Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 191: The Ancient Demon Soul Comes, Instant Kill, Instant Kill

Many thoughts flashed through Di Junlin's mind.

"In the world of the gods, if you want to become a preparatory god child, you will definitely be branded with the origin of the gods!"

"The crystal of faith has been purified!"

The trend of chaos is only a little bit away from the seventh order.

"Otherwise, the crystal of faith will be contaminated with the power of this dead god again!"

These divine will crystals were quickly absorbed by Di Junlin in the palm of his left hand.

Alyphis was even more red-eyed.

As if he had been beaten by chicken blood, he moved rapidly towards the seventh order.

"Yes, Master!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"Congratulations on passing the forty levels and obtaining the qualification of the eighth-class god general!"

The guarding creatures just condensed and were instantly killed by a sword light!

People are dead, and there is still a chance to resurrect themselves?

Forty-second level.

Why doesn't it feel right?

Di Junlin realizes the power of Chaos five times faster!

The Hell Blood Demon Tree has emerged behind Di Junlin.

You will get a small piece of Divine Will Crystal!

The high-quality divine will crystal fragments are darker than the previous divine will crystals.

"Although this god has fallen, as long as the realm here is not completely broken, he has a chance to be resurrected from the dead."

Let her magic power carry ten source powers.

Extremely excited.

Di Junlin holds the low-grade Faith Crystal in his right hand, and my high-grade Divine Will Crystal Fragment in his left.

Ariffith's slightly anxious voice rang in Di Junlin's ear.

The means are ridiculous.

Xue Li is assisting Di Junlin to devour the crystals of inferior faith and divine will.

In an instant, the three-headed guarding creatures were covered.

"I now declare that this god is also my 'good brother'!"

Three guarding creatures with different shapes were condensed out.

At this moment, he is still in the state of increasing the enlightenment tea.

Sixty-odd ancient demon souls condensed into substance, rushing towards the guarding creatures whose three-headed cultivation realm had reached the early stage of the Nine Stars of the Weather Realm!

It can also increase her magic power.

The crystal of faith that was originally fixed on the body of the magic sword.

Doom's Bloodthirsty Breastplate flickers.

Almost instantly, the fifth-order chaos was raised to the brink of breakthrough.

"We're stuck at level seventy-five, let's get out of here!"

For Alyphis.

At this time.

Two powerful auxiliary objects were quickly refined.

Thick branches, lush foliage swaying.

"Once you are successfully branded by a god, then you will become his puppet."

"Good job!"

At the beginning of the 30th pass, after beheading the guarding creatures.

Zi Yao demon flame ignited on the body of the ancient demon soul.

More powerful amplification enveloped Di Junlin's body.

A noble and majestic voice resounded in the space again.

Forty-third level.

Level 70!

Let Alyphis be the first to purify.

Di Junlin warned Alyphis.

Controlled by a gentle force, it hovered in front of Di Junlin.

At the same time, the purified low-grade faith crystal and high-grade divine will crystal fragments were sent to Di Junlin.

Level 40!

This is just a fragment of a high-quality divine will crystal.

"The rewards you get will also be doubled!" "Through the 80 levels, you can become the preparatory son of the god! The true spirit will live in the kingdom of God forever, and the god will conquer all worlds!"

"Can't pass the 80th level!"

"It's really not easy to support my cultivation!"

Di Junlin had just broken through to the sixth-order chaos.

Di Junlin's complexion changed slightly.

The guarding creatures just condensed and were torn apart by the demon soul!

Di Junlin happily threw the high-grade divine will crystals and low-grade belief crystals in front of him to the side of the magic sword Alyphis.

Still an instant kill!

Alyphis was still dancing in the air.

Immediately grab the low-grade belief crystal in front of him.

Sure enough, no one who has cultivated to this level is not yin.


A humming sounded in his mind.

The speed of their growth is not even as fast as the speed at which Alifis gathers the ancient demon souls.

Stereotyped and majestic voice echoed in the tower space.

The weak divine power in it can also help Aliphes cut off the seal.

Xue Li was not idle either, and quickly refined high-quality Divine Will Crystal Fragments.

"Every time you pass the next five levels, you will get a chance to leave the Shenlian Tower!"

"Master, quickly absorb the crystals of faith!"

As the number of levels increases.

The guarding creatures just condensed and were swallowed by the Ziyao Demonic Flame.

In front of Di Junlin, the guarding creatures began to gather again.

Xue Li's solemn voice rang in Di Junlin's ear.

Several blood-colored vortices condensed in the air, swallowing all the three low-grade divine will crystals.

The number of ancient demon souls floating in the space has already exceeded fifty.

but three!

Immediately capture the most critical information.

Gain more divine power and let her lift the seal.

shatter their bodies.

"Now, start the forty-first level!"

At this moment, Alyphis is rapidly devouring the remaining divine power on the crystal of faith.

At this moment, the guarding creatures of the thirty-fourth level have been killed!

The mind is very quick.

Alifis, who had unlocked the three seals, was now killing the guarding creatures that kept condensing.

The Prison Blood Demon Tree in the palm of his right hand suddenly began to devour, the power of pure faith contained in this inferior faith crystal.

The magic sword Alyphis was also affected, and its power suddenly increased greatly.

This "good brother", I decided.

"it is good!"

She discovers that Di Junlin is in control of the world.



Under the control of the sword spirit, the magic sword, Alyphis, frantically swung the purple sword aura.


The number of gatekeepers condensed in front of Di Junlin is increasing.

As long as Di Junlin becomes stronger, she will gain more power.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

The cultivation realm of these guarding creatures has not changed much.

But the power of divine will contained in it was almost doubled.

When Alyphis heard Di Junlin's words, she responded very obediently.

Thirty-fifth level!

Many demon souls swarmed up and dismembered it.

The idols in the body are running wildly, transforming the power of belief.

Di Junlin was awakened by Ariffith's voice, and stopped thinking about the origin for the time being.


"Alyphis, take it easy!"

It was a little purplish red.

This god is already cold, where did the kingdom of God come from?

"This space is weird, and the crystals of faith must be swallowed up within a minute."


Di Junlin's left eyelid suddenly throbbed, becoming a preparatory god child?

"Reward one pure low-grade faith crystal and one high-grade divine will crystal fragment!"


A beam of light was cast in front of Di Junlin, with a crystal of faith and a shard of high-quality divine will suspended in it.



Group battle! No effect at all!

Is this the power of the divine realm?

Three low-grade divine will crystals emerged after their bodies shattered.

After Di Junlin was seriously injured, it was the first time that she had unbridled her magic.

Thirty-sixth level!

Suddenly hit the body of the three-headed guarding creature.

He was even planning to try to condense his own source.

The trend of chaos was naturally promoted to the sixth level.

The only difference from before is that the number of guarding creatures gathered this time is no longer one.

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