Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 189 The Crystal Of Inferior Faith! (Picture)

The ever-increasing chaotic trend, with the addition of this divine will.

Suddenly started to expand!

The illusory chaotic trend actually has a sign of solidification!

The divine crystal in Di Junlin's hand shrank rapidly!

It was soon completely absorbed by the Prison Blood Demon Tree.

There was a humming in my mind.

The trend of chaos has entered the fourth order from the third order!

The increase in his own strength reached 200%!

"what happened?"

"Why do you feel that your chaotic potential is not like a 'potential' but condensed into a substantive artistic conception?"

"Normal first-grade fourth-order heaven and earth, at most double the increase in one's own strength?"

"I've doubled this?"

Di Junlin felt the power of heaven and earth being sucked into the body by the force of chaos.

Strengthening his flesh endlessly.

Chaos God's progress bar is growing rapidly.

Even the ancient heavy pupil has been affected, and it will be promoted to the tenth floor in a short time!

He had a hunch.

The ancient heavy pupils who reach the tenth floor will definitely undergo huge changes.


Di Junlin left only a portion of his consciousness concerned with the changes in the tide of chaos.

After entering the fourth stage, the growth of the Chaos trend is obviously a lot slower.

Without the help of divine will, the speed is simply slower than that of a snail.

If the state of enlightenment tea disappears.

The speed may drop directly into freezing point.

Di Junlin divided most of his attention and looked at the guarding creatures gathered in front of him.

In his eyes, these gatekeepers are "good brothers"!

The more the better!

Hack one to increase your Chaos power.

Such good things cannot be found outside.

"Humans? Can you actually reach the fifth level?"

"Looks like you ants have some skills!"

"But! You have no chance..."

A bloody light flickered.

Dozens of blood swords instantly pierced through the body of the fifth gate guarding the living beings.

A blood-colored vortex condensed out of the Prison Blood Demon Tree, which instantly swallowed the red airflow emerging from its body.

Di Junlin felt the speed of Chaos's increase, and with the help of Divine Will, it increased again.

It didn't bother him anymore.

Although his cultivation realm at the moment was suppressed to one star in the weather realm.

But within the same rank, he is invincible!

An imprint of a soul that was left unknown how many years ago.

How dare you insult people?

court death!

At this time.

The sixth gatekeeper Guan Shengling has just condensed.

This worm-like creature has reached the early stage of the four-star cultivation realm.

Di Junlin just glanced at it, the blood sword condensed by the power of blood prison blesses the chaos.

Kill it instantly!

"Successfully passed the six levels, you can become an eighth-class servant!"

"Reward a Divine Will Crystal!"

After the sixth gatekeeper was killed, a beam of light fell from above Di Junlin's head.

The familiar red crystal suspended in front of Di Junlin.

"Eighth-level servants of gods, actually asking for a battle strength that surpasses two realms?"

"This god has something."

Di Junlin was a little surprised.

Plus the attitudes of those guarding beings towards human beings.

It can be imagined how low the status of human beings was at that time.

Only a servant of the gods can obtain the crystals of divine will and become a general or a son of God?

A sharp light flashed in Di Junlin's eyes.

Grab the crystal of divine will suspended in front of you.

The Prison Blood Demon Tree excitedly began to devour it.

The trend of chaos began to enter a state of rapid improvement again.

He suddenly poured the Enlightenment Tea in the teapot into his mouth.

Intuitive mind for a while at ease.

Looking at the guarding creatures that condensed again in front of him.

The majestic blood in the body surged, and the blood flashed.

The body of Guan Shengling, the seventh gatekeeper, was directly shattered.


The eighth gate guards the living beings!


The ninth gate guards the living beings!


The tenth gate guards the living beings!

Still an instant kill!


The 30th gate guards the living beings!

Still easily killed by Di Junlin!

A majestic voice suddenly sounded.

"You! Pass through thirty levels! You can become a ninth-level general!"

"A reward for a pure low-grade belief crystal!"

"Do you want to continue the challenge?"

The voice seemed to have a hint of anticipation.

A divine light shines.

A crystal clear white crystal was suspended in front of Di Junlin.

It contains the power of pure faith.

The power of faith contained in this low-grade faith crystal is comparable to the power that Di Junlin swallowed on the floating island.

It is purer than the power of faith remaining on the floating island!

The quality is even stronger, I don't know how much!

"This crystal of faith is actually only a low-grade product?"

"With it, the tide of chaos should break through!"

Di Junlin couldn't be more excited.

After passing through 30 levels in a row, he obtained 30 red airflows manifested by the power of divine will.

One is thicker than the other.

The red airflow in the thirtieth level is almost comparable to the power of a crystal of divine will.

In addition, the level of the servant of the gods is increased by one level.

You will get crystals of divine will.

His chaotic power is rewarded by these thirty levels.

It has already broken through to the fifth order!

It's just that it's still a long way from the sixth order!

But the energy contained in this low-grade belief crystal will definitely make him improve!


"There is a residual imprint of the gods in this crystal of faith!"

"Don't let the innate source tree directly absorb it, let Alifis swallow the mark first."

"This mark also contains energy, which can release the third seal of Alyphis."

Xue Li has been keeping an eye on Di Junlin's situation.

As the supreme supreme artifact spirit that has existed for countless years.

When I saw this crystal of faith, I felt the strangeness in it.

These crystals of belief are nothing more than the means used by the original gods to control the living beings.

Now that the gods have fallen, the imprints in the crystals of faith are more and more broken.

But once Di Junlin was stained by this mark.

This god from the gods world will use his remaining power to erode Di Junlin's body.

Bring yourself back to life with the power of Di Junlin.

Alyphis is also emerging at this moment, "Master, put this crystal of faith on the body of the magic sword."


"I knew these dead old things were definitely not that simple."

"Get started now."

Di Junlin was not too surprised to hear that.

But what surprised him was the attitude between Alyphis and Xue Li.

Hasn't Alyphis been upset with Xue Li all the time?

Why are you so cute now?

Educated by Xue Li?

Di Junlin imagined a picture of Xue Li educating Alyphis.

It was as if Xue Li slapped Alifis to the ground, "Are you satisfied?"

Alyphis looked humiliated, but helpless.

Only to give in.

Thinking of this, the corners of Di Junlin's mouth couldn't help but twitch.


"what are you thinking about?"

Alyphis said angrily.

She is also soul-bound with Di Junlin, and she can naturally understand his mind.


"Hurry up and work, let's go back to Blue Star early."


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