
The Prison Blood Demon Tree felt extremely excited by the majestic blood energy from the outside world.

It condensed several blood-colored vortices on its own, and began to devour these blood-qi light groups frantically.

And Di Junlin was also awakened by the action of the Prison Blood Demon Tree.

For a time, he was freed from the influence of the soul-shattering mood.

He felt that most of his own energy and soul power had been swallowed up.

The vitality in the body also suffered from the shattering force.

Weakness swept through the body.

If not suddenly woke up at this moment.

He may really be quiet in the soul-breaking mood of Yan Hei.

Di Junlin also has a deeper understanding of the power of artistic conception.

At the same time, he felt that a steady stream of energy was filling his chaotic divine body with the devouring of the Hell Blood Demon God Tree.

The gray energy that had just been swallowed up by the soul-breaking mood almost recovered.

The faint blue light spot remaining in the soul space was repelled from the body by the golden light shining above its soul body.

The unyielding will is working, recovering the spirit power just consumed as much as possible.


Di Junlin's expression changed slightly, and his dark red pupils suddenly lit up.

The violent blood energy in the body rose again, and the bones made a crackling sound.


"good very good!"

"Yan Hei, my 'good brother'! You really hurt Lao Tzu!"

Madness filled his four pupils.

The dual states of berserk and bloodthirsty suddenly open at this moment!

all of a sudden.

Countless blood energy burst out from his body, condensed into hundreds of cyclones in the air and shot out towards the surroundings.

The soul-shattering mood did not have any effect on him at all.

At this moment, Di Junlin is completely unable to suppress the innate madness factor of the Prison Blood Demon God's Source Tree.

Do not!

More importantly!

He doesn't want to suppress either!

Now he is the devil descended!

"Ha ha ha ha......"

"Sword come!"

The frantic and frantic laughter exploded in the ears of the nightmare-level evil spirits Yan Hei, Yinghu, and Tun Huo.

The blood curtain descended, and the entire Bregdon settlement was shrouded in blood.

The magic sword Alyphis appeared in his hands.

Di Junlin, who had the magic sword in his hand, poured all his energy into it without reservation.

Facing the palms that Yan Hei, Yinghu and other evil spirits grabbed, they suddenly waved the magic sword!

A ten-meter blood-colored sword light condensed out of thin air.

Split into their palms.

Chaos is on top of it.

Under Di Junlin's three major boosting states: Blood Rage, Rampage, and Bloodthirst!

This blood-colored sword light suddenly devoured most of the power of heaven and earth scattered between heaven and earth.


All evil spirits below the six-star realm of the weather realm.

All split in two!

The outstretched arms of Yan Hei, Yinghu, Tunxue and others were even cut off by Qigen!




The chaotic force blessed above the blood-colored sword light accommodates Di Junlin's unique gray energy.

Raging energy erupts on it.

The blue-purple thunder roared on the arms of Yan Hei, Yinghu, Tun Hu and others.

The thunder that is full of powerful destructive power spreads their evil body.

The black lines condensed by the power of death followed.

began to devour the life within them.

"Is it cool?"

"Wait! How to stop me!"

The demon wings behind Di Junlin fanned, and the figure disappeared in place.

The 120,000 ancient giant elephants roared on his body, and the chaotic divine body containing the seven source light groups was fully recovered at this moment.

One thousand and eighty-one acupoints lit up with golden light, and the radiance of Shen Xi appeared on Di Junlin's body.

Almost turned Di Junlin's into a golden man.

The muscles in the whole body bulged, and the body became extremely burly and strong.

Fierce aura erupted constantly on his body, and his muscles ligated up his arms.

He threw out the magic sword Alyphis in his hand, and let it guard it under the side wall of the Bregdon settlement.

Continue to bombard and kill the evil spirits that are constantly hitting the blood fiend barrier.

The Ziyao Demon Flame burned frantically, vaporizing all the evil spirits that were close to the blood fiend barrier.

And Di Junlin actually rushed directly into the evil group where Yan Hei, Yinghu, and Tun Huo were.

"How dare you..."

One of the evil gray cranes was about to open his mouth to say something.

He was caught by a pair of golden arms, and the terrifying power filled his upper and lower edges.


"You hurt me!"

Di Junlin roared!

Regardless of the attacks of other evil spirits falling on him.

Unexpectedly, he opened the mouth of the evil gray crane in front of him up and down.

The head followed his hands, and the ligated arms suddenly shook.

Xie Li Grey Crane's mouth was torn in half!

Di Junlin frowned, as if not satisfied.

He stretched out his left hand again, holding Xie Li Grey Crane's head with one hand.

Pinch hard!


Violent power erupted, and the head of Xie Li Grey Crane was like tofu.

Squeezed by Di Junlin!

"how is this possible!"

The Evil Resentful You Cat, who was closest to the two, saw this scene, and only felt a chill fill his evil body.

A wicked look flashed in his eyes.

Those claws that could easily shatter gold and iron fell on Di Junlin's chest.

Wanted to rip Di Junlin's body apart.


The sound of golden iron roaring exploded.

The Evil Resentful Cat felt a terrifying counter-shock in his hand, and the familiar force instantly hit his own evil body.

Suffered a lot of trauma unexpectedly.

What shocked him the most was the human being in front of him.

Unscathed? ? ?

"Dead cat!"

"You hurt me!"

A voice full of anger rang in the ears of Xie Resentment You Cat.

The arms infused with gold and iron suddenly grabbed the two claws of the evil cat.


There is a ruthless color in the scarlet vertical pupil of the evil cat.

He doesn't believe that a human body can be stronger than their nightmare-level saints!

He controls the existence of the tearing mood!

"Break me!"

A strong power of heaven and earth emerged from the sharp claws, and the powerful tearing mood plummeted.

It made Di Junlin feel that he was facing countless sharp and sharp knives, and that piercing sharpness made him feel that his soul space was cracking.

Clawed hard on Di Junlin's golden arms.

The evil resentful cat seems to have seen the human being torn apart by him.

"Clang clang clang!"

There was a violent roar of gold and iron, and fire even appeared on Di Junlin's arm.

But there was no damage to his body.

On the contrary, there is a tearing force that has weakened most of it and is fed back to the evil body of the evil resentful cat.

Suddenly, his chest cracked and blood spurted out.

"Are you tickling me?"

"Ha ha ha ha......"

Di Junlin's eyes were full of madness.

The anti-wound stinger is always in play, with all the attacks that land on him.

Nearly 50% of the damage will be returned to the attacker itself.

Coupled with his now incomparably tyrannical body, his defensive ability has already reached the realm of Heavenly Kings!

There is no evil spirit present that can break through his physical defense!

Not to mention that the Chaos Divine Body has fully recovered.


Di Junlin ignores the angry cat.

With his hands like steel pliers, he firmly grasped the two sharp claws of the evil grudge secluded cat.

The huge ancient giant elephant phantom behind him suddenly made a thunderous sound.

Ferocious and violent power erupted over Di Junlin's hands.

The five fingers folded together, and they were torn apart suddenly on both sides!


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