Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 196 Killing The Evil Spear, Destroying The City

Nearly 10,000 Australian human warriors roared together on the walls of the Winter Frontier City of Blegg.

As soldiers guarding the Australian border, their hatred for evil can be described as monstrous.

Everyone has a black long gun in their hands.

This is a low-grade exalted weapon composed of a total of twelve barrels!

Every bullet fired can easily penetrate the body of ordinary evil spirits.

The power is comparable to the full blow of a three-star perfect powerhouse in the Heavenly Venerate Realm.


With the order of the commander in the crowd.

Tens of thousands turned into soldiers and pulled the trigger together, and the sound of gunshots resounded throughout the space.

Twelve stout barrels spun wildly.

The Exterminating Evil Spear absorbed and manipulated the incoming Yuan force, condensing black bullets and shooting them out of the muzzle.

Black bullets with strong vitality fell like a shower.

Covers the evil spirits under the city wall that are madly charging the energy barrier.


Under the shooting of these evil-killing bullets, the evil spirit who was not afraid of death couldn't help but let out a scream.

Bullets pierced through their bodies, and blood holes appeared on the evil ones.

After piercing through their evil bodies, a violent explosion occurred.

Wrap the surrounding evil spirits together.

between breaths.

The broken corpses of evil spirits are scattered all over the city walls.

The dead evil spirits became the stepping stones for the evil spirits behind them.

Step on their corpses, and continue to charge towards the energy barrier that enveloped Bregdon.

"Keep shooting!"

"Block these damn things!"

"Guard our lovers, friends, and relatives, the great Lord will surely bless us!"

The frontier town general Rabusch, who followed the crowd and pulled the trigger, cheered loudly.

He controls the evil spirit spear in his hand to fight on the front line.

Labushi, who was in the early five-star realm of the weather realm, held a grenade energy gun in his hand.

This is a new type of element developed by human beings based on the combination of the ancient bluestar thermal weapon howitzer and Yuanli.

Its lethality and coverage are extremely powerful.

Every grenade fired.

Ordinary-level evil that can instantly clear a small area.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"After killing these evil spirits, the merits we have obtained are enough to improve our cultivation!"

"Can't let these evil spirits break the energy barrier."

Every Australian soldier was red-eyed, and they frantically pulled the trigger.

Kill as many evil spirits as possible.

Not only for military exploits, but more importantly, their family and friends are behind them.

Once Breggdon is attacked by evil.

All will be slaughtered!

"how come......"

"There are so many..."

"All these evil spirits came to us?"

A warrior in the early eight-star stage of the Heavenly Venerate Realm, constantly inputting his own energy into the evil-killing spear in his hand.

Nearly a thousand ordinary evil spirits died under his gun.

But the number of those evil spirits did not seem to decrease at all.

The mutilated evil body was soon overwhelmed by the evil spirits behind it.

There are more and more powerful evil spirits constantly appearing.

The soldier looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but tremble.

There was even a hint of despair in his eyes.

How are they going to kill these damned evildoers?

"waste time!"

"Evil Shadow Black Tiger, Soul Swallowing White Tiger, you two, give it to me!"

"Break that annoying guardian formation for me!"

"Capture all living creatures in the entire human settlement, and don't kill them for the time being."

Yan Hei looked at the scene in front of him and felt a little dissatisfied.

This group of ordinary people who have not developed their intelligence is simply a group of idiots.

The weapons in the hands of humans are very powerful for them.

Was so bombarded.

This time, the siege of the human city was proposed by him.

If the power of the Saint Race loses too much, he will also have to pay a certain price.

It is better to let the evil shadow black tiger and the swallowing white tiger blast away the energy barrier.

The first-grade artistic conception that the two of them had controlled in advance had no problem at all in breaking this energy barrier.

What's more, most of Australia's powerhouses have been pinned down.

In a short period of time, no one will appear in this corner city at all.

He kept all the humans in this city in captivity and waited for Di Junlin to appear.

By the time.

What will he do?

I'm looking forward to it!

The humanoid body that Yan Hei transformed into trembled with excitement.

No matter what Di Junlin chooses at that time, he is the one who takes the initiative.

Di Junlin must die!



Evil Shadow Black Tiger and Soul Swallowing White Tiger looked at each other.

They all saw the dissatisfaction of the other party, and they felt very angry in their hearts.

How could the upper echelons agree to this dead bear's plan?

And let us obey the orders of this dead bear!

What a fuck.

The humanoid bodies they had transformed into swayed in the air.

In an instant, it fell above Breguet East.

"Let's do it together!"

Yinghu shouted at Tun Yun angrily.

Dozens of black leopard shadows suddenly condensed and raised their evil claws together.

The Shadow Killing Concept was condensed on his evil body, and instantly fell on the energy barrier that enveloped Breg East.

The evil thoughts full of chilling intentions are condensed at the same time as the shadow killing mood.

Covers the humans above the city on the east side of Bragg.

Many human warriors only felt dark in front of them.

The surrounding environment changed, and the biting killing intent made them feel cold all over.

One after another dark shadows emerged under their feet.


One of the Australian human warriors in the early stage of the six-star Tianzun realm suddenly turned the gun and pulled the trigger around.

He wanted to kill all the shadows under his feet.

"Verdon, what are you doing?"

A big white man beside Verdon suddenly roared.

Desperately turned sideways to avoid the evil-killing bullets issued by Verdon.

Although this evil-killing spear is mainly used to fight against evil spirits, its power is huge.

Especially at close range, once it is hit, it is at least heavy damage.

Maybe even death.


"Give me death!"

Several white people next to Verdon were also shrouded in the shadow killing intent of the evil shadow black panther.

Treat the surrounding comrades as evil spirits.

Immediately point the gun at them and start pulling the trigger.


The rest of the human warriors were concentrating on killing the evil spirits outside the border wall.

Unprepared, he was directly hit hard by these companions who were deeply affected by the shadow killing mood.

Many human soldiers were shot and died on the spot.

There was chaos on the side walls of the entire Breguet.

The firepower was greatly reduced for a while.

Lost the human barrier.

The evil spirits outside the city slammed into the energy barrier formed by the guardian element array even more frantically.

"Tunyun, are you still not doing it?"

Seeing that the human being was in chaos, Yinghu immediately roared at Tun Huan not far away.

This bastard, let him do it alone?

What about playing on the side?


Tun Yun snorted coldly.

Feel a strong momentum lock yourself.

This is the reluctance to prepare to shoot.

If possible, he really doesn't want to go into this muddy water.

There is always an ominous premonition hanging over my heart!

Waiting to have to take advantage of the chaos to slip away.


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