"

"Keep your distance from him!"

Xie Yi Duan Ren only felt that his body was squeezed by countless mountains, and the terrifying gravity made his body fall in the air.


Where have they seen such a human being, who can tear apart the lives of the clansmen who have transformed from the level of life to the level of nightmares with their fleshly bodies!

The bloody cyclone vibrated in the space,

The soul-devouring power of the five fingers suddenly erupted, and all the blood scattered around his body condensed in his palm like a ghost.

There is almost no way to continue to stimulate the power of artistic conception.

"Send spirit mood!"

A strange mood enveloped them, and an evil consciousness was formed in it.

"Can I send you to hell?"

"Gravity! Soul Eater!"

The noble and ancient temperament radiated from his body, and the violent blood energy covered the entire space.

The evil body of Huiling Evil Rice is completely unable to resist Di Junlin's power.

Di Junlin's face was full of demonic energy, and there was an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.


Strange tones came out of Di Junlin's mouth.

But Di Junlin's terrifying power filled his body.

Immediately close to the scarlet ghost hand!

There is also a light yellow gravity covering it.

Trying to break free from Di Junlin's grip.

"Let go of me!"

The sound of broken glass resounded.

The evil grudge cat seems to be a weak toy.

Several spore roots flutter.

Shadow fox's scarlet leopard pupils were full of greed, and the shadow killing mood fell.

"It's still broken!"

Di Junlin kicked out the evil spirit of Huiling who had lost all energy.

A pair of huge blood-colored and ferocious hands fell on top of his head.

The tip of these black rice ears is split with a tiny gap.

Devoured all the blood in Huiling Evil Rice's body.

A hint of satisfaction flashed in the eyes full of madness.

The head was sunken in an instant, and the power of Soul Eater was flooded.

In the face of these nine stars in the weather realm, the power of the mood of the nightmare level evil spirit.

Di Junlin's blood-red pupils turned slightly, and the reflection of a short blade with rising evil energy appeared in his pupils.

This time!

"Suiqi! ​​Just died like this??"

The gray Primordial Force, which has become jet-black, appears even more violent.

The evil resentful cat looked frightened and twisted its evil body desperately.

A blood-colored ferocious ghost hand appeared at the position where Xie Yi Duan Blade had just been.


Yan Hei's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the words, but he didn't make a sound.

"not good!"

Countless demonic thoughts swept through Huiling Evil Rice's evil soul space.

Tyranny, madness, and murderous aura filled his eyes!

Can be bloodthirsty, berserk, and the state of blood rage!

One of the nine nightmare-level evil spirits, Huiling Evil Rice, transformed into its original form on the spot, and black rice ears shot out under his control.

He slowly stretched out his hands that had already turned into blood-red ghosts.


The whole body was being torn apart by Di Junlin, and the flesh was split from the center to the sides.

His evil blade artistic conception blessed his innate evil broken blade, which was completely engulfed by the blood energy vortex.

Not only did he not cause any damage to it, but he consumed most of his soul power.

Xie Yi Duan Ren's mind was racing, and he suddenly felt his whole body tremble.

A rich evil light lit up above these roots.

"I beat you into a undead!"

It can be even crazier than the Blood Demon God!

The evil body of Huiling Evil Rice was suddenly eroded by the tyrannical demonic energy.

"Ha ha ha ha......"

"It's your turn!"


A black broken knife was transformed into hundreds of black short blades.

Among them, I am afraid that only this unknown evil black bear can resist this terrifying human being in front of him.

"Evil Blade!"

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the nine-star consummation evil and resentful secluded cat in the weather realm, obtaining two waiting-level lottery cards and 3,935 origin points! 】

Chaos is not enough!

The irresistible suction force poured out from his palm.

"Gather the power of artistic conception under our control!"

Di Junlin's figure disappeared on the spot, and appeared behind Huiling Xiedao like a ghost.

Hundreds of dark shadows appeared under Di Junlin's feet, and the aura of shadow killing penetrated into his soul space.

The evil broken blade suddenly shrouded.

These evil blades became transparent, and a more bizarre blade aura erupted.

"Are you ready?"

Wrap the location where Di Junlin is located.

The faint blue light spots floated in the air, and the evil energy swept the surrounding heaven and earth to form hot flames that involved Di Junlin.

His evil body could only be sucked and pulled, and fell into the hands of Di Junlin's bloody, hideous ghost.

Mood involves spirit.

The evil bodies of the evil cat clan are among the top-ranked existences among the major races of the holy race.

Yan Hei, Yinghu, Huiling Xie Dao, Xie Yi Broken Blade...the power of the mood of these nightmare-level evil spirits will be swallowed up!

"What kind of broken wills are these?"

Countless magic patterns appeared on his chaotic body, and the gray energy in his body suddenly turned black!


Xie Yi Broken Blade transformed into a humanoid body with a shocked expression on his face.

A strong sense of crisis jumped in his heart.

He quickly approached Yan Hei's direction immediately.

An icy voice sounded in Xie Yi Duan Ren's ear.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the five-star perfect evil rice evil body in the weather realm, obtaining two waiting-level lottery cards, and 3,935 origin points! 】


An irresistible devouring force enveloped his body.

Listen to the system prompts ringing in succession.

The blood-colored ferocious ghost's hand suddenly squeezed.

"You like rice?"

Yinghu shouted among the remaining nightmare-level evil spirits in the Nine-Headed Weather Realm and Nine-Star Perfect Realm.

The last trace of sanity in Di Junlin's eyes completely disappeared.

Excited and frantic began to devour.

Start looking for a target again.

It swelled several times in the air and turned into a huge blood palm five meters high.

But it is completely able to deprive the spiritual influence caused by these artistic conceptions!

More tyrannical!

"Go together!"


The broken body was thrown away by Di Junlin.

The whole earth seemed to be shaking, and a huge wave formed in the space swept through all the energy of the heavens and the earth.

Di Junlin, who had lost all his sanity, had blood in his eyes.

It made the other nightmare-level evil spirits around him tremble.

They want to devour the vitality and flesh and blood of this living creature in front of them, and then become a spirit!

"How can this human body be so strong???"

"You two are very fast!"

It's the Evil Broken Blade!

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