Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 190 Residual Divine Power Brand, Origin Device?

"We have spent three days in this secret realm!"

"The ancient ruins in a month, we must participate!"

Di Junlin touched his chin in embarrassment when he heard Ariffith's voice, and immediately began to change the subject.

The biggest use of the secret realm in front of him is to enhance his chaos potential.

Whether it is the crystallization of divine will or the crystallization of faith.

They are the best auxiliary supplies to improve the Chaos trend.

As long as his comprehension of the chaotic situation reaches the ninth level.

Then all the bottlenecks will cease to exist before he reaches the extreme state of weather.

Weather condensing "potential" is actually to use the power of heaven and earth to quickly absorb the power of heaven and earth in the world in which it is located to strengthen itself.

Heavenly King refines "intent", and also makes the power of heaven and earth completely transform into his own mighty power.

Instead of using the power of heaven and earth to complete the increase in strength.

"Master, I'm starting!"

Alyphis didn't say much.

In fact, it is almost as Di Junlin imagined.

She was educated by Xue Li.

Who knew that this flat-chested little girl could be so powerful.

If you don't know the interest, I am afraid that the memory has been replaced.

By then, she will no longer be who she is now.

Alyphis only felt that there was no hope for her current life, and there was only one master above her head.

Now there is an extra big sister?

The day is getting darker.

Xue Li: "What is the ink mark? Hurry up and work!"

A spiritual thought flooded Alyphis' mind.

Alyphis was so angry that his chest heaved and heaved, but his body actually moved.

On the body of the magic sword, the pair of demon eyes full of magic suddenly opened.

Blood-red lines surged on the blade of the magic sword.

Like tentacles, it is connected to the crystal of faith on the blade.

The pure white crystal of faith was dyed blood red by these blood red lines.

A colored mark appeared in its center.

This mark exudes a faint divine breath, but this breath is as illusory as rootless duckweed.

The power of the gods imprinted on it is collapsing at an extremely slow speed.

But at the time when Alyphis's blood-colored lines were connected with the crystal of faith.

The speed at which this faint imprint of the gods collapsed suddenly increased by more than ten times!

The superficial divine power contained in it was actually transmitted along the blood-colored lines to the body of the magic sword of Alyphis.

The body of the magic sword suddenly lit up with a purple-black light.

devour these divine powers madly.

For Alyphis, who is essentially an artifact, these divine powers are simply the most perfect supplements!

"The third layer of seal, break!"

Alyphis felt this long-lost divine power filling the blade.

Immediately controlled this power and began to impact the seal on the body of the magic sword.

Under the impact of the large amount of blood energy devoured before and this little bit of divine power.

The third layer of seal above the magic sword body was instantly shattered.

An incomparably powerful aura emerges from the body of the Demon Sword Alyphis!

Like a sleeping lion, waking up!

One after another, phantoms full of demonic energy appeared behind the Demon Sword Alyphis.

Increase the power of the magic sword body.

The magic sword, Alyphis, escaped from Di Junlin's right hand.

The gray energy within Di Junlin kept pouring into it.

A three-meter-long purple-black sword light suddenly flashed.

Kill the 31st gatekeeper Guan Shengling who just condensed not far in front of Di Junlin!

The power of a sword is almost comparable to the full-strength strike of the Nine Stars of the Weather Realm.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"The devil descends!"

Alice's excited voice sounded.

The guarding creatures of the thirty-second pass have just condensed.

An ancient demon soul floating around the body of the demon sword Alyphis.

In an instant, he rushed towards the guarding creature.

The guarding creatures of the thirty-second pass have reached the early stage of the eight-star cultivation realm!

Its strength is almost comparable to the purgatory-level evil in the early days of the eight-star weather realm!

But his body was instantly torn apart by dozens of ancient demon souls!

Still an instant kill!

These demon souls let out incomparably rampant laughter in the air.

Quietly waiting for the thirty-third gate to guard the cohesion of the living beings.

Just at the moment when the thirty-third gate guards Guan Sheng's cohesion.

The ancient demon souls rushed up together.

Each grabbed a corner of the body of this guarding creature and ripped it abruptly!


The intelligence of this guarding creature just lit up, and only had time to let out a scream.

Just like five horses dismembering a corpse.

The body was torn into dozens of pieces by the ancient demon soul.

The scene was extremely bloody.

Di Junlin looked at the scene in front of him with some surprise.

He found that every time he killed a guarding creature, the number of ancient demon souls would increase a lot.

While the number of ancient demon souls increased, Di Junlin's power was also increased.

He has no idea how powerful he is now.

This is still the state that he has not activated the blood rage, rampage, and bloodthirsty.

If his full strength recovers.

How strong can the power of control be?

"Alyphis, you go on!"

Di Junlin exhorted.

With a thought, he looked towards the attributes of Alyphis at the moment.

[Target: Demon Sword Alyphis! 】

[Equal order: the best artifact! 】

[Attributes: 1. Strength increases by 180%;

2. Attack speed increased by 110%;

2. The damage of all active skill imprints is increased by 130%;

3. Increase the engraving level of all active skills by three levels;

4. Hitting the target can produce different degrees of negative states;

5. Ziyao Demon Flame (a flame that cannot be extinguished, burns all filth, and burns the body and soul);

6. Magic marks (the hit target will be left with magic sword marks and bear endless grievances)!

7. Devil's Descend (Summon the ancient demon souls that remain in the special space to fight for themselves! The slaughter is endless, the devil souls are endless!)]

[System Remarks]: The more powerful the magic artifact, the more powerful the will is needed to control the artifact! Her growth will touch your source device to condense and revive!

"Alifis's third-layer seal is released, and the increase in his strength has increased by 50%?"

"There's a new ability? Demon Descend?"

"Is it the ancient demon souls who were torn apart to guard the living beings?"

"Have the power of the nine-star perfection in the weather realm just after being summoned?"

"and many more!"

"What do you mean by System Notes?"

"The growth of Alyphis will trigger the condensation of my source device? Recovery?"

"My Origin Device?"

Di Junlin just glanced at the latest attributes of Alyphis after the seal was unlocked.

Originally, he was still amazed at the powerful power of the ancient demon soul.

But found that the system notes have changed.

What does this sentence mean?

From Xue Li's mouth, he understood that the Prison Blood Demon God Tree was actually his own talent source tree.

And the source device mentioned by the system, is it the source weapon under my own control?

Still not fully condensed successfully?

Even need the growth of Alyphis to stimulate?


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