
And the 1,081 blood-colored orifices of the chaotic body are constantly condensing blood.

One after another screams resounded throughout the jungle.

The evil body has become extremely heavy, and it is extremely difficult to take a step.

His control over the momentum of death has increased to 90%!

"One sword is not enough, then a hundred swords? How about it?"

(PS: I've been too busy recently, I need to work overtime every day, and I code words in the early morning every day. I haven't been looking for pictures these days.)

"Blood Prison Collapsing Mountain Strike!"

How can a human who was still seriously injured suddenly recover from his injuries?

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Heavenly Venerate Realm Nine-star Perfect Nether Flame Evil Wolf, and getting a rank lucky draw card, six hundred and thirty-five origin points! 】


The terrifying blood evil spirit fell along with the blood prison, covering all the evil spirits around.

Fanatical fighting intent surged in him.


A space fluctuation was formed in the air under the traction of dozens of blood-colored swords.

With Xue Li around, Di Junlin didn't worry about the absorption of these energies.

The blood stained the surrounding trees blood red, and the severed limbs and stumps were scattered everywhere.

The blood gushed out quickly under the control of the power of the blood prison.

They couldn't figure it out.

Want to reunite as a whole.

His head was suddenly pierced.

Die for me!

Back in Di Junlin's hands.

Dozens of blood-colored holes appeared on his head.

Many evil spirits present were horrified when they saw the death of the king-level Evil Linglian Python.

I don't want to wait for death in place, and immediately start fleeing in different directions!

The purple-black sword light instantly enveloped the two evil bodies of the king-level Evil Linglian Python.

"Escape! Escape!"

"It actually killed the Evil Linglian Python with one sword?? Although its life level is only the king level!"

In every evil spirit's mind, only this thought remained.

Di Junlin uttered a word indifferently.

It is the most powerful talent of the Blood Demon God!


These evil spirits panicked for a while.

Not to mention the blood energy provided to him after the death of these evil spirits from the outside world!

Haunted by the sword of the Demon Sword Alyphis.

Alyphis controlled his body to escape the control of the king-level Evil Linglian Python.

End the war with war!

He has been in a state of berserk, causing the gray energy in his body to quickly drain.

The sturdy and long evil body of the king-level Evil Linglian Python was divided into two parts.


The evil energy in the sky was swallowed up by the Hell Blood Demon Tree, and it was continuously transformed into pure energy.

Three blood lights flickered under his feet one after another.

"Want to run?"

A demonic soul flew out from the remnant body of the king-level Evil Linglian Python.

The most important thing is that the death potential he controls increases at the same time as these evil spirits die.


"Entering the so-called extreme realm??"

Although they are bloodthirsty, they are not fools.

But when they wanted to escape, they only felt that they were being suppressed by several mountains.

His arms danced in the air, instantly turning into a phantom.

Killing those evil spirits will enhance your progress in comprehending the power of death!

How can a human with a cultivation base in the Celestial Realm look more ferocious than their saints?

These evil spirits in front of you!

System messages start to refresh.


You are all my good brothers!


"Evil evil will become the nourishment for my growth!!"

Especially seeing that human rushing towards him and others fearlessly.

There is excitement in the crazy blood-colored eyes, and there is still a trace of sober sanity that has not dissipated.

Zi Yao's demonic flames rose to cover the entire sword body.

The magic sword Alyphis fell on their heads with a dazzling blood light!

Di Junlin muttered nervously to himself.

Di Junlin's gravitational force suppresses all those evil spirits who want to escape!

Before he could move, dozens of blood-colored swords had already landed on his head.

A bloody light with a powerful shattering potential emerged from the blade of the magic sword Alyphis.

With the magic sword Alyphis in hand, Di Junlin felt his power increase sharply again.

Endless sharpness, cutting and crushing its evil body!

Di Junlin jumped up suddenly with a frantic look in his eyes.

This will be the power of the heavens and the earth that his fifth path completely controls.

In this area shrouded by Blood Prison and Collapsing Mountain, all the evil spirits were killed.


[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the three-headed wicked dog in the Nine Stars of the Heavenly Venerate Realm, and obtaining a prize drawing card with six hundred and thirty-five origin points! 】

Just a few minutes.

Di Junlin laughed wildly again.

"Can you run?"



"This human being is obviously only a Celestial Realm cultivation base! Could it be? Is he a monster among human beings?"

"Ha ha ha ha......"

The huge movement made the other evil spirits panic even more.

"They are all my good brothers! What's wrong with letting me cut a sword?"

"You actually..."

The system beep sounds.

Life is ruined!

"How can you run away?"

Blood splattered, and the two evil bodies writhe and struggle frantically on the ground.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the nine-star perfect evil-eyed green snake in the Heavenly Venerate Realm, and obtaining a rank-level lottery card with 635 origin points! 】

No no no!

All is his experience baby!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the one-star consummate Evil Linglian python in the weather realm, and obtaining a waiting-level lottery card, 1,115 origin points! 】

Towards the remaining evil spirits in the jungle swept away.

Only the last 10% is enough to be in complete control.

What does this mean?

All of them exploded on these evil bodies.

Di Junlin held the magic sword Alyphis and entered the state of three-stage slash in the blood prison.

He swung several purple-black sword lights at the king-level Evil Linglian Python!

"This human!!!"

The originally dull sword body suddenly lit up with a purple-black light.

Di Junlin discovered that this demonic soul could actually provide him with power blessings!

The sound of head bursting sounded several times.

"I'm still suitable for the wild!"

The rupturing force that was supposed to act on the ground was under Di Junlin's control.

(Big guys, beg for some free gifts!)

In just one second, hundreds of blood-colored sword lights shrouded the nightmare-level evil spirits of the Heavenly Venerate Realm who were madly fleeing in the other direction.

"Blood Prison Extreme Swordsmanship!"

The shattering force filled all the evil spirits hit by the magic sword Alyphis.

"So dead?"

"But after all, it is the weather realm! The existence that controls the evil poison!"

But the Chaos Divine Body, which has recovered all its injuries, can support such a consumption!

The king-level Evil Linglian Python, who was resisting the erosion of the Ziyao Demonic Flame, was suddenly startled.

Slashed at the king-level evil ling lotus python!

The stump was flying, and the blood splattered.

The gray energy and the majestic blood energy in the body were quickly injected into the blade of the magic sword Alyphis.

Di Junlin's right hand clenched the magic sword Alyphis, and his left hand condensed a blood-colored long sword.

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