Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 174 Completely Control The Trend Of Death! Spike

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Nine Stars of the Heavenly Venerate Realm and obtaining a tiered lottery card with nine hundred and thirty-five origin points! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Nine Stars of the Heavenly Venerate Realm, and getting a rank lottery card, 935 origin points! 】


[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Nine Stars of the Heavenly Venerate Realm...]

Dozens of system prompts swipe the screen!

Blood gas light clusters emerged above these evil corpses.

The brand of the skill tree above Di Junlin's palm kept burning.

It seems to convey its excitement.

Several blood-colored vortices surrounding him swallowed all these blood-qi light clusters.

The evil spirits who came to besiege Di Junlin, those with the lowest life rank all reached the king rank.

The energy contained in the body is almost several times that of ordinary evil spirits.

Doom's Bloodthirsty Breastplate and Idol Suppressing Prison are frantically absorbing and transforming these energies.

Absorb it quickly into Di Junlin's Chaos God.

The blood-colored energy ball that was sealed by the system expanded more and more under the fusion of a lot of energy.

More importantly!

The momentum of death under his control!

At the same time that all these evil spirits died, the progress finally reached 100%!

A black circle of light appeared beside him.

These black circles are the embodiment of the power of death.

"A destructive force more terrifying than the power of thunder!"

"This is the power of death formed after completely controlling the force of death?"

Di Junlin felt the mystery of the power of death.

It was found that the power of death was more than double the destructive power of the power of thunder.

Most importantly, the force of death can directly erode the vitality of hostile targets.

Let their bodies corrupt and their organs die!

Especially acting on evil spirits, it is almost impossible to have the ability to restrain the power of death.

In Di Junlin's dantian, the gray Yuanli Jianghe also seemed to have undergone a wonderful change.

The special power of the death force, perfectly blended with Di Junlin's gray primordial force.

Entwined with the power of thunder, the power of light, and gravity.

No negative effects at all.

And the progress of Di Junlin's mission goal of the ultimate situation has also improved again.

Di Junlin stood quietly, comprehending the mystery of the power of death.

He found himself in the grip of death at every turn.

That special gray elemental force will become stronger.

And the progress bar of Chaos Divine Body will explode.

It is only one step away from the twenty-second floor of the Chaos Divine Body.


"Damn human!"

Not far away, the nightmare-level Evil Yan brown bear no longer roared.

He also felt the power of Di Junlin.

In addition to shock, there is more fear in my heart.

It's just that the hatred in my heart grew stronger.

He even suspected that the human being in front of him was deliberately pretending to be very vulnerable.

to lure them into hunting.

The strange ability controlled by this human not only affects the blood flow in his body.

And the gravity that enveloped his whole body made his huge evil body almost impossible to move.

"It can only be cheaper for others!"

"I want him to die!"

Nightmare-level evil Yan brown bear thought unwillingly.

He began to control the flow of his own evil power and gathered it in his chest.

A strange black bear mark lit up on his chest.

A strange roar came from his mouth.

Under the blessing of evil power, it spread almost all over the jungle.

"Are you shaking people?"

"It's over, right?"

At this time.

A figure suddenly appeared beside the Nightmare Evil Yan Brown Bear.

A pair of dark red eyes with a hint of madness stared at the mark on the chest of the Nightmare Evil Yan brown bear.

Not only did he not have the slightest fear, but he showed a very interested expression.


A purple-black giant sword suddenly pierced through the evil body of the Nightmare Evil Yan brown bear.

It accommodates the gray Yuanli of four different powers: Thunder, Light, Death, and Blood Prison!

It erupted in the body of the Nightmare-level Evil Flame Brown Bear together with Alyphis's Ziyao Demonic Flame!

The demon soul wrapped around the body of the demon sword also began to devour its vitality.


The Nightmare Evil Yan Brown Bear looked at the purple-black giant sword on his chest and struggled desperately.

But the force of gravity acts on his evil body.

It takes a lot of energy to make it want to do any action.

Before he could get his hands on Di Junlin.

The vitality in the body was directly destroyed by the tyrannical energy.

All blood was devoured by the power of blood prison.

All rushed towards the three blood-colored vortexes floating beside Di Junlin.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the two-star Consummate Evil Yan brown bear in the weather realm, and obtaining a waiting-level lottery card, one thousand two hundred and thirty-five origin points! 】

A pleasant system prompt sounded in Di Junlin's ear.

The madness in his eyes completely dissipated, and his clear eyes looked at the surrounding environment.

The huge and pure energy was transformed into the body by the Prison Blood Demon Tree.

It was quickly absorbed by Xue Li and sealed into the blood-colored energy ball.

The blood-colored energy ball at this moment is like an experience storage.

Once fully released.

The four extreme shackles that block Dantian will probably shatter immediately.

His cultivation can also climb wildly.


Now this blood-colored energy ball is more like a charger.

In order to kill those nightmare-level evil spirits just now, almost all the energy that was spent can be instantly replenished by the energy stored in the blood-colored energy ball.

Di Junlin doesn't need to care about the consumption of Yuan Li at all!

The more evil people beheaded!

The more energy stored!


"Your injury has fully recovered?"

"Then we..."

Alyphis flew out of the sword spirit space.

She was wearing a light blue tight-fitting cheongsam with slits at the bottom, revealing her slender and elastic legs.

With a strong look of excitement on his face, he hovered beside Di Junlin.

"Get ready to leave here and return to the human world as soon as possible!"

"If you want to kill the evil, we will have a chance in the future!"

"But Qianyuan, Teacher, they don't know if I'm still alive!"

"Especially the shallow edge..."

Di Junlin interrupted Alyphis directly, and he naturally felt the loosening of the third seal of the magic sword.

Maybe stay in this jungle for a while longer.

The seal on the Demon Sword Alyphis can be undone.

But this is not necessary!

One month later, when the ancient ruins opened, he had to participate.

Before that, he had to return to the human world as soon as possible.

Instead of wasting time here.

Just go back to the human world and use the system lottery to get those medicine pills.

You can quickly control the other five worlds and reach the weather realm as soon as possible!

"Yes, Master!"

Alyphis pouted and replied with some regret.

It seems that if you want to unlock the next layer of seals, you will have to wait for a while.

"I didn't expect that I would come to the war zone in this way."

"It's a pity that those war exploits, killing so many Heavenly Venerate Nightmare-level evil spirits, can also exchange many cultivation resources."

"Which direction should we go now? Leave this area?"


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