Yangzhou, Australia.

Bregdon settlement.

The whole sky was shrouded in a layer of dark clouds, and the overcast weather made people feel extremely depressing.

The rain was falling from the sky.

An earth-shattering roar filled the space.

Countless evil spirits rushed out of the dark jungle and swept towards the settlement of the Australian border town.

The sound of heavy footsteps caused the ground to vibrate.

The human warriors in the Bregdon settlement were awakened by this huge movement.

Immediately ring the unique alarm bell of the frontier defense.

At the same time command all the Apocalypse present to prepare for battle.


"Today break through the city of human beings!"

"Destroy our food and make the goddamn human despair!"

All the powerful evil spirits whose cultivation base has reached the perfect state of the Nine Stars of the Weather Realm fell in the air.

These evil spirits did not manifest their true bodies, but transformed into humanoid appearances.

Quietly watching the ordinary clansmen underground, they rushed towards the Bregdon settlement.

One of the burly beings is staring at a certain direction intently.

Seems to be waiting for something.

"Yan Hei, what do you want to do?"

"You want to fight humans?"

"Or is there another purpose? What do you want to do by manipulating so many ordinary people and surrounding this human settlement?"

A humanoid youth who was transformed into a spirit-devouring white tiger and an evil shadow black panther by the nine stars of the weather realm controlled by Yan Hei.

He looked at Yan Hei beside him with suspicion.

They couldn't understand Yan Hei's behavior at all.

If you want to start a war, you need the consent of the leaders of the realm above the realm of the king.

Generally, the existences that become the leaders of the holy clan are all nightmare-level existences in the Heavenly King Realm.

Only by their existence can they contain the powerhouses of the Heavenly King Realm on the human side.

Since not long ago, a top human being forcibly revised the rules of heaven and earth.

The rules of war between them and humans have changed.

From then on, generals, soldiers to soldiers.

There is simply no way to devour low-level humans with powerful realm power like before.

Their biggest advantage now is the large number of ordinary clansmen.

These clansmen are like uncivilized beasts and are not afraid of death!

I swear to obey the orders of the saints at the top.

Simply the perfect tool for waging war.

"Four days! You haven't come out yet?"

"That human, did he die inside?"


"The strength of that human being can definitely obtain the qualifications of a god general!"

"The crystals of faith and divine will that he obtained are all mine!"

"Even if he uses it! He can devour his body and soul, strip away the power of faith in him, and transform it into his own power!"

Yan Hei's eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't care at all about the two fools beside him who were controlled by him.

The only thing he cares about now is Di Junlin who entered that secret realm.

And the human city in front of him was the bargaining chip he used to threaten Di Junlin!

As long as he can get what Di Junlin has in his hands.

He will be able to step directly into the Heavenly King Realm!

Only when it enters the Heavenly King Realm can it initially control its own destiny.

Otherwise, he is just a slightly stronger ant.


Bregdon settlement.

Australian Border Force.

A white commander with black hair and brown eyes stared solemnly at the light curtain in front of him.

The picture displayed in it is the evil army led by Yan Hei, Evil Shadow Black Tiger, and Spirit Swallowing White Tiger!

"Colonel Bra! Immediately issue an order for help! Summon the strong!"

"Evil riot! First-level combat readiness!"

"Call all the Apocalypse out and let them come back immediately!"

The white commander gave immediate orders.

Colonel Bula nodded, and his movements were not slow at all.

Deliver all Commander Randy's orders.

It has been a long time since the Bregdon settlement had been attacked by so many evils.

Those evil spirits who usually live outside the Blegdong settlement are mostly lower than the realm of cultivation.

What's going on with these beasts today?

"not good!"

"Commander Randy! All the general powerhouses are entangled by powerful evil spirits and cannot escape for the time being!"

"Now, in the Blegdong settlement, only three weather-level seven-star powerhouses can come!"

The smartwatch on Colonel Bra's wrist vibrated.

The skin on his big brown face became wrinkled. In the current situation, only three weather-level seven-star powerhouses can come?

What's the use in the face of the evil spirits of the nine-star perfection outside the city?

What about the rest?

Can't they all be afraid of fighting?

At this time.

The light curtain in front of Randy suddenly turned red.

A harsh siren sounded throughout the command.

Sensors that detect the level and amount of evil energy are constantly turning red.

The color is getting darker.

It means that the number of evil powerhouses outside the city is still rising rapidly.

Countless evil spirits gathered outside the city rushed towards the city wall of the Bregdon settlement.

"not good!"

"Bula, immediately open the defense formation!"

"All the apocalypse people enter the wartime state, let the people in the city leave immediately in the teleportation array!"

"Bra, you command for me!"

Randy took off the camouflage military cap on his head, and there was a hint of despair on his old face.

He became the supreme commander of the Bregdon settlement for decades.

Battles big and small.

But it has never encountered such a huge number of evil spirits attacking Bregdon like today.

The evil jungle that Blegdon lived in and faced with would never have such a level of powerful evil on weekdays.

So much so that Australia's strong men are distributed in other settlements.



Bra shivered.

Commander Randy has a perfect eight-star cultivation in the weather realm, and going out like this now is a death sentence.

"Okay! Follow orders!"

"I'm just one step ahead of you, if the guardian formation is broken!"

"Bregddon no longer exists!"

Randy left a few words and rushed out of the headquarters directly, flying towards the city wall of the Winter Frontier City of Brugge.

Bra's eyes were slightly red, resisting the urge to leave behind Randy.

Urging the rest of the headquarters to open Bregdon's guardian element formation.

The edge of the city walls of the Bregdon settlement.

The complex Yuan pattern kept flickering.

The energy of heaven and earth was swallowed and gathered by these elements, and a light blue barrier was quickly formed.

Covers the entire Blegdon settlement.



The moment when the protective barrier just rose.

Countless ordinary evil spirits in the Heavenly Spirit Realm slammed into the energy barrier without fear of death.

Evil qi repels the primordial force above the energy barrier.

The entire light blue energy barrier suddenly shook.

And the elites of the Heavenly Spirit Realm who followed behind the ordinary evil spirits also rushed up.

It slammed into the guardian energy barrier fiercely.



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