Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 188 Divine Will Crystallization! Forerunners


"It has improved a lot!"

Di Junlin couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking the corner of his mouth, his eyes full of excitement.

This is the second pass.

The red airflow just now actually made his Chaos trend one third of the second step!

Just need one more.

Or two red air currents, the chaotic force can break through.

Chaos Breakthrough!

The strength increase brought by it can increase by at least 30%!


Di Junlin is in no hurry to go now.

He's going to pack up all the goodies about this place!

This red air flow alone can lift myself up so much.

What if there are other rewards?


"Can you pass two levels?"

"Bah, despicable..."


A gray palm print smashed the golden-robed creature that had just condensed.

"I don't know how many years ago the memory imprint was so arrogant?"

"Have human beings lived so miserably in this world where the gods live?"

Di Junlin thought with some displeasure.

I suddenly remembered the black bear "good brother" who chased and killed him a few days ago.

And there are those who treat humans as toys.


Who are humans provoking?

To bully one by one?

When Lao Tzu goes out, they will all be hacked to death!

Di Junlin thought to himself.

Another red air flow merged into his body.

There are many perceptions about the power of heaven and earth in my mind, among which the power of the five elements, the power of death, gravity, the power of blood prison, the power of light, and the power of thunder are the most.

The chaotic trend was subconsciously condensed by Di Junlin.

The huge blood energy in the body began to boil, and the gray energy flowed along the meridians of the whole body.

Stimulate the Chaos Qi accumulated in the Chaos God body.

Incorporate it into chaos.

The originally invisible and transparent chaotic force suddenly emits a gray glare.

The speed of gathering the power of heaven and earth suddenly doubled, and the increase in Di Junlin's strength also increased!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for raising the Chaos trend to the second order! 】

[Reward special title: The first enlightened person! (Increase 10% comprehension, comprehension ability, and epiphany chance!)]

Two system beeps sound.

Di Junlin suddenly felt his consciousness become more agile.

The question that had been puzzling before was suddenly solved.

Even the perception of the chaotic situation began to increase rapidly.

It was like drinking enlightenment tea.

"Eh, yes! Why don't I drink tea and feel it?"

"As far as those condensed creatures are, they don't have much fighting ability at all."

"It's reasonable to drink and fight, right?"

Di Junlin thought about it for a while and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Take the emerald green teapot that is soaked with Enlightenment tea leaves directly.

The water temperature is just right, not too hot or too cold.

Di Junlin picked up the teapot directly and pointed the spout to his mouth.

Take a big mouthful.

The half a catty of Dao Enlightenment tea that was drawn in the lottery before has not been used much.

Almost forgot about this good thing.

At this time.

The guarding creatures of the fourth pass are condensed by the power of faith.


At the moment when this creature was just condensed out.

A gray palm print fell from the sky.

Violently patted on the body of this creature.

The strength of the body condensed by the power of belief is not much different from the purgatory-level evil spirits of the ordinary two-star perfection realm.

At the beginning, Di Junlin was just a Heavenly Venerate Realm, and he could kill a four-star Nightmare-level evil spirit in the Weather Realm.

Not to mention that he has now broken through to the weather realm.

He also controlled the second-order chaos.

Not to mention two stars in the weather, even a purgatory-level evil spirit with nine stars in the weather can be slapped to death!

After shooting the third gatekeeper Guan Shengling in front of him to death.

Also, a red airflow emerged above the ring.

Directly to Di Junlin's body, it quickly melts into the body.


With the help of Enlightenment Tea.

Di Junlin was more than twice as fast as he grasped the power of heaven and earth.

All sorts of insights popped up in his mind all the time.

I have a deeper understanding of the ten major forces of heaven and earth contained in the chaos of chaos.

The use of the Chaos Situation is a bit stronger again.

I couldn't help but let out a loud roar.

And this moment.

A cold voice came from the shadow above his head again.

Only this time there is an extra beam of light.

A red crystal fell with the beam of light and suspended in front of Di Junlin!

"Successfully passed through the three levels of Divine Refinement, and you can become a ninth-class servant of God!"

"Reward a piece of divine will crystal!"

Di Junlin looked at the red crystal in front of him, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

So this is called Divine Will Crystal?

It contains the power of major artistic conceptions?

A stream of red airflow can increase his Chaos momentum so much.

What about this divine will crystal?

Feeling the constant heat coming from the palm of his right hand, he immediately grabbed the Spiritual Mind Crystal in front of him in his hand.

The Hell Blood Demon Tree couldn't wait to devour it.

Dozens of red air currents, thicker than before, filled Di Junlin's body.

towards his soul space.

Di Junlin only felt a roar in his head.

The mind starts to run fast.

Chaos also condensed on him.

Countless auras appeared in an instant, and with his strong will, he separated some thoughts.

Controlling his body, he poured a sip of Dao Enlightenment tea into his mouth.

The title of pioneer enlightened person is also playing a role.

Let Di Junlin's comprehension speed of Chaos trend suddenly increase.

Only three seconds have passed!

The tide of chaos begins to break through!

Go straight to the third level!

It doesn't stop there.

There is still more than half of the divine energy contained in that divine intent crystal!

Numerous insights collided in Di Junlin's mind.

He found that his Chaos force was so powerful.

In particular, the power of the five elements is the foundation of all things between heaven and earth.

It can completely decompose everything in the world!


To achieve this level, it is estimated that one must fully control the origin of the five elements.

The other five worlds are not weak at all.

The power of thunder that blasts away all evil and filth, the power of death that brings destruction to life, and the power of light that dissolves all things.

There is also Di Junlin's most original blood prison power.

With the rising tide of chaos.

The diameter of the blood prison under his control has more than doubled from the original seven meters.

A blood curtain appeared above his head.

All fifteen meters in radius were covered by his blood prison.

at this time.

The fourth gatekeeper, the living beings, are condensed by the power of faith.

The aura in the eyes of this creature just flickered.

Seeing a human being in front of him, he was about to scold him.

The blood curtain that covered most of the arena flashed!

Blood gushed out of Di Junlin's body.

It turned into a huge blood sword and stabbed the creature in the three-star perfection realm of the Weathering Realm in the opposite direction!

This creature's eyes widened, and his eyes were filled with horror and fell to the ground.

Violent blood filled the body of this creature.

Smash it up!

A red airflow transformed by the power of divine will condensed on his body.


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