Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 205 Fallen Gods Resurrected? Crazy And Slaughter! (Picture)

"Now it is your turn!"

A sound like a Hong bell beating a drum exploded in the space.

The evil spirit on Di Junlin's body became stronger and stronger, and the burly body with ligated muscles covered with golden light turned slightly sideways.

The muscles of the whole body bulged, and the body was originally thin and well-proportioned.

In this moment became a muscular man.

The blood-red pupils shot out a few golden beams, locking Yan Hei who had been motionless not far away.

The madness in his eyes gradually subsided, and he became extremely cold and sober.

The soul space is enveloped by a golden light, and the unyielding will always plays a role.

He has mastered the method of resisting the power of mood.

The chaotic trend that began to transform towards the source mood is actually not weaker than the power of mood that these weather realm nightmare-level evil spirits control in advance.

The power of mood they control is only at the first level!

The same is true of Yan Hei's soul-shattering mood. He was only affected by it for a while.

To put it bluntly, it still suffers from the lack of combat experience.

The engraving level of ancient memories has not been improved for too long, resulting in Di Junlin's lack of combat experience in the weather realm and the king realm.


A hint of doubt flashed in Di Junlin's eyes.

The evil black bear in front of him saw the strength he showed.

Not only did he not panic, but he stood there very calmly.

There must be something odd.

"Ha ha......"

"A human in the seven-star realm of the weather realm has such a powerful power!"

"Not even controlled by my Divine Mark, your sword!"

"It's actually a superb artifact?"

"And your perfect body!"

"I didn't expect that a planet with no apparent origin could give birth to an existence like you!"

"It's worth noting that I put the last piece of God's Domain into it."

A powerful voice suddenly sounded in Di Junlin's mind.

Hear this voice.

The warning signs in Di Junlin's heart suddenly sounded.

His whole body seemed to be seen through, and he felt a chill.

Doom's Bloodthirsty Breastplate and Doom's Bloodthirsty Boots suddenly appeared, blessing his defense and strength.

This gave him a sense of security.

"This evil person in front of me!!!"

"No! He's not evil."

"Everything about Yan Hei has been controlled by the master of the Divine Refinement Domain!"

"He's the dead god!"

Di Junlin's blood-red pupils turned golden, and his eyes looked at the "Yan Hei" at the moment like a sword!

Yan Hei's evil body has been transformed into a humanoid creature.

The whole body of this humanoid creature was shrouded in a thin hazy divine light.

I can't see the face, and I can't identify the men and women.

Only a hot and greedy look fell on him.

At this moment, "Yan Hei" did nothing.

But Di Junlin felt the threat of death wrapping him around.

The energy in his body is disappearing inexplicably.

The surrounding world seemed to be enveloped by a strange force.

The power of heaven and earth that was originally wandering is dissipating, and it seems to be blocked by something.

The entire space is isolated.

[Ding, the task is being generated...]

[New mission released: Crazy and God-killing! 】

[Task content: The fallen gods from the unknown star field revived the evil body of the evil-exploded black bear and devoured the evil soul of the evil-exploded black bear! This former deity is not satisfied with the fragile talent of the evil black bear clan, and is eyeing your body! Be amazed by the talents and artifacts you control! He is ready to take away your Chaos Divine Body and devour your soul! Please kill it completely! 】

[Task reward: The transformation progress of Chaos Trend has increased by 30%, three god-level lottery cards, 500 source crystals, and 5 million origin points! 】

[System remarks: This former god has already controlled the tiny realm that was broken during his lifetime, and has the effect of isolating heaven and earth! ! Notice! Notice! Please kill it before its source domain is completely solidified! 】

A golden entry suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

A new task content appeared in front of his eyes.

Di Junlin quickly scanned the contents of the task.

Peace of mind.

No wonder the dog was standing still.

Was it procrastination?

Do you want to completely condense the field under your control, and then completely seize yourself?


"A thing long dead!"

"It should be completely silent!"

"Sword come!"

Di Junlin ignored the voice of "Yan Hei" that kept ringing in his head.

Yangtian laughed wildly, and with his right hand, he recalled the magic sword Alyphis that was guarding in front of the blood fiend barrier.

My heart moved slightly.

"Xue Li, cooperate with me!"

"Help me quickly restore my Origin Power!"

"Yes, Master!"

Xue Li sat upright in the breastplate space, slender hands clasped together.

Start to control the continuous flow of blood gas light from the outside world to convert it into Yuan force more quickly.

And temporarily block these Yuan forces from entering the blood-red energy ball.

Suspended above Dantian.

"Ha ha?"


"Ignorant and ignorant human beings, I am a god born in ancient times!"

"The greatest existence in the world!"

"It's your honor to be the container of this god's descent!"

"Yan Hei" watched Di Junlin's movements, his eyes shrouded in divine light narrowed slightly.

The weak divine power on the body began to surge, forming a transparent film to wrap itself.

At the same time, it controls the dilapidated small area and blocks this space more quickly.

Compared to Di Junlin's positive strength, the evil black bear he controls now is completely inferior.

Di Junlin's strange chaotic trend was able to resist the soul-shattering mood.

The incomparably powerful power and the strange blood energy are even more terrifying.

In the weather environment, no one can stop it.

And he has controlled the body of the evil explosion black bear for many years, but he has only accumulated a little bit of divine power and faith.

It is completely impossible to use it in combat.

Only the shattered realm can exert some power.

That's why he never took the initiative.

"you are God?"

"Then I Di Junlin! I'll behead your god today!"

The blood in Di Junlin's whole body suddenly made a thunderous roar.

It started surging like a high-pressure water gun.

Blood Rage, Rampage, and Bloodthirsty status increase to the upper limit of the current level.

The source of the five elements, the source of thunder, and the source of light contained in the chaotic divine body devoured the Yuan force frantically in the dantian.

A gap appeared in the blood-red sphere.

The energy stored in it poured out, like a river bursting with dykes.

Di Junlin took the lead in condensing a few blood-red Thunder Dragons and charged towards the evil spirits under the Bleugwinter border wall.

An energy creation with the perfect strength of three stars in the weather realm.

Facing the evil under the weather, it is like a butcher.

It frantically slaughtered those ordinary evil spirits who were not afraid of death.

Countless tiny blood gas light clusters were suspended above these evil corpses, and were madly swallowed by several blood gas vortices condensed beside Di Junlin.

A steady stream of energy floods Di Junlin's Chaos God.

The idols of the gods revolved wildly, and Xue Li also methodically controlled the conversion of these blood gas light groups into energy.

Complementing the huge consumption of Di Junlin's state at the moment.

Di Junlin felt the majestic blood energy and vitality in his body, and finally accumulated the momentum to the peak!


"Slaughter God!"


(PS: Isn’t the picture below good-looking? -.- Big guys, don’t forget to click on it to remind you)

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