Thirty-four consecutive levels!

All the gatekeepers were directly beheaded by Alyphis!

In the entire arena space, there are many ghosts!

Since the forty-one level, the number of guards has been increasing!

The number is almost doubling.

Every time the Demon Sword Alyphis kills a guarding creature, three ancient demon souls will be summoned out.

Every time he kills a guarding creature, he will provide Di Junlin with a low-grade spiritual crystal.

Pass every five levels at the same time.

There will be a voice with a hint of joy from the top of the head.

A total of six low-grade Faith Crystals and sixteen high-grade Divine Will Crystal Fragments were awarded to Di Junlin.

Di Junlin was pouring Dao Enlightenment tea while absorbing low-grade faith crystals and high-grade divine will crystal fragments.

Chaos is growing rapidly!

As the extremely precious treasures of the two auxiliary cultivation in the world of the gods.

The Crystal of Divine Will is specially designed to enhance the soul's perception of the power of heaven and earth.

And the crystal of faith is the currency of the transaction between gods.

Even for the gods, it is extremely important.

The power of faith is like a panacea.

Whether it is to enhance the perception of the power of heaven and earth, or to strengthen the physical body.

All have excellent results.

The chaos that Di Junlin now controls has grown wildly with the help of these two treasures!

Any bottleneck is like thin paper, and it will be pierced directly by a light touch.

The rank of Chaos Power has reached the eighth rank!

It is still improving at an extremely fast speed, and only needs to pass the seventy-fifth level.

Get the reward item for level 75.

You can reach the ninth level!

Di Junlin was even thinking about the level of chaos.

Are there extremes too.


The entire Divine Refinement space trembled slightly.

The seventy-fifth gatekeeper Guan living beings began to condense under the power of faith.

The number of guarding creatures in this level has actually reached a hundred!

The realm of each guarding creature has reached the late stage of the Nine Stars of the Weather Realm!

The bodies of these creatures are imbued with memory imprints.

Aura flickered in their eyes.

The position where the hundred guarding creatures stood began to move.

It seems that every position is important.

When they stood by themselves, a faint color light appeared on each of the guarding creatures.

Special lines appeared on their bodies.

A powerful aura filled the entire space.

At this moment, the hundred guarding creatures seem to have become a whole!

"A human being? Can you get through this level?"

"You awakened the original talent of the ancient human race?"

"As long as you pass this level, you will be a first-class general! Your status is equal to ours."

"let's start!"

The will of a hundred guarding beings gathers together.

The resounding voice filled the entire space, but this time the guarding creatures did not have the contempt they had before.

Instead, he seemed very cautious.

Di Junlin was also slightly startled.

Ancient people? Origin talent?

Could it be that what he said was the innate source skill tree that the Blue Star humans obtained through the apocalypse?


"let me!"

Alyphis looked at the hundred guarding creatures in front of him without a trace of fear.

The fanatical fighting spirit in his eyes is exactly the same as Di Junlin who entered the rampant state.

It has absorbed the remaining divine power in so many faith crystals.

She is also on the verge of breaking through!

The fourth seal will soon be released.

At that time, she can regain a powerful strength!

As a former demon sword, how could it be weak.

"Let's go together."

Di Junlin held the hilt of the magic sword Alyphis and said flatly.

He really wants to try the strength he has now!

next second!

Di Junlin's dark red pupils suddenly lit up.

The blood energy and gray energy in the body boiled.

The chaotic force that has reached the eighth level is blessed by me!

"Blood Rage!"



Three explosive skill marks in a row are activated.

His whole body was shrouded in blood, and the blood prison shrouded most of the space.

All the blood in the blood prison is almost condensed into substance.

Even Di Junlin's cultivation was suppressed to one star in the weather realm by this divine refining space.

But at this moment, the surging power in his body made him feel that he could crush everything.

He did not revive the Chaos Divine Body and the idols to suppress the prison.


The space in front of him is afraid that it will not be able to stop Di Junlin's momentum, and it will not stop breaking.

Under the blessing of the eighth-order chaos.

The strength of Di Junlin's whole body has almost quadrupled!

"Is this the power I have now?"

Di Junlin squeezed the magic sword Alyphis in his hand slightly, and the gray energy kept pouring into it.

Purple-black magic light lingered on the body of the magic sword.

Hundreds of ancient demon souls crawl at Di Junlin's feet, seeming to bow down to their supreme king.

"Such a powerful force??"

"You awakened the original talent! It turned out to be..."

The seventy-fifth gatekeeper, Guan Sheng, was inspired by Di Junlin's momentum and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Under his momentum, there were some cracks in the divine formation formed by him.

He didn't wait for him to be amazed.

Di Junlin's right hand is out.

The magic sword Alyphis was gently lifted by him, and a five-meter-long blood-red sword light condensed in front of him.

Suddenly cut out towards the direction where the guarding creatures are!

In an instant!

Appeared in front of the guardian creatures.

A little bit of gray light flickered above the blood-red sword light!

The divine formation composed of a hundred guarding creatures has not yet fully contacted it!

It has started to crack.

Gravity, the power of the five elements, the power of death, the power of thunder, the power of light, and the power of blood prison filled the entire space!

The threat of death instantly shrouded the hundred guarding creatures.

"One star in the weather realm, how can such a powerful attack be issued???"

The will of the guarding creatures shakes.

He didn't even have time to think about it, the few guarding creatures standing at the forefront had already been wiped out by the sword light!

The blood-red sword light was not hindered in the slightest!

Continue to crush the other gatekeepers.

Gravity pressed on their bodies, making it impossible for them to easily resist.

The power of the five elements is breaking down the defenses around them.

The power of death and the power of thunder destroyed the vitality in their bodies.

The power of light resisted the energy surging in their bodies, dissolving it little by little.

"God Royal Light Shield!"

The guarding creature standing at the center only had time to condense a huge light shield.

Covering the few remaining guarding creatures behind him.

Everything else was annihilated by a blood-red sword light from Di Junlin!

Dozens of mid-grade Divine Will crystals flew out in the air.

He was swallowed up by the hell-blood demon tree suspended behind Di Junlin!

At this time.

The huge blood-red sword light held the incomparably terrifying blood evil aura and fell on the shield of God Yuguang!

Bang ~ have a sound!

The Divine Light Shield was completely unable to stop it.

It was shattered by a single blow, and the pieces of golden light scattered around.

The power of Di Junlin's blood-red sword light has almost reached the peak of the weather realm!

The number of guarded creatures, for him.

Absolutely nothing!

All must die!


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