The blood-red sword light shattered the Divine Light Shield.

Immediately drown the guarding creatures hiding behind him.

Ten different source powers touched the bodies of these guarding beings.

Instant explosion!

In one breath, all their bodies were crushed.

And the guarding creature with intelligence, its mouth slightly opened.

seems to want to say something.

But the terrifying blood-colored sword light has completely annihilated it!

"Successfully passed the seventy-five levels! Obtained the qualification of a first-class god general!"

"A piece of pure faith in the prize! A piece of high-quality divine will!"

"Will you continue to pass the level? Start the preparatory trial of the Son of God?"

A slightly surprised voice sounded above Di Junlin's head.

In front of him suddenly appeared a crystal ball that was more than twice the size of the low-grade pure faith crystal.

There is also a complete blood-red high-quality divine will crystal, and its center seems to have a mysterious artistic conception that is rapidly circulating.

"time to go!"

"Give up the challenge! Leave!"

Di Junlin immediately put the two things in front of him into the storage space of the Prison Blood Demon God Tree.

At the same time, he shouted at the dark shadow above his head.

Being a first-class god would be possible to leave this space.

According to Xue Li, the gods don't care about preparing creatures below the level of God's Son.

In their eyes, these creatures are forever slaves.

Unable to resist the imprint of the gods left in the crystal of faith.

"respect your choice!"

"The teleportation array is about to open!"


The shadow above Di Junlin's head didn't hesitate at all.

The power of belief that filled the entire Divine Refinement space began to surge.

The appearance of Di Junlin is no longer a gatekeeper of different shapes.

Rather, it was a teleportation formation that exuded strong spatial fluctuations!

"Xue Li, where does this teleportation array lead to?"

"Is the ethereal restored? Can the spatial coordinate transformation be controlled?"

Di Junlin didn't step into it for the first time.

He felt the spatial changes of the teleportation array in front of him, and asked Xue Li in his heart.

Xue Li pondered for a few seconds, "Master, Ethereal can control the spatial coordinates!"

"The destination coordinates of this teleportation array are fixed in the Blue Star Yangzhou!"

"It doesn't seem to be far from human settlements."

Di Junlin was a little surprised.

The coordinates of the teleportation array are actually fixed?

Still on the fringes of human settlements? so much luck?

Di Junlin asked cautiously, "Are you sure there is no problem?"

"Don't worry, Master!"

"Master, you can absorb all the mid-grade faith crystals and high-grade divine will crystals before leaving."

Xue Li could feel Di Junlin's state at the moment.

With the blessing of a lot of divine will and faith, Di Junlin is not far from the ninth order of chaos!

The Divine Refinement Space can help Di Junlin use the power of faith better.

After all, this is the realm that God once constructed.


"it is good!"

Di Junlin thought no more.

He is indeed not far from a breakthrough!

Blood flashed.

The middle-grade pure faith crystal and the high-grade divine will crystal appeared in front of him respectively.


"You should break through too!"

Di Junlin placed the middle grade faith crystal on the magic eye of the magic sword Alyphis.

Let it devour and devour the imprint of the gods contained in the crystals of faith in the purification of middle grades.

The residual divine power in this middle-grade faith crystal.

It is several times larger than the crystal of low-grade faith!

If you absorb it directly, your soul and body will inevitably be marked with the mark of a god.

At that time, your body may not necessarily be your own.

"Okay, master!"

Alice's excited voice sounded.

Can't wait to start devouring the residual divine power in the middle-grade faith crystal.

The brand of the Hell Blood Demon Tree in Di Junlin's palm began to flicker, quickly swallowing the crystals of high-quality divine will!

The emerald green teapot, which had never been put down in his hand, poured another sip of Dao Enlightenment tea into the air.

The power of the complete high-quality divine will!

Hundreds of times more powerful than the high-grade Divine Will Crystal Fragment!

Thousands of red air currents filled Di Junlin's soul space.

Countless insights appeared at this moment.

The distance between the Chaos Force and the ninth order was instantly shortened by more than half!

Three seconds later!


Di Junlin's body let out a small sound.

The chaotic force condensed above his head suddenly began to expand.

Ten rays of different colors flickered together.

Envelops his Chaos Divine Body.

The power of Chaos for Di Junlin began to increase.

Double it!



Six times!

Powerful momentum soars into the sky!

Incomparably terrifying blood filled his body, and violent power swept through his body!

The ninth-order chaos is coming!

"The fourth seal!"


Ariffith's excited voice suddenly sounded.

The residual divine power in the mid-grade faith crystal was completely swallowed up by it.

Together with the residual divine power accumulated before.

It rushed towards the fourth layer of seal above the body of the magic sword.

The original source seal, which was incomparably strong, was under the action of divine power.

Like a thin layer of sandpaper.

Broken at the touch!

The fourth layer of seal is released!

The magic eye on the body of the magic sword suddenly opened!

The blood-colored lines formed unknown runes on the sword body.

The magic is soaring!

Zi Yao's demon eyes rose, and dozens of ancient demon souls knelt aside.

Hundreds of purple-black light spots were suspended around the body of the magic sword.

These purple-black light spots gradually change their orientation.

Like a pair of indifferent eyes, condensed in the air.

Destructive power is brewing in it.

The faces of the dozens of ancient demon souls suddenly became extremely frenzied.

Di Junlin looked at those purple-black eyes.

The ancient heavy pupil suddenly opened automatically.

An extremely hot feeling came from both eyes.

It was as if the eyeballs were about to be burnt out.

There seems to be a mysterious force brewing in it.


"Are you going to start transforming again?"

Xue Li felt Di Junlin's state at the moment, and frowned slightly.

The speed of improvement is so fast, is there really no problem?

The master's origin tree seems a little weird.

at the same time.

The middle-grade faith crystals that Alyphis had purified were attracted by the Prison Blood Demon Tree.

It fell into the palm of Di Junlin's right hand.

The imprint of the Prison Blood Demon Tree began to flicker, and he began to devour the middle-grade faith crystals with great excitement.

The chaotic trend that has just been promoted to the ninth order has begun to grow again!

The speed of growth is faster than before!

The power of faith contained in the mid-grade faith crystallization, whether in quantity or quality.

They are more than a hundred times more powerful than low-grade belief crystals.

The effect it brings.

It is completely incomparable to the crystals of inferior faith.

Di Junlin's state at the moment is extremely strange, and the burning sensation in his eyes is still getting stronger.

It was like a big explosion in my mind.

There are countless insights about the chaos of chaos.

With the blessing of Dao Enlightenment Tea and the title of Pioneer Dao Enlightenment, he began to absorb and summarize quickly.

Chaos is growing faster and faster!


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