Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 194 Refine The "Po10tial" Fusion! Destruction Eyes

Di Junlin fell into a deep state of enlightenment with the help of many treasures.

Forget where you are at the moment.

at the same time.

A mysterious power burst out from the depths of his mind.

The system beep suddenly sounded.

[Ding, it detects that the host has entered a special state, and the universal auxiliary upgrade mode is automatically turned on! 】

[Detect the presence of augmented items! 】

[Exquisite Imperial Order · Enlightenment Futon is put into use! 】

The system space is automatically opened.

A cyan futon appeared under Di Junlin.

The moment it touched his body, a rich cyan profound light lit up.

Covering his body from top to bottom, he began to assist Di Junlin in his practice.

[Ding, the auxiliary medicinal pill is detected, and the top-grade Taoist enlightenment pill is automatically used! 】

The system space opens again by itself.

A top-grade Enlightenment Pill flew out of it, controlled by a gentle force, and stuffed directly into Di Junlin's mouth.

Under the blessing of two different forces.

Di Junlin's Chaos is growing faster!

The gray light gets brighter.

The increase in his own strength has reached eight times!

It is even more faintly touching the limit of "potential"!

It actually started to transform towards "mood"!

The chaos that had been suspended above Di Junlin's head or on the surface of his body.

Begin to reunite with his Chaos God at this moment!

Chaos began to merge with Di Junlin's body at this moment.

The ten different powers of heaven and earth contained in it began to connect with the gray energy in the body.

Unparalleled power overwhelms Di Junlin's Chaos body.

With the help of the power of heaven and earth, it will be accommodated as its own mighty power!

The original huge mid-grade belief crystallization.

The moment the Chaos Force touches Di Junlin's body, it begins to shrink rapidly!

The cyan mysterious light emitted by the enlightenment futon under him became more and more intense.

The top-grade Dao Enlightenment Pill of Wang Rank that was taken in the mouth also exerted its medicinal power.

[Ding, get multiple energy blessings! 】

【Ding! The host begins to transform the original mood in advance! Current progress: 0.01%! 】


【Ding! The host begins to transform the original mood in advance! Current progress: 0.02%! 】

Di Junlin's ear sounded a series of system prompts.

The Chaos force and his Chaos God body are merging at an extremely slow speed.

The huge power of heaven and earth flooded the river of gray Yuanli in his dantian.

Transforming his dantian!

The gray Yuanli river is developing towards the surrounding at an extremely fast speed.

The upper limit of Yuan Li is also increasing wildly!

The Elephant Suppressing Prison Force began to frantically transform and condense the ancient giant elephants.

101,300... 102,700...

106,500... 113,400...

Terrifying power continued to pour out, filling Di Junlin's body!

The chaotic divine body gradually recovered, and the golden Shenxi lingered around him.

A chain of order emerged, and cracks appeared on the surface of one of the chains.

His cultivation base is also at the same time when the chaotic trend merges with his body.

Start breaking out!

Weather Stage Four-Star Late Stage......

The initial five-star weather environment......

Five-star perfection in the weather environment......

The initial six-star weather condition...

Suspended next to the trunk of the Hell Blood Demon Tree behind Di Junlin.

The blood-red stars are rapidly condensing.


【Ding! The host begins to transform the original mood in advance! Current progress: 0.3%! 】

【Ding! The host begins to transform the original mood in advance! Current progress: 0.36%! 】

The system prompts keep popping up!

The progress of the fusion of the huge chaos and Di Junlin's body is also improving.

But the speed is getting slower.


The mid-grade faith crystal that Di Junlin held tightly in his hand was completely absorbed.

The mid-grade faith crystals that lost the power of faith turned into countless fine powders and slipped down his fingers.

Countless feelings in my mind dissipated.

The medicinal power of the top-grade Enlightenment Pill of Wang Rank has long been exhausted.

Only Enlightenment Tea and Di Junlin's top-quality Enlightenment futon continue to play a role.

The speed of Di Junlin's cultivation has dropped sharply.

Slowly stagnate in the weather realm and the seven stars are consummated!

The hot feeling from both eyes gradually dissipated!

[Ding, congratulations on the host's promotion of the Chaos Divine Body to the thirty-third floor (2W/130W)! 】

[Ding, congratulations on the host's promotion of the ancient heavy pupil to the tenth floor (12001/150000)! 】

At this time.

Two system beeps sounded suddenly.

Di Junlin only felt that there was a power that destroyed everything in his eyes.

The destructive power of this power is stronger than the power of thunder and the power of death.

Like the nemesis of all living things.


Di Junlin couldn't take it anymore.

Immediately open your eyes!

Between the eyes of Jin and Hong, a black energy line is swaying.

Shot out of his eyes suddenly!

Turned into a small, destructive black beam of light.

Fall into a corner of the Divine Refinement space.


A soft sound.

Di Junlin looked at the drop of the black beam of light just shot.

"it turns out???"

"Break through the entire space?"

Di Junlin's heart trembled slightly.

Looking at the hole blasted by the black beam of light, the surrounding area of ​​the hole was filled with destructive energy.

Stop the power of faith from healing that void.

More importantly!

Di Junlin saw a familiar figure.

At this moment, the small half of the figure's body is hollow, and it seems to be destroyed by that black beam of light!

And the bone spear that he held tightly in his right hand suddenly lifted up at this moment.

The dazzling purple light burst out, and countless undead merged into the bone spear in his hand.

Towards that tiny hole in the Divine Refinement Space!

The Divine Refinement Space seemed to sense the danger.

The power of faith that has always maintained the stability of the space is all rushing towards that hole.

Even the teleportation array that opened in front of Di Junlin began to shake.

It seems to have lost the support of its strength and is about to close.

"not good!"

"It's that dead skeleton again!"

"It's time to slip!"

Di Junlin reacted immediately.

He didn't even have time to check his current state information.

He turned around and rushed towards the teleportation formation.

Into it in an instant.

The gray elemental energy in the body surged wildly, stabilizing the state of the teleportation array.

The silver-white space rough was released by Di Junlin.

He said quickly: "Earth! Help me get out of here!"

Di Junlin found that the teleportation array that lost the support of the power of faith was not something that could be activated by the primordial power in his body.

But all the crystals of faith have been swallowed up by him.

If you let this teleportation array close, that damned purple skeleton Heavenly Saint will break through this divine refining space and rush in sooner or later.

He can only gamble!

"Yes, Master!"

An ethereal and immature voice resounded in Di Junlin's heart.

The original space stone in Di Junlin's hand flashed white light, and began to continuously devour the gray energy in Di Junlin's body.

A thin white film enveloped its body.

On it, a beam of light composed entirely of the power of the space source was shot, falling on the teleportation array that was gradually closing.

Bright white light shines!

Wrap Di Junlin's whole body.

Disappear in place!


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