Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 175 What The Hell? Did You Shake The Family? (Picture)

"In the future, if I don't put a hundred smart watches in the storage space when I go out, I won't be named Emperor!"

Di Junlin felt a headache looking at the dark environment surrounded by a faint mist.

Even if he has the ancient double pupil, he can't tell the location of the human settlement.

There is not much difference in each environment.

There are old trees everywhere.

Different forms of evil spirits are sleeping in many areas.

"Master, I can sense the position of the nearest human city."

"It's just too far away from us."

Xue Li emerged from the breastplate space and said.

Hearing her voice, Di Junlin couldn't help holding Xue Li and kissed her little cheek a few times.

I almost forgot the "navigator girl" Xue Li.


"Hate!" Xue Li suddenly flushed.

Which big guy provided the picture~ Girl form

Unable to maintain the form of a girl anymore, she turned into a legal loli and drilled back into the breastplate space.

Just left a red cursor on Di Junlin's chest.

Get directions for Di Junlin.

"Master! Where am I!"

Alyphis brought her face to Di Junlin's mouth with a look of anticipation in her eyes.

"Cough cough..."

"Alyphis, get down to business!"

"We're not out of danger yet."

Di Junlin coughed lightly and touched his nose in embarrassment.

He closed his eyes silently, not daring to look at the snow-white color in front of him again.

I have a code, a magnanimous life!

(The crab mythical beast is staring at me, how can we mess around in the wild?)

"Humph!" Alyphis snorted coldly.

Silently drilled back into the sword spirit space, the magic sword frantically swayed the terrifying sword energy in the air.

Break the surrounding trees.


"finally come?"

Di Junlin's expression changed slightly, and he could feel several powerful breaths rapidly approaching him.

It just didn't wait for him to get excited.

His complexion suddenly changed.


"The Nine Stars of the Weather Realm are complete?"

"Nightmare level???"

"Wait? There are also four early days of the Nine Stars of the Weather Realm? All of them are nightmares?"

As those breaths approached, Di Junlin finally sensed their true state.

"This dead bear! Called a family?"


"Demon Wings!"

Di Junlin compared his current strength.

Although it is much stronger than when he killed the five-star Exu in the weather realm.

But one of the nine stars of the weather stage is complete, and the four heads of the nine stars of the weather stage are evil in the initial realm.

How can this be eaten?

He decisively chose to be strategic.

A pair of black wings with strong demonic energy spread out behind Di Junlin.

With a heavy step on his feet, the force of gravity acts on himself.

Minimizing the gravity of his body to the lightest, the Devil's Wings suddenly turned into a black streamer in the direction pointed by Xue Li.


A pair of black bear paws carrying terrifying power crashed down.

Punch a deep hole where Di Junlin was just now, and the sound of cracking trees and cracking ground crackles.

Thick smoke and dust covered the surroundings, and a huge palm print deeply embedded in the ground appeared on the spot.

A cold evil flame rose in the center of that palm print.

Devouring the vitality of a small half of the jungle.


"No! He can't run!"

Several gigantic Xie Yan brown bears fell from the sky.

They could feel the existence marked by the evil sage to kill the seal, moving quickly in this jungle.

There was no hesitation.

Several large Xieyan brown bears took their sturdy bear legs, took a few steps and jumped.

Rush into the sky with this elastic force.

Under the shroud of a black evil flame, the huge evil body gradually transformed into a humanoid body.

Their speed suddenly increased sharply.

He chased after Di Junlin's escape.

The speed was even a few points faster than Di Junlin.

"Yan Hei!"

"Don't worry about us, catch up with that human!"

"Avenge your stupid brother!"

One of them, a middle-aged woman transformed from a female Evil Yan brown bear, turned towards the side with a grudge, said the black-faced youth transformed from a nightmare-level Evil Yan brown bear.

"it is good!"

Yan Hei nodded silently.

Although he has no feelings for his stupid brother.

But he is his younger brother after all, and he grew up with him since childhood.

To die is to die in my hands!

How can they die in the hands of human ants who are "toys"?

His whole body was covered with a mass of ghostly evil flames, and his speed increased sharply again.

A faint blue light streaks through the air!

In just a few seconds, I saw the black streamer that Di Junlin transformed into.

"Heavenly Venerable Realm?"

"Stupid brother, actually died in the hands of a human being in the Heavenly Venerate realm?"

"What a waste!"

Yan Hei sensed Di Junlin's breath, and a look of disdain appeared on his face.

A dark blue evil flame condensed in his hand, and the speed was a little faster again.

Followed closely behind Di Junlin, the distance between the two was shrinking rapidly.

"Evil cold bone flame!"


The dark blue evil flame in Yan Hei's hands condensed into a fireball.

A powerful force erupted above his arm.

This dark blue fireball was thrown with all its strength.

Di Junlin's body has long been locked by Yan Hei's evil spirit!

He can't escape!

"A bear?"

"It's faster than me?"

Di Junlin felt a strong threat from behind.

Immediately activate the blood prison block barrier and anti-injury stab armor!

The demon wings behind him frantically instigated, and the force of gravity reduced his weight again.

The energy in the body is draining wildly.

Increase the speed to the limit as much as possible.

At the same time, the flight altitude was lowered and rushed into the woods.

Towards a sturdy ancient tree to greet it!

At the moment of impending collision, he turned his direction and flashed past this giant tree.


But the faint blue flame that just appeared behind him couldn't react so quickly.

It collided with the ancient tree, and it exploded with a scorching, cold evil flame.

Burn the canopy of this ancient tree straight to ashes!

Di Junlin didn't slow down, his figure once again turned into a black light and shuttled through the jungle.

Like a black eagle, its movements are extremely agile.

And the direction of Di Junlin's flight hasn't changed.

He moved quickly in the direction pointed by Xue Li.

It's just that this jungle shrouded in evil seems to have no boundaries.

flew tens of thousands of meters.

There was no sign of flying out of the jungle.

Even all environments are identical.

If Xue Li had not been guiding him all the time, Di Junlin felt that he would have lost his way.


"Is it useful to enter the jungle?"

"The Evil Spirit Killing Imprint on you is like a beacon!"

"You can't escape!"

Yan Hei's thunderous voice resounded throughout the jungle.

The voice was getting closer and closer to Di Junlin.

Just like what he said.

Di Junlin no matter how you change direction, speed up!

Have been unable to get rid of Yan Hei's lock.


With the constant change of location, many evil spirits in the weather realm sensed Di Junlin's breath.

Awaken from a slumber.

It was also running towards where Di Junlin was.

"what is that?"


(PS: Big guys!! You are all here, am I going to get cold again??)

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